
Halofags, what's the best game in the franchise in your opinion?

My vote has to go the first, since it was revolutionary when it came out in the Xbox, almost 15 years ago, was one of the first games I ever played, and it introduced us to the Master Chief. Who's a pretty cool guy, and doesn't afraid of anything.

Runner ups are Halo 2, and ODST.

Halo2. Probably the best MP maps of any game

ODST > 2 > 3 > 1
throw the rest into the bin

Halo 2. Still play the multi regularly

Halo 2 > Halo 3 > ODST > Reach > CE: Anniversary > CE > MCC > Wars > Halo 5 > Halo 4


ODST is overrated shit

ODST is the best. I also love 1, 2, and 3.

Reach has incredible armor designs, creature designs, art direction, score, sound design, and Invasion was pretty dope, but it failed on too many levels to be ranked with the other games in my eye.

Halo 4 is a fucking abomination. Halo 5 is the fucked up stepchild of that abomination that tried to do something good with it's life (weapon balance, free updates, forge), but was still a complete fuckup regardless.

1,3,5 in no order.

2>1>3>>>> trash>>>> Reach>>>>Odst

haven't played the new ones

fucking delete this post you retard

Reach is better than ODST by virtue of not being half a game at a full game's price

I played Combat Evolved so much that the Jackal's shields are permanently white whenever I play the game.

why should I?

ODST was an abortion which clearly was actually aborted before it was done

reach at least had some glimpses of halo.

>terrible campaign
>butchered multiplayer
>firefight inferior to ODST
>silky smooth 15 fps
at least ODSTs other half isnt full of shit, stop defending this stupid abomination you fucking retard

I've heard about this. What causes it?

ODST… abortion?
You're wrong.

3 > CE > 2 > 4 > 5 > Reach

CE = 2 = 3 > 5 > Reach > 4

3 > CE > 2 > 5 > 4 > Reach


3>1>2>shit>Reach>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>5 is the first halo game I didn't get excited for. Pretty hard to do after being let down by 4 so much. May try it out someday for the campaign.

why is it that no one can list actual, factual points against Reach? Every list I've ever seen is full of subjective nonsense

The campaign isn't anything get excited about either. There are some good parts, but it's all mostly a set up for Halo 6. 5 is one of those games you play just so you don't feel like you wasted money.

Not him but why when Reach's issues are thrown out in the open Reachfags can't defend their game, spew insults, and run when their tails are in between their legs?

>Pointless hub where you essentially ignored everything as much as you could not to have to waste ammo
>In more than half the missions including the last one you are paired with immortal NPCs
>Because of the health system they pussied out with the difficulty not only they made the game easy but they always designed the maps in a way you always have multiples i wont get hit no matter what spots, no level required you figure out the layout and charge forward while facing hordes and hordes of dudes like halo 1 and 2 especially

halo 2. and wow there are a lot of halo games, i havent played them since 3

ODST hands down the best halo, followed by reach then 3, 2 and 1 kinda just linger at the bottom in my opinion, granted I didnt play much multiplayer until reach

actually his 15 fps point is more than enough
the whole game felt so disguisting i had to force myself through the campaign, same shit with the MP, i played a few matches and never touched it again

I don't care, at all. ODST is amazing. The city, the atmosphere, the music, mystery. It's wonderful.

ODST was the start of Bungie's fall from grace, Reach was the second abomination to come from them. Not even going to talk about Destiny. After ODST and Reach I knew not to purchase Bungie's next game.


fucking faggots

I don't remember much about the game because i rushed it through but i remember that i couldn't care less about the cast, the game felt completely disconnected not only from the plot but each level didn't really had much to do, it wasn't like the halo 1-3 where you kept going

The levels were rocky, they designed essentially corridors with nothing or almost noting in between arenas, the design in previous game was way better and more complete. The last level was fun at leas

it was also painfully slow

It feels like they cut development time and the game got rushed out and everything it did was done way better in previous games

Halo 2A>everything else
HaloCE=Halo5>Halo2A>everything else

The thing that baffles me the most is that they didn't make the game starting from before the invasion and ending in a mission where you help chieft take down the scarab and maybe the aftermath

Why the fuck did they had to come up with that alien thing shit you never see in any of the other games

Like why


>Buy an Xbone since I never got a 360 but had OG xbox
>Halo was a shit ton of fun
>It aged like milk and MCC was a complete and utter shit show
>End up returning it along with Xbone

Glad I skipped the 360 what a piece of shit.

I love reach.

Why does every say odst was the best? Personally i had more fun playing reach than any of the others.

T. Contrarion faggot

I like it because of the atmosphere. It's like to Halo what Vice City was to GTA III.

I personally think it was the best because of the open world city with random patrols and a dark atmosphere thats unique to the halo games, with a cast that seemed more human and realistic then chief did. Also the fact its in the halo 3 engine probably helped.

Why people are so happy with ODST? I think is the worst designed (bungie ones of course)

>Complains about games aging so they're bad
>Glad he skipped that gen when each game was at their prime and fun back then




Is there more people playing Halo 2 Project Cartographer or Eldewrito's Halo Online?

CE > 2 > ODST > Reach > 3 = 4 > 5

>Competitive Multiplayer
2 > 3 = 5 > CE > Reach > 4

>Social Multiplayer
Reach > 3 > 2 = 5 > CE > 4

2 > CE > 4 > 3 > Reach = 5

CE has aged, but it still gets enough right to be worthy of at least being considered the best, especially on the campaign front.
2 probably would be the undisputed greatest Halo game if it was finished. Unfortunately it's not finished, but what is there is still top notch.
3 is the most overrated game in the franchise. Period. Not the worst, but the most overrated. Likewise, Halo 3 babbies are the cancer of the fanbase, at least until 343 apologists start to outnumber them.
Reach and ODST work when played in certain lights. They excell and fail in different areas. Some of the more casual fans may find them lackluster.
4s campaign gets a bad rap. It's harmless and does enough right to be worth a playthrough if you've made it this far. Everything else in 4 is a travesty outside of its maps, which are well designed but unfortunately rendered useless by the Infinity gametypes which destroy the concept of map control.
The guardianbowl has an absolutely horrendous campaign, to the point where I can't even reccomended it unless you plan on getting invested in the multiplayer, which admittedly is the best the series has had in years.


2 = 3 > 1 > Reach = ODST > 5 > 4

This is objectively 100% correct

IDK myself I always considered it and Reach garbage and treated both like they didn't exist.

>Halo 2 Project Cartographer

Tested project cartographer, cant make it work. Dunno if its my problem or there is no one playing

This user has it down.


Best campaigns in this order:1, 2, reach

Best Multiplayer this order: 3, Wars, Reach




Overall, the first three are easily better than any game that came after. While the multiplayer got SOO much better in 5, the new movement system still holds it back from true greatness. The campaign was a complete fuck up though.

3 = ODST > 2 > Reach > CE >>>>>>>> shit >>>>>> 343 games

All the Bungie games were fun in their own way though, and CE was redeemed though PC and mods.

I don't care much for order, but only the first 4 (and ODST because that's a subtitle of 3 are worth playing. 343 shit up the entire franchise.

Halo CE>2>ODST=5>Reach=3>4

you gotta separate out campaign/mm before you rate them imo.
for campaign
for multiplayer
*disclaimer: i dont have 5 or an x1 but i played a bit on a friends.


Halo 3 > Halo 2 > ODST > Halo 4 > Halo CE It would be higher but The Library. > Reach > Dogshit > Halo 5

Halo 2 > Halo CE > Halo 3 > Reach > Halo 5 > Halo 4

Overall Halo 2 is the best.

>the new movement system still holds it back from true greatness
Its fun, plus I don't think that having movement from 3 would work well anymore

bonus: forge

>Reach above 5
>Reach above anything but 4
shit taste

Bitch please, The Library? Really?

i fully admit my mp rankings may be skewed by the friends I played with.

its a repetitive as fuck and overly long level. I have yet to meet anybody who thinks it was legitimately fun.

Completely fair.

3babbies, leave

I think its fun but I've played so much fucking Halo CE I could probably beat it blindfolded

what platform you playing on?


There's no sizeable gap between any of them, so the list is pretty close.

So glad Halo ended after Reach. Any more would've been overkill. Microsoft probably would've cobbled together some shit team to keep pumping them out. Good thing they didn't and now they're completely dominating the console market.

What a world we live in.

>all these 3babbies

3's campaign was utter shit, what the fuck

Can we just admit that story wise, Halo 2 is the best and Halo 3 is the worst of the trilogy?
They completely ruined the Prophet of Truth in 3

Well, you found one. What's not to love about turning on the Bandanna Skull, and mowing down wave after wave of flood in a nigh constant onslaught?

The mission would have been great if it wasn't so same-y throughout the entire thing.

It might not be as palatable to a modern audience, but I still think the classic movement would still make for a better game.

>CE = 2 = 3 > 5 > Reach > 4
>putting CE that close to the top for MP

we get it pham, you trying too hard to look like an old fag. do you not get any validation in real life so you gotta post that stupid shit on the internet to git sum?

Alright, you have a point there.

I liked 1-3, Odst and Reach.

Am I reading into your sarcasm too much here because your list is fucking backward.

>3 at the top
Holy fuck, 3 should be above 4, not at the top

Master chief collection being finally fixed is truly xboxs greatest gift

Why is 2 at the end of your list? Are you dyscalculic or something?

So how would you guys have fixed Halo 5's story?
Personally, Halo 6 has to nail the story. that was the thing that a lot of people loved about Halo, it had a well done story. If they don't I won't buy it


2 has the best campaign
3 has the best multiplayer

The rest of them are either mediocre or garbage.

3 deserves being at the top, above all except maybe 2 or Reach.

>How would you have fixed Halo 5?

By making it a stand-alone game, all it is is a set up for 6.

I wouldn't have included any of the EU either. Unless you've read half the books, and watched the short films, you have no clue who the fuck anybody is.

3 had a shit story.

Give Blue Team the actual character they had from the books and not more fucking quipsters. I mean JESUS- did fucking Joss Whedon write that game?

Don't involve the arbiter and ruin him even more. Or if you have to have him there, have him tell the newbie spartans to go fuck themselves as he helps Chief escape.

Have ONI actually be corrupt and have EGGHEADS get her brain blown out as Chief goes through a full-on assault through the facility.

Have that pink ball be in more of the game. I liked it.

>inb4 muh scarabs

>So how would you guys have fixed Halo 5's story?
rewrite it because literally nothing mattered in the game
everything would have turned out the same if chief and his crew didn't even go after cortana
also make it actually tan gently related to Hunt the Truth because that was hype as fuck

huh? The story itself was so bad. Especially Prophet of Truth

Fuck off Reachfag, go suck Bungie's cock with Destiny bitch.

Halo 3 is literally perfect, I will never have so much fun online like I had with 3.

4 was awful. Didnt play 5's

Fite me

I know, the trailers made it seem like the MC was a war criminal or some other interesting shit, with Locke being the relentless bounty hunter.

Go play ODST & Reach bitch, since your not a Halo fan.

Drop Locke and Osiris.

I don't know how you came to that conclusion

Knock that "you're not a fan" shit off, we're all here 'cause we're fans of Halo.

I'm agreeing with you. Usually 3babbies like to say having one level with two scarabs (which are complete nonissues thanks to the game giving you hornets) excuses 3's shitty campaign

Every Halo is better than Reach faggot.

Looks like this nerd can't deal with armor abilities