Games where I can cause environmental disasters?

Games where I can cause environmental disasters?


just buy a KFC franchise and dump all the cooking oil into the water supply

Sim City

From Dust. It's Ubishit and it's short but the physics and world moving are fun.

Mario and Sonic in the Rio Olympics

>From Dust. It's Ubishit and it's short
What's the point of 'explaining' very recent games that everyone already heard of and know what they are?

Seriously think of the consequences of that, holy shit.

it's the ocean, who cares?

I've never heard of it.


Sim City 4

Kill yourself retard

Tropico 4

man I love the idea of someone just being out there to pull shit stunts like this

Does this count?

>very recent
>it's not 2012 still you know

Anno 2070
Cause oil spills, acid rain, even tsunamis from using geothermal power

one KFC store isn't going to do a lot of damage at all. there's a lot of water

Can you read, user? He said franchise.

Yeah, that means one store, ding dong

that's one store


>i am 15
i already reported him. why isn't he banned?

From Dust... kinda.
That game looked so cool only to be the biggest let down ever.

I forget if Molyneux was involved or not, but it sure felt like he was.

Original Sim City. Tornadoes and earthquakes errday.


Mao Simulator 2016