MFW this MMO is actually great now

>MFW this MMO is actually great now
>it actually takes a long time to level up like vanilla WoW
>Skills and doing quests for skill points + finding skyshards for skill points matters, encourages exploring every zone as you level up
>Crafting is rewarding and accessible
>Community is clean and friendly since all the WoW and FFXIV fags aren't playing it
>MFW first walking into Daggerfall

Why aren't you playing it user? 50% off on steal or G2A like 15 dollars.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is that you, Todd?

>actually takes a long time to level up
>like vanilla wow

That was one of the things that made wow so popular though, that it wasn't a million year grindfest and could be played casually while still making progress.

>heirloom tier super leveling is what made WoW popular

is this bait?

>posts no face

yeah, those are shills using cool anonymous speak le xd to make posts here shilling their overlords products
aand thank you, 0.5 pesos was just sent to your account

Vanilla wow didn't have any of that.

It was still way faster than any of the major MMO's of the time. Wow didn't become casual, it started casual. It just got more casual as time went on. But that casual appeal is what helped it grow so large.

be completely honest
are there guilds in this game and little community events or is it a singleplayer game with multiplayer dungeons

but its still not fun

yeah I got it during the summer sale and have been having a lot of fun
I like the crafting a lot

>he doesnt know everything even trading is guild based
>he doesn't know people roleplay in the inns
>he assumes game is dead and shit because someone said so

ho ho, I completely forgot this game existed

meant to quote this

>bought this about a week ago
>still can't decide on a class
Fucking rpgs.

templar + 2h weapons

rape everything

Play any fucking MMO that came before WoW and see how wrong you are. WoWs leveling was ridiculously fast compared to shit like EQ where you can sit on a single level for weeks.

go play it then fag

I'm talking about ESO where it takes ages to level.

so it's not actually like vanilla WoW then, you just threw it in there because vanilla WoW gets talked about more than EQ or whatever

I'm actually playing it now. Level 37 nightblade. I'm having a lot of fucking fun to be honest, people are fucking friendly, it can literally be played solo as just another ES game as far as I've seen if you want so no "you picked a dps? Lol enjoy waiting 4 hours to complete a dungeon in order to progress" bullshit like in FFXIV, no level requirement for content, no sub, exploration is pretty rewarding, and it's comfy as fuck.

Dark brotherhood is f u n

It's fucking atrocious, bought it for 11 USD off G2A and still regret it.

There's guilds, some guilds do community events, some are just zergs that you use for bank and friendlist benefits.

Despite my best efforts, ESO just never came together for me. Like the game isn't particularly good, and there's nothing charming about its mediocrity to make up for it. From the hard-to-remember time I spent playing the game, the only word I could manage is "bland."
Though I guess one thing stuck out, which is how terrible the auction system was. The filtering was really wonky and not really searchable since, at least when I played, there wasn't server-side searching. All you could do was try to category-filter as best you could, then name-filter client-side, and scroll through empty pages hoping to find what you're after. And Akatosh help you if you wanted a cooking recipe.

It's changed. Not trying to drag you back, but it's a lot more fluid.

How many players now? Didn't E3 say 7 mil?

Honestly, TESO is probably the best MMO to play if you're looking to play a MMO without a sub. It's improved a lot since the game launched.

I'm a sucker for Elder Scrolls though.

I made it to lvl 50 or something, which means i played through all of one factions content.

Next step: Play through scaled versions of the other factions story. Haven't had time yet, but i absolutely love the idea and the thought that went into that decision.

I'll probably return to it at some point - i had a surprisingly good time.

So guild traders aren't a trainwreck? Cooking doesn't consume your entire inventory? What exactly do you mean by "fluid?"

I love multiculturalism. This game is great.

No, you have a separate bag for crafting mats now, and you can always have crafting alts if it's that bad for you

You can easily search through and there are several filter settings through guild traders. Even cooking shit specifically

ESO is garbage.

wow you really convinced me with those hot opinions

Is combat still retarded? As in: you see big red area, you move out of big red area, you win?

Of course not, I'm just a fellow gamer like yourself who is thoroughly enjoying The Elder Scrolls® Online: Tamriel Unlimited™.

Well that's good, though I assume they haven't solved the problem of having to bounce between guild traders that could be spread over an entire province because you need a particular obscure thing.

The crafting bags are subscription-only though...? So not really a selling point on the no-subscription front.

And that's only some technical niggles, before talking about how the questing is bland as fuck with the same deer-in-the-headlights voice acting they've had since Oblivion. I mean really the last time I've been able to care about an Elder Scrolls story was when Vivec desperately rationalized his actions at Red Mountain.

What made WOW popular was that you didn't have to sit and camp mobs for days to level up.

This also sped up leveling but vanilla leveling wasn't a god awful grind like camping in EQ1

WOW was still pretty challenging back in those days for most classes, and gear was actually rare.

So are the PC and console playerbase shared because my friend has this on PS4

Yes I know

Let me know when the dark brotherhood gives proper assassination contracts to kill other players like a bounty hunter system, and thieving lets me steal from other players. Until then, it's garbage.

No, you animation cancel and then you win.

Don't forget to join The Elder Scrolls® Legends™ beta and continue enjoying your subscription fellow gamers.

eso has no sub

>we have people here who have forgotten or are too young to remember that WoW was considered easy/accessible when it came out
Watch this

This was basically every review for this game when it came out. Compared to other mmos the concept of having quest givers with big yellow exclamation points over their heads was a novel concept compared to shit like EQ where there was literally almost no quests and the ones that were there you had to find through extremely vague emotes with random npcs

Quests in EQ were treated with extremely high regard and the term "quest" was saved for important long shit

>assisination contracts to kill other players and not NPCs
>allowing a lvl 7 baddie to sneak up and steal your golds
Great game design there
Name literally any other MMO that does this. It would break the game.
Shit, name me a game that does.

Sorry boss I meant to say ESO Plus™, please don't fire me.

you don't need eso plus

A friend gave me his account and I regret wasting the time I spent downloading it.

How do I get this bitch on Steam with an American Express prepaid card? Doesn't seem to work.

If you don't mind shitty crafting

Can you specify? What's it saying your problem is?

yeah, you're fine

That would enable racists and bullying user. What if you had a Dunmer only killing argonians or someone bullying low levels?
Tamriel is a safe bully/racist free zone now.
The progressive males playing our game would die from ptsd.

Kindly kys
You've become the tumblr meme

My coworker is trying to get to me to get that game. Is it fun? And is it a 1 time fee?

Are you trying to imply that crafting is useless? Guess sitting on your ass is too good for you. Back to washing my car, intern.

Age of Wushu. Not many people know how much potential that game wasted though thanks to Chinese jewing.

Also the grandfather of MMOs, MUDs, were less afraid to have such mechanics. But MMOs never truly succeed MUDs like people hoped so that's largely irrelevant.

Ultima Online does stealing
SWG had Bounty hunting.

Both better MMO's than any of this filth out now.

It's declining the card. Upon some extra googling, I found that American Express prepaid flat-out doesn't work on Steam. AE disabled a lot of online purchases with prepaid cards for some reason.

So now I'm looking for a loophole. Somewhere that sells Steam wallet codes, and is supported by AE.

At least try to hide that you have low testosterone.

Buy to play, or one time fee
Got a used copy for 17 bucks
If you like elder scrolls, comfy exploring, and singleplayer friendly timesinks you'll enjoy it
If you're looking for something particularly challenging you will not

If you like multiculturalism it's perfect

It largely is, though. And you don't need ESO plus to craft.

>comparing ESO to vanilla wow

massive fucking delusion. fuck off with your willfully transplanted bias. ESO is a shitty single player game, and the combat feels like shit. if i had to pick either ESO or FFXIV, i would kill myself because both games are terrible and have shitty ass combat.

If its close to oblivion teir comfry it will be cool. Thanks user I think I'm gonna go for it

wow memelord you r really up on yr buzzwrds

Thank you fellow Redditor

>7 mil

More like 7 mil went to the download page. 7 mil my arse.

I do want to try it, is the PvP good? How fun are wizards? Are wizards capable of providing utility? Or are they just glorified archers?

PvP is mostly running in and out of it, but there are large scale battles
Wizards rape everything

Most of these things are totally irrelevant because an MMO is carried by the community. Vanilla WoW had tons of retarded design choices and was grindy as all hell but the community carried it.
>Community is clean and friendly since all the WoW and FFXIV fags aren't playing it
So it's a hugbox?

Never even heard of it. In a game like this, it would be genuinely detrimental. With level restrictions removed, you could literally have the situation I just described- ran to take a piss? Whoops, some guy with 2 hours playtime just stole your Sword of a Thousand Truths.

So its boring. Thanks.

Since even does "friendly" mean "hugbox"
Jesus fuck go outside

You're welcome.
Game is mostly centered around PvE.

I take "clean and friendly" by the modern definition of "anyone who says anything mean to anyone gets banned for being toxic".

Literally, all I want out of the MMO genre is XI-2.

Why can't I just have XI-2

>So it's a hugbox?
Pretty much my impression too. You say something negative about the game or call someone bad bad and you get flayed.

what pve is the game centered on? because i almost interested in the game, then i checked it out on twitch and i watched some autist and his in game boyfriend duo clear all "veteran dungeons" in about 1 and a half hours

I've shittalked plenty without a report ever. Met some decent people along the way. It's Sup Forums in a nutshell to approach it that way, but it's really not black and white.
Unless I'm comparing it to FFXIV. Then it is black and white. I've never met a more thin skinned bunch of faggots than that games community.

set your sights on pantheon, its about as close as youre gonna get to xi2 or eq again

We did, in XIV 1.0

But the reality was that the gameplay for XIV wasn't really that accessible for anyone new to EQ or XI, so they had to redo it.

played XI since 04 and played XIV since launch

You can power creep into that, sure, but you're not going to get anywhere near that level for a very long time and without min maxing a build.
It's mostly focused on exploration, quests, and multiplayer dungeons until you hit 50. IMO the quests and exploration are my favorite part of the game. Once you hit max level, like in any MMO, you hop on a loot treadmill and find a better guild.

>dark brotherhood and shit like that is paid dlc
no thanks, m8

>can't even assassinate players
What's the fucking point then? It's supposed to be an MMO not autismo's singleplayer experience with hints of social media.

i've bought TESO on sale because literally nothing else was interesting.

gotta say i'm positively surprised
it feels almost like a real game an not the momorpurger.
it plays very much like skyrim and i appreciate it.

-world structure, quests, progression, mechanics still feels like typical mmo.
-multiplayer aspect feels almost tacked on. in an mmo. other people run around but practically everyone is there alone in his progression pocket universe that discourages any interactions with other people unless you group. since i don't group because i don't like people, other players running around are completely irrelevant.

my point is you don't get the full game without paying extra, so i'm not spending a dime on it

If they made it singleplayer I'd buy it.

that was vanillas community too you fucking morons

if you were a fucking faggot prick in vanilla wow, people shunned you / avoided you.

ESO has that, like vanilla did, and you said its a negative?

how deluded can you be

>being poor

I dunno
Blade of woe is pretty fun
Actual stealth based missions are fun
It blows the fuck out of both mages and fighter guilds and you couldn't kill enemy mage or guild faction members in those either so really this comes as no surprise

>WoW or FFXIV has paid expansions
>this is fine

>ESO has paid DLC

>since I don't group cause I don't like people
I get that, but you don't even have to say a word to them. Anytime you see a player standing around literally any challenging content it means they want to group anyway.

WoW and XIV are/were good games

ESO started shit and is currently as much fun as watching paint dry

>Well that's good, though I assume they haven't solved the problem of having to bounce between guild traders that could be spread over an entire province because you need a particular obscure thing.
This is what I liked about vanilla WoW. You had to travel from continent to continent if you wanted a certain thing. The gave felt "M," rather than C for condensed. People who have trouble with the massive part of an MMO really should be playing one.

The DLC is so few and far between and usually reasonably priced so I don't really mind it. I'm sure I'll get called a shitter for this but whatever. Plus you don't need to expansions to progress to a higher gear level/get new classes a la FFXIV

Pick one
Your daily shill threads won't trick me

XIV is the most stale game I've ever played. There's so little variety in it's content, and every type of progressions is some daily/weekly limited currency grindfest

Guild Wars 2 was cool because there was no grouping. you could literally run in and start doing shit with other people and then run off just like that. the game rewarded and encouraged this.

grouping would occur naturally when needed without that whole awkward "hi, will you be my friend? i'm so lonely. please click accept" part

>XIV and current WoW
>Good games

also I'm betting you played ESO at release and not the polished version of now, that's why you are hating on ESO.

inb4 "polishing a turd is still a turd" reply. You could say the same for FFXIV.

k fuck off fag

Is there any hardcore endgame pve contentent? Mythic raider in WoW, kinda want to play a new game until legion, but still want that challenge

enjoy farming champion points for those stats

I don't know I'm not max level yet

Not them, but... I played the beta, won a collector's edition and was totally ready to devote months to ESO. I made it.... 3? Weeks past release before I realized that the base system, the combat + character progression + skill system were... not my taste. At the time, my exact words were, "I've taken shits more fun than this."

Now, that's me. You go have fun with it. I'll be over here wishing they had made a real Elder Scrolls MMO.