So what exactly happened to the flash sales, and the daily deals?

So what exactly happened to the flash sales, and the daily deals?

Valve stopped liking money.

Who the fuck like flash sales apart from children who have too much time on their hands?

Refunds happened

>This is what people that only play csgo/tf2/dota actually believe.

You keep trying to get those hats/knives/skins. I'll be over here playing video games.

If people bought a game and then it came up during a flash sale later, there would be tons of mass refunds in order to re-purchase the game at a cheaper price.

Flash sales used to be the most exciting part for me a couple years back ago.
Remembering the thrill and ecstasy, when I noticed that Skyrim Legendary edition was dirt cheap, but only for a couple of more hours. I literally couldnt throw money at the screen quick enough

It's a sale, not some kind of entertainment event.

It can be two things.

Yes but they have always been fine with that. Hell, that was even one of the sellings points when they rolled out Steam Refunds.

So valve doesn't have to put an extra discount on a game already on sale.

Yes, but you are underestimating how cheap and lazy Valve are.

They simply did not want to process the fuckload of refund requests that would happen because of missed flash sales so they got rid of the flash sales.

I prefer a standard sale to something that fucks people who don't wait til the last day to buy the stuff they want. I also prefer not missing the best deals because I was sleeping or at work.

Flash sales only reward lucky people and those who spend 16 hours a day at their desks monitoring the store page. I'll never understand why people defend flash sales.

>This is what people with a fucking life actually believe.
I'm sorry not everyone can afford to be a neet loser.

I don't think that it's not that they don't want to, I think it's more that the influx of refunds by dumbasses with no self control would break the servers during a time when their servers already go down daily.

It's not only that, but games that would have been to obscure to haven been on the front page in the first place aren't nearly as discounted as they should be. It's like all developers are now afraid their games aren't good and people will automatically refund them. I don't get their concerns... maybe for casualfests, sure, but... fuck.

Nigga you had to check it three fucking times a day since there weren't that many flash sales. I mean sure it might be shitty depending on your timezone but usually you should be able to check that shit once every 8 hours even if you're sleeping or working.

>They simply did not want to process the fuckload of refund requests
>Automated process
Flash sales were shit. Just accept it.

Refunds are not automated.

The only one that was shit for me was that one that went from like 3-9 AM GMT. But then again, if it's the weekend I can afford to stay up til 3 AM, and if I have work I'll get up way before 9 AM. It takes like 2 minutes to check the sales and it's even easier if you had the steam app on your phone cause you didn't have to be home, you just had to check your phone for a minute. And if by some reason I missed some deal they repeated them so much that it was almost impossible to actually miss a sale on a game you wanted.

There's just literally no excuse.

Nigga just check the fucking sales on your phone every once in a while. You make it sound like remembering to do something twice a day is hard.

People who liked the actual sales. What's with you retards that don't understand that the sales we are getting now are equal to the general non-flash/daily deals that people would call you retarded for buying

I've always wondered how much did refunds impact impulse sales from dailies+flash+encore prices.

People whined that they were missing sales they wanted. So instead of making everything the max sale they instead just left everything as a shitty sale. That's why games that were 75-90% a sale or two before are only 50% off now and will never go that high again.

They got rid of coal because of greedy Russians and they got rid of games because no one liked them and just used scripts.

So now Valve puts no effort into its sales. Its literally just any old day now since there is absolutely no reason to care.

Steam sales were used to get games you would only pay 5usd for but greedy publishers would never drop the price. Then sales were used to drum up interest in little known games and get people to buy games they normally wouldn't with the achievement hunts. I was 50/50 on audio surf until its achievement hunt came up and now I love the game.

There is litteraly no reason to care at this point because everyone that has been through an older sale has everything they want and Valve wont do anything interesting with them.

Those coal holliday sales were the absolute best, what was that? 2012?

Not at all really according to that one guy who collects the data. It was pretty even with no sale refunds. Bad games are bad and people want refunds despite how cheep the game was.

Yup winter 2012. I remember playing a game called like spiral knights for the achievement hunt. I had more fun with it than I thought I would. Never would have played it otherwise.

Remember that one time they put on the wrong Meat Boy achievement and it was fucking impossible to get it but thousand of people busted out SAM and somehow everyone suddenly had one of the hardest achievements in the game? Good times.

Valve is in decline. Not economically, mind you, but in more of a moral sense. They're so disconnected with their consumer they've stopped offering their effort and small services to their customers because they're at a strength where the power of the phrase "why bother" has beaten out the desire to keep their fan base as optimally happy as possible.

Just look at Gabe, he used to be gaben, but now he's old and twisted, a shadow of his young and energetic self. This summer sale marks the definitive end of the valve we used to know and even love to a certain sense.

Refunds killed it even though they could just create a system to credit people who purchased it recently.

To add to that publishers aren't willing to have their game 90% off for 2 weeks. They are for 2 days and 8 hours for retards to go "OH SHIT LOOK AT DEM SAVINGS SENPAI"

>coal event
It was an expensive advertisement campaign. As much as I loved it and abused, it's not that hard to understand it's simply not worth Valve's money to do anymore.

>f2p items
Nobody gave a fuck about the items that were given so it wasn't even worth to advertise. Which is a bummer, I was looking forward to more PoE items.

>shit games
This one I don't understand why they didn't bring back. It was free money from retards buying off market.

Ok then why cant they still have achievement hunts? Why cant they have minigames?

flash sales:
>disadvantaged the developers
Over 10,000 games go up for each major sale right now. Flash sales were essentially a lottery for devs that granted them visibility and guaranteed sales. Posts, editorials and open letters from embittered devs were popping up everywhere about how they felt they were getting cheated out of their shot at success because they didn't get their shot at the limelight. That's why sales now mainly seek to incentivize use of the discovery queue.

>disadvantaged the consumers
Missing sales and then just having to sit there hoping it came back on the best-of day, community votes going awry, to say nothing of those whose favored niches were never catered to at all by those sales, all led to consumer backlash and complaints about the system

>disadvantaged valve
as many have said, with the new refund policies in place they'd be looking at a huge influx of refund tickets with each new sale going up at a time when the support system is already under unusually high load.

>angry devs
>angry consumers
>even more strain on their system

Oh don't like this year's Summer sales? Well suck a dick faggots, where else are you going to go? Origin? GoG? You'll take what I give you and like it you stupid little shits.

Refunds basically killed both

Just because you are the only one peddling a product does not mean I will buy your product. You are not entitled to my money just because you do something.

refund happened

i miss the excitment of the old sales, even ones with some dumb clicker minigame make me more hyped to buy shit

all ive done this sale is pick up new dlcs and addons for games im already playing

The thing that bothers me is that there is no timer for the next highlighted deals

>he's replying to the autismopost as if he were reallly talking to steam!

I can only guess they are anti consumer and people complained that they bought a game and then later said game was on sale for even cheaper during the sale

I can only guess about achievements, but probably due to people already having a shitload of games now? Which would mean the achievement game to get people to buy the game they already own.

I already said it. This I don't understand.

>make good game
>get placed on a daily/flash

>make shit game
>don't get placed anywhere on the homepage

Why not do away with the refunds? They've only caused problems.

>now I can cash in people's autism for cards every day for free
This sale was awesome

Name one problem. The only people who are upset are early access scammers.

I refuse to give valve a phone number to sell on to more marketing companies, so I can't do this. Even the fucking sale cards that expire in a week have the mandatory 15-day holding period.

I'm just going to turn them all into gems I guess.

>those filthy goyims refunding my game.
>get rid of refunds literally stealing food from my mouth

>not having a throwaway number and using desktop auth

you sound paranoid

plus steam's had my phone number for years and yet I've never had a single spam call or marketing nonsense happen to me

I don't get why I should have to jump through all these hoops because children are completely incapable of paying attention to the gazillion warnings thrown in their face and get all their CS:GO items stolen by fucking russians.

I don't doubt for a second that I am paranoid, but it's not a matter of marketing response. By tying a mobile number to your steam account, you're basically tying information about what you like (IE your steam game library and wishlists) to your phone number, that information can then be sold on to marketing companies for the purposes of delivering targeted advertisements.

Other internet companies that ask for your mobile number are doing the same thing, harvesting all the information you have on whatever account you have and selling it onto those marketing companies. The end result is just about every piece of information about an individual becomes obtainable just by having their phone number. The old adage is that "If you've nothing to hide, then you've nothing to fear" but really you shouldn't have to give up every semblence of privacy just to use a fucking Digital Delivery Games Service.

I actually got sidetracked at the end of this and forgot that I was supposed to be talking about the market, which is a supplimental service. I guess you could say that the barrier to entry there is to give up your mobile number, which kind of makes sense except you don't actually make real money from the steam market, you make the equivalent of a non-expiring gift voucher thats only redeemable on steam. Sure, maybe if I could actually make redeemable money (legally) from the steam market, I could see their asking for a phone number as reasonable, but as it stands It's just not worth it, and especially not for jewing $2 at most out of free holiday trading cards every sale.

Anyway I'm done ranting about this, back to your regularly scheduled shitposting on Sup Forums.

they encourged people to wait, even when games were on normal sale. when you have multiple tiers to your sales, psychologically people treat everything but the absolute highest tier as if it werent on sale to begin with. its like a power creep kinda thing, the flash sales were seen as the 'true' deals.

also yeah, refunds.

Why is this shit popping up? I thought the game got removed from steam.

I guess it's a regional thing? I also see it but if I click it I just get redirected back to the front (UK by the way).

If that's happening for everyone then valve really needs to get their page generation system checked out because it's outputting links for games that aren't available.