Press q to win: the game

>press q to win: the game

>Your team allowing the enemy reaper to get a full team ult

I came here to laugh at you, but I have no image.

Improve your skill

get styled on

>press q to win: the game
>Justice rains from abv-augh!

>Not hooking the reaper and filling his empty skull with scrap

Its time to receive the entire pig

I am sorry you are so bad that you can literally not avoid or stop a person's ultimate.

>implying reaper is the only meme-hero who you can press q to win

>playing Reindhardt
>Reaper teleports behind us on the CP
>'DIE, DIE-'
>swing my hammer once and he dies

Explosive Ults are fucking cancer tho, especially Cuckrat and D.Va

Junkrat's ult is fine, as you hear it coming and can destroy it.

I don't think anyone dies to D.Va's ult unless they're really unlucky or the enemy team really coordinated.

>get potg with reinhardt
>other team bitches
>"Nice holding left click there."
>ignoring that I killed 3 of them with my ult, E and charge.
>got my achievement for the kills

>reinhardt gets potg
>potg shows him holding down lmb and turning around with max sensitivity

Junkrat's tire needs like 25-50 more health. Even with taking less direct approaches to groups a Mercy can fart on it and it kills the tire.

It's not meant to be something you just run up straight to the enemy team. That's why it has natural wall climbing.

It's perfectly fine.

That might be the case if it wasn't RNG garbage that didn't work over half of the time.

>mfw 9/10 times i either hook an ulting Reaper or boop them away as Lucio
Theres that odd time though where decent people combo his ult with another one and i can't do shit about it.

>tfw your mercy keeps killing herself trying to heal people on the front line

Please. Please just live. Let those idiots come to you for heals and stick by the tank and medium range dps.

See you in pros :^)

>tfw I have a lot of awareness. See a reaper coming, throw my e right as he ults as pharah.

>reaper gets a 4 person ultimate
>laugh as he rages when i get play of the game by smacking people around as reindhartd

so many junk rats are so potg hungry there overly greedy and fuck themselves over.

Ya his ult is to strong. As someone who mains him, i think he should probably be re balanced. Him and Mercy are pretty much in the same boat, both of their ults need decent nerf's and have that power re-directed to their kits. Even in competitive these two have turned into cancer especially reaper. People just tech reaper for ult, they don't even use him to flank, or play him as a risky back line killer. He's a run,gun, and fun high risk/reward hero, not a camp and wait for ult hero.

Man I'm so tempted to get this game but I don't want to part with my jewgold

don't unless you got at least 2 friends to play with because this game is hell if more than half of your team is randoms

Instead of play of the games they should instead have a short highlight reel of notable moments that happened the entire match, that way you don't see just one play that can end up lame.

Why don't you just DIE DIE DIE?

oh fuck no
if anything it needs LESS health
that thing ghosts a full fucking crew in half a second

His ult should not hit above him.

Most powerful ults are predictable as fuck since characters tend to fucking scream to the four winds they're going to attack a bunch of seconds before actually attacking.
You know you can just get the fuck out when you hear FIRE IN DA HOLE or It's hiiiigh noon.

>Reaper teleports behind us on the CP

Sounds like a shit Reaper

>on defense
>see player on team named Genji
>no, please do-
>he picked Genji
>he sucks
>he never changes

was that on eu servers? because i once played against two fellas one named genji who played genji and one named reindhartd who played reindhartd needless to say they both sucked

>Press Q to offer your team a momentary potential advantage

I dont care about PotG until Blizz gets that shit fixed. What I care about is that as soon as the tire is even in the smallest line of site it is just destroyed with 1 hit from anyone. It makes the whole thing seem wasted. At least if a Pharah or Reaper gets killed mid ult they have still probably killed at least 1-3 people.

It doesn't need more health, you just need to get good. The explosion range on it is much larger than you think. If a Mercy starts shooting it, blow it early instead of trying to get it right next to her, and you'll probably still take her out.

It was indeed, and it's not the first time i've met him.
What a piece of shit.

If you can't avoid a loud revving tire then you are probably the type of player who gets killed by Hanzo or Genji screaming their ult.

>defense Hollywood
>enemy team is at the last point
>2 cunts are yelling at me that I'm a shit McCree (I am, I can't aim for shit)
>switch back to Junkrat
>Quad kill

I'm tired of playing Junkrat on def. I just want to explore other options.

Same with me as Widowmaker last night. I'm rank 9 and still finding my feet mostly playing Bastion, Zenyatta and Reindhardt but I thought I'd give sniping a go.
Two level 30+s called me out on being shit (which I was, and admitted) but not my fault I'm practicing on the same server as those prats

I kinda know this exact feel.

I love Junkrat but theres a bunch of other characters I'd like to try out more (Mei, Symmetra, Zenyatta, Winston), but someone either fills up those roles, or we the composition REQUIRES him.

And then of course when I DO play someone else on defense, someone plays Junkrat and they're awful at it. Which makes me feel guilty.

>be me playing Hanzo
>doing really well on him
>play with same group of people for like 12 games
>win everyone
>defense on Numbani
>do poorly and lose
>"OMG worst Hanzo ever."
>next game
>don't play Hanzo since you clearly can't
>motherfucker you didn't have any issue with me as Hanzo the last ten fucking games we played
>pick Hanzo
>he leaves

>Standing shoulder to shoulder with your teammates when there's any kind of AOE hero nearby

>play a great shieldboy
>want to play winston because i love apeing around even though i'm terrible at it
>people complain and have to switch back to shieldboy
its not fair why do you faggots get to pick genji on defense but i can't have fun with a monkey

>I'm hanzo
>dva throws her ult at us
>start running away immediately
>slow as fuck
>always die no matter what because of the huge blast radius

Alright, where is it? I'll shoot that tire as soon as it OH FUCK THERE IT IS! *BOOM*

>I've got you in my sights/It's High Noon/Nerf this!
I'll just hide behind this wall until it's over.
Okay, that must have been long enough.
>You will respawn in 5 seconds
One toe was sticking out

You definitely can stop/avoid any of these, but at the very least they're going to cause a large distraction and probably clear the objective.

Compared to
>Justice rains from above!
Oh, Pharah's using her ult. Where is she? Ah, there's a rocket contrail, now to just slowly line up the headshot... There. She's down and no one on my team took more than half damage.

I was playing Symmetra on defense and holy hell she's fun. When you can anticipate when the enemy is going to move and your turrets kill them, it's very satisfying.

On Hanamura defense, at the last point, I just covered the mid hallway with turrets and the enemy team dared not to move in their. It's hilarious.

Winston is fun as hell in Lijuang. Literally he's made for clearing the field.

I've got another one
>attack on Anubis
>two people pick widowmaker
>one picks Hanzo
>i say we don't need two fucking widowmakers
>they get super upset because they're friends
>"he wants to play widow okay just let him"
>okay then you pick someone else
>they both suck

Just play whoever the hell you want. Quick play is meaningless. When competitive comes out and you're playing that, yeah, worry about team comp, but until then go wild.

yea me and my friends go triple winston on koth maps we call it Ape Escape

>Two of the least useful ults in the game
Good for area denial, but not as good as the kits of those two heroes.

>not going Widowmaker/Hanzo also and totally pissing the other team off

dont feel bad . git gud with other toons mang . its what i did at lower levels .

>Unlock pic related as my first Legendary
>Try playing McCree
>Miss with flashbang
>Miss with fan the hammer
>Miss headshot
He's the only character that I'm complete, unmitigated garbage on. I suck with a lot of other characters, but I'm not the unquestionable worst member of the team unless I pick McCree.

I played with triple winstons on Attack King's Row. Was that you? All I did was Lucio and AOE heal. We also stomped the enemy team.

pick him as a second tank and just always go after their flankers , healers and back line . prepare to live on health packs and timing jumps right and going grape ape to get out of pesky situations

Now that he can't one shot people with two of his three abilities, he's a piece of trash.

>pressing Q
>style at all

This is bait right?

Do people still play this game?

we haven't played in a couple of days now but if it was these past two weeks could very well be us

hanamura def = easy mode , one torb , bastion and symmetra = win

lol, that's actually what i did, we ended up having five snipers and no captures

thankfully they nerfed widow which scared most of the tryhards away

This was pre-nerf.

Winston's a great MT. Best defensive tank in the game if I may be so bold.

I don't blame you, I'm actually shit with him too. My aim isn't bad, he just feels incredibly clunky.

Ah, I've played a few all sniper rounds where the other team gave up after a couple of minutes. Not good on capture the point though.

>Winston as main tank

No. There is only on main tank, and its Reinhardt. The other tanks are all situational or off tanks. Luckily, you don't need a main tank to win.

Is there a better voice than Roadhog? Guy sounds terrifying
Zenyatta and Soldier 76 are a close second

Pharah is the exception to the rule.

i like japanese Reinhardt most

Switch to Torbjorn
throw down the turret somewhere where it can offer support to the frontline but still hit people coming in from behind like tracers or genjis, then just rivet someone's shit in. Don't camp the turret, it only does 54 DPS at level 2

>shoot reaper
>watch him wraith over
>fan the hammer
>he's still not dead
>kills me in one headshot
Well, it's high noon somewhere in the world

>my friends are all casuals
>the game prioritizes placing you with other groups of the same size
>lose even harder when i play with friends

only a few million, are you trying to be edgy or something

I think Pharah's ult is the only thing that unquestionably needs to be changed in the game right now.

Don't listen to this guy, all Blizzard games are dead.

>its a zenyatta POTG

>it will never be you

Had it happen thrice.

Best was when I Q'd on Hollywood point A while an enemy Phara and a Genji were using their ultimates at 5 of us.

>play a skill-based hero like Genji, Mei, McCree or Symmetra
>fucking tear shit up
>PotG is Bastion sentry holding down LMB

>play mei
>tear shit up everywhere
>no fire ever
thanks blizz. it's not like i ulted four people and killed six before going down once only to have a hanzo ult badly once and get potg

>play really well, pretty much carried the game towards the end
>it's another "Hanzo presses Q and kills 4 of my full retard team" episode

I got his light and shadow intro and the Sunyatta skin but I never thought I'd get to see a potg.

Then I got two of them a week later. One for a double kill/assist followed by tranquility, and the other for killing 4 people from behind a good Reinhardt. I swear his main attack + orb of discord can take out almost anyone with one headshot.

>being bad at a game and complaining about easy to counter game mechanics

sure are a lot of shitters itt

>play a skill-based hero like Genji, Mei, McCree, Zarya or Symmetra
>tear shit up
>PotG is a Bastion sentry holding down LMB

It's funny because the ones that think the game is Press Q to win are the easiest retards to kill

You can click q too, you know.


>mercy POTG
>presses q
>dies instantly
>2 awkward seconds of her corpse falling down and her team getting mowed down

What's wrong with pharah's ult exactly?


>Attack on Numbani
>Playing my man Lucio
>Both teams doing pretty good, though my team gets pushed back
>We make it all the way to the final checkpoint before shit gets going
>Game goes into overtime
>Everyone's on the payload
>We're pushing, they're getting backed into a corner
>Ults everywhere
>We get 3 cards, I got MVP at 87%
>Their Mercy gets a card
>Their entire team votes for Mercy
>Salty 6

>Skill based

>what is

she dies in 2 seconds.
it immobilizes her for the duration
can't be cancelled early
its incredibly predictable
its super easy to avoid
is reflectable
fits into the sterotypical brown person blowing things up meme

>salt based
oh. it makes sense

>I swear his main attack + orb of discord can take out almost anyone with one headshot.
you need two.but I think one can be bodyshot

You've just got to be clever with it like McCree's ultimate and surprise the enemy team.
Or just do it on the ground.

Reapers are so fucking predictable now that the Roadhog shouldn't have been such a retard and waste a fucking hook on a Reinhardt

Why is it that getting killed by a Reaper makes me saltier than usual? Makes it worse if they have an edgy name.

I've recently started using Mcree.
He's actually extremely fun if you can land those head shots.
Fan is absolute garbage most of the time, very good at killing very low healthy enemies tho.
He excels at mid range, but getting in close to use your flash is always a gamble since if there is more than 1 player you're probably fucked.