Which game are you more hyped for, Sup Forums?

Which game are you more hyped for, Sup Forums?

both look like shit



FF7 Remake is just going to be another corridor running simulator.

An HD remake from modern square of a game everybody played or possibly the best zelda game of all time?

A fucked up remake or a new interesting Zelda. You know which one.


Both are equally uninteresting

underage please leave

FF7 no contest, Zelda looks like shit.


Zelda's at least coming out within the next year so Zelda

Zelda of course. It's going to be incredible

We've actually seen more than 5 seconds of gameplay from Zelda so that.

weeb pls go

>An interesting game or a shitlooking popfest?
I dunno OP

your underage is showing

Well since you can't change the gameplay of a game that isn't out yet Zelda is the winner


The one that isn't episodic.

Persona 5

Zelda. I won't buy FF7 until every episode has been released.

I've never understood the appeal of an FF7 remake. Everyone seems to be saying they were waiting for this for years.

It will never have the charm of the original. It already looks like they have bypassed the original vibrant and memorable designs for these cgi pseudo realistic ones.

The ps1 game had this strange but comfy atmosphere that this one will never have.

Zelda. Easily.

And here comes the weeb.


I would have been excited for FF7 if they didn't butcher the battle system.
Turn based JRPG's are the best JRPG's. I don't want the shitty combat system they're giving FF7 remake.

Episodic cash-in from new square or Skyrim with gameplay. Gee I wonder.

FF7 is my GOAT
but Zelda, easily.

Neither really

When has an episodic game EVER been good?

Never had any interest in Final Fantasy before, and BotW looks like a bunch of new stuff for a Zelda game, but a bunch of stuff that's already been done before in other games.

I'm more hyped for Ni No Two-ni.

I absolutely love FF7. And I am indeed excited for FF7Re. But it's still a lukewarm excitement at best. And I have to admit that I am far, far more excited for Zelda.

1. FF7Re is episodic. When Zelda comes I know I'll be getting a full game.
2. They made FF7Re an action game which is not what I am looking for in my FFs. But I am sure it can still be fun unless they fuck it up.
3. I would indeed love to play the game in a world rebuilt for 3D and modern technology. But it's ultimately a game I've already played through more than once. While the new Zelda game is not a remake.

Actually for many of the same reasons I am more excited for FFXV than I am for FF7Re. But when it comes to FFXV I am a lot more worried than I am with Zelda. So Zelda is still the game I am the most excited about.


neither appeals to me.

Back in the old days when I was still a young man, Squeenix showed off a PS3 tech demo that recreated the opening cutscene for FF7 in stunning high quality 720p, and there really isn't anything more to it than that. People got a brief taste of what a modern day FF7 would be like and have been demanding it for a decade before they finally gave it.

Why are fuccbois so popular all of a sudden?


It actually isn't "episodic" that was a term coined by some retarded e celeb.

It will be in 3 separate full games.

Zelda has always been a fuccboi and cloud likes to dress as a girl to get fucked by fat gangsta overlords.

>It will be in 3 separate full games.
That's exactly it though. That's what I meant.
I guess I could have said "parts" or something. Cue point being though, I am not getting the full experience until the last part.

one is saving zelda
one is ruining final fantasy

gee i wonder

Zelda. Nintendo tends to make better games than Square.

I hate to break it to you, user, but Zelda is the princess, not the guy you play as.

We will actually get to play the new Zelda game. FF7Remake will get delayed and eventually cancelled. Game assets moved to another game which will also get delayed. SE are great lads.

I disagree.

Nah, Zelda is the guy, that's why it's called Legend of Zelda
Ganon is the princess

>FF hasn't been good in 16 years
>Zelda hasn't been good in 10 years, aside from ALBW

Neither, I'm afraid. I'll still play the FF VII remake to see how the localization is handled though.

Zelda looks like GOTYAYEY.
FF7 Remake looks like dog shit tbqhwy.

pretty sure this thread is just to show how many nintendrones there are here. anyway, i really don't want either. ff7 without the combat that made it great won't be fun.

>actually still interested in the ff7 remake after all that has been told

your overage is showing

FF XIII: LR has the best battle system of any JRPG I've played. I still love the old ATB, but they nailed fighting better than any other FF game in LR.

leave faggot

Cloud looks anorexic

Final Waifu VIIR to be honest.

I'm a fan of both series but I honestly want to see how they changed VII since the original was so campy at times whereas this one looks grimdark.

>FF XIII: LR has the best battle system of any JRPG I've played.

Still kinda scared about ff7 remake...Hope all the character are playable and I wanted turn based gameplay.

just until square enix fucks up tifa's design then I'll abandon ship and will be all about that zelda life.

Zelda as I played FF VII years ago and beat this so many times. Also I don't like the changes they are doing with this remake that it's going to be like FF XIII which I don't like very much, linear and without world map.

FFVII Remake
Square Enix will come up with a fuckton of pre-order DLC that is ALSO retailer-specific, meaning I'd have to spend several hundreds of dollars to do a complete playthrough of the FFVII remake. I don't think I can hate any video game company more than Square Enix.

I sometimes dream about BOtW and wake up with a raging erection. I have never been this hyped for anything ever.

>10 years

I meant 13.

You haven't played many JRPGs have you?

you first pajeet

I dunno it always felt like something wanted by a vocal minority, at least among my group of friends.

The one that doesn't like it came out on Gamecube.

I won't be buying VII Remake as they broke it into pieces its going to be a disaster. I just want Final Fantasy to be like before PS2 era just with modern mechanics is that so much to ask Square? I can't believe that today with all the technology and big budgets they can't make something like that while during PS1 era they could.


Never played FF games so I really couldn't care less.

That's okay, pal. When I was your age, I was enthralled by my first open world rpg, too!

Was LR your first relatively real time JRPG battle system? It's one of the weaker ones

The one that doesn't pander to gays and women.

zelda will be day one buy, i can wait for the remakes price to drop since FF7 isn't really new anyways

Lmao Sup Forums is literally the only place that prefers a shitty Zelda game to the FF7 remake

obviously ff7 whoever who said otherwise is totally retarded or underage, fuck you all

Zelda was never good. Only manchildren like it

Zelda of course. Those games are always at least entertaining and this one looks better than the last three zeldas.

I always wanted an FFV or VI remake like we got with III and IV so I'm still salty about that.

>underage or retarded

how did you come to that conclusion? We've already played ff7 (It was fucking shit btw) whereas zelda is new and promising

What is with some of you and this nintendo gaf thing? None of them would ever come here to post

well im sorry for you

only third worlders care about FF7 though

>Zelda is new and promising
Maybe for you nintencuck
It's a shitty generic skyrim copy

This is what I fear. I fear modern Square is just gonna shit it up and then say "This is what you asked for!"

I can't say i'm hyped for 7:remake because they are pulling that 'split the game into 3' bullshit, and i'm not doing a rolling release playthrough of a game I played over a decade ago.

as for zelda I don't own a nintendo and have no plans to in the future.

>new and promising
It's just Horizon with more colors.


nier automata, man's sky, we happy few

The new mainline metroid. Oh wait.


The last time Zelda was good was the SNES era.

Oh, look yet another Zelda game for an entirely new console that will probably last about two years before fading into obscurity like the previous two consoles.

Why the fuck are you people even considering buying an NX for this shit? Did you learn nothing from the Wii/Wii U?

FF7Remake or bust.

Horizon is also a new franchise, what the fuck? It was announced at the same time as horizon. What retarded ass justification is this?

You think breath of the wild plays similar to skyrim? I'm not the nintencuck, you're an "anti" fanboy. It's much worse

are you guys fucking forgotten the 2015 e3 remake anouncement ? the happiness and ilusion for the happening ? fucking god i watch it every week since then and im fucking over hyped for ff7 remake my god i cant wait to release

thanks for answering the question faggot

I always thought people were crazy for wanting remakes of FF VI or anything considering what a shitty company SE is. I'm even more perplexed now that people STILL want it after the butchery that FF VII's remake is clearly going to suffer.

>opening his gaping wallet three times to get full access to a butchered remake of a game he played 20 years ago
Squarecucks are worse than Nintendrones honestly.


We say "hater" in English. Are you from 2ch?

FF and LoZ are the two worst ongoing game series to date

Not him but those words are used interchangeably.

Zelda, I already played FF7.

I don't want a remake of VII tho. The original was already in 3D.

Have you played the remake of IV? It's pretty damn fun and V is the best FF.

Of course BD made that largely redundant for most people despite being a much much worse game.

You literally just defined the term episodic retard

"Anti fanboy" sounds bizarre.
"Anti" (アンチ) is used a lot on 2ch.

It isn't a full game if it's literally taking a game that exists and chopping it in thirds.

>I don't want a remake of VII tho. The original was already in 3D.

I never implied that you did, I'm calling you crazy for wanting an FF VI remake after seeing how much they're already shitting on FF VII.

The IV remake is alright, its best feature is the fact that it has the best English localization to date, but at the end of the day, I prefer the SFC hardtype version.