Want Dishonored have offers
Anyone has it?
Want Dishonored have offers
Anyone has it?
Other urls found in this thread:
what is your offer
H: System Shock 2 key
W: Pretty much anything other than Bad Rats
Something around the same price of course
Nah, I'm pretty sure it's a Steam one
H: Cave Story + and other humble keys
W: Hyper Light Drifter (even tho I doubt anyone has that ;_;)
Anyone trading COD games?
Why not just buy it yourself then?
Anything else for CS+?
What do you offer?
I've got a spare Mass Effect Collection.
I would like Ys Origin.
Anyone interested?
what do you have hombre
Killer Is Dead Nightmare Edition(Steam gift, not humble bundle code)
Some other bundle game
Only YS?
Contraption maker
That's the only thing on my wishlist of comparable value.
I'll take offers though.
[H] Frozen Synapse Prime
[W] anything for a ~similar price
my dick?
post wishlist
Felgalla or YS 1?
I got a Gun Monkeys copy.
U interested?
Felgalla sounds good.
hit me up senpai
any game from here pastebin.com
I have Don't Starve Together, but have no idea what I want for it.
3$ usd?
or post wishlist
H: Gurumin steam key
W: Offers
[H] Mount and Blade warband
[W] Morrowwind or just anything really
Mainly expensive stuff i dont use it as much as i should but here you go
oh shit
anything else besides Morrowind? No point to trade when I can just buy M&B directly and save few bucks
loooking to get it cheaper than sale price
What have you got?
ehh.. pick up something from sale that not as expensive?
Resident Evil 4
Mass effect collection
Tomb Raider anniversary
Tropico 4 CE
Shitty cards
Ghostbusters collection (pic)
H: Fallout NV
W: Cavestory + ,Shovel Knight, Valkyria chronicles, or mgs rising
Resident Evil 4 steamgift?
I can do that if you offer them all
I have
WH40k DoW 2
WH40k DoW 2 Retribution +The Last Stand
GTA Can Andreas
Looking for:
The Crew
The Crew Wild Run edition.
Will trade all 3.
going to sleep, lmk if interested will add you tomorrow may be
ark for infinifactory
Have: Bad Rats
Want: Factorio
but do you have "Bad Rats: Rats Show"
No, but instead of Bad Rats 2 I'd be willing to give you two copies of Bad Rats.
>private inventory
h-how do I make it unprivate
i-is that better
W:Civ IV
H:30$ on MoL money online.
gift inventory still private. It has separate setting
I ticked the box but it kept coming on after I clicked saved
There try that
works now
30$ on a site for MMO credits
They had psn cards for cheap but when i went to check out said out of stock so now i have 30$ that i can't do anything with since i don't play MMOs for fucking 3 years already.
can i get Remember Me pls?
trading thread you dingbat
That being said the guy you are talking to is a massive jew.
>>That being said the guy you are talking to is a massive jew.
I want to get Rise of the Tomb Raider before the crack is released :^)
>some ruskie bullshit to stir things up
They don't have crack. Nobody does. There won't be any crack until late 2017
a picture having something close to being spiral knights?
it's a rare sight indeed...
>tfw I can't trade since I haven't bought shit in years...
There is always a way.
What do you have to offer?
only a few cards from a game...
Postan again
and what do you want
What games are you interested in
DmC and RE4 may be
depends what you want
just post the fucking codes, motherfucker.
What's the highest you'd go for both those (with the DLC for DmC because why would I only trade the base game)
Woops. Fucked up that reply
>Not posting codes
show him how it's done.
How? Like this?
yea, like that :^)
But seriously, I don't like when anons hold out.
Don't try these, they're all used
the games with the long names, their code is cut off.
I told you they don't work, silly.
oh, well good thing i focuses on that one game that code was cut off and didn't try anything else
thanks, bro.
want Don't Starve Together, have Broforce, Skyrim and Wargame: European Escalation
user this is a trade thread not a beggar thread
want broforce? or Skyrim? or Wargame: European Escalation?
Have two codes for nuclear throne. One for PC and one for PS4/Vita (crossbuy) if anyone is interested in trading something for.
I've got Transistor, but I doubt you would take that for Skyrim.
I'll trade it if the DST guy does not want it
But it seems he will not after all.
I'll wait a bit more but reply back and I'll trade it
I want transistor, anything else on yo wishlist?