ITT 10/10 Artstyles

ITT 10/10 Artstyles


I wish Amanita Design would update Machinarium with Steam Cloud saving, cheevos and 1080p resolution

Still an great game tho.



wasn't very challenging gameplay-wise and the story didn't make sense unless you'd already read 1/2 Enoch but there's no denying El Shaddai had a fucking GOAT artstyle

Sonic CD

Seriously, this game was a fucking trip

forgot pic

Viewtiful Joe
Hotline Miami

And one last shot.

The screenshots don't do it justice unfortunately, those clouds for instance are constantly shifting and morphing, it only really makes sense in motion

Forgot the pic, fuck me


That game reminded me so much of Pettsson & Findus





lel to the nah.

I wish they would do another one like that. A literal 10/10 game

Haven't even played the game, but every time I look at screenshots I think it looks pretty good.

This looks like Angel's Egg.

Nah. The presentation is fucking stellar with some of my favorite art and music in any video game ever, but the story and adventure gameplay are pretty run of the mill, if not substandard.




its a shame this game sucked, it had some cool art direction

Sure, I'll do that eventually.

What's particularly 10/10 about the story or gameplay though?



>Scifi mixed with Hinduism


antichamber, anyone?

It adds to the creepiness

The environments are pretty meh I guess, but I've always been impressed they managed get interesting and differentiable faces in an unreal engine 2 game.

They all look very similar to me.

Someone post overwatch and wait for everyone to get triggered

It was released back when there wasn't demand for every other soldier to have extra melanin.

I mean the facial structure for all of them looks totally identical, with only features that could be done with textures like facial hair and eyebrows being different.

>no one posted Don't Starve

cause its shit desu baka sempai famalam


Then here's a better example.

it is not though, maybe you are bad?

Game is boring.

The thread's about art styles.

It's really a shame they spent more time on the art and story than the actual fucking gameplay. The fighting is a fucking chore and the platforming teeters between okay and boring.


Riven is still a fucking gorgeous game even today. Something about those prerendered backgrounds is just timeless to me, they scanned a lot of real life surfaces for the texture work in that game. Shame it's a bitch to get to work on Windows 10.

>Haven't even played the game
Play it.

Reminds me of Tiberium Sun. Both have GOAT styles.


>The Curse of Monkey Island/Grim Fandango
>Bioshock 1 (give us a UE4 (5?) port)

Shame what happened to it though

Trolling right? Looks like something for a 5 year old. Not saying the game is boring though, never played it.


don't starve is pretty deep in 'pretty okay' territory

It has its moments where the art style works well, but I'm not sure why that guy posted that either.

oh shit, wrong thread.

Trying way too hard to be praised as good.

This might not do it justice but I really enjoyed this game, it's environment, sounds and visuals. It was relaxing.


No one has posted it yet?

Sup Forums seriously.... i am disappoint.


It tried hard enough to succeed.
I don't see a problem here.

Warcraft + Warhammer + 90s comic, Joe Mad is Pure Based

Hi Blizzard rep


I like the quirky proportions. Vanillaware in general works here.



Fuck off back to funnyjunk retard

>Bought it few days ago from sale
>Looks pretty interesting
>Fps drops hits in
What a waste. Can you even get around it?

goddman ds3 was boring shit compared to the bb atmosphere.

fucking sucks that so much content was cut out though

Ok good for you. You only needed to post one picture.

I wonder what tools have been used in this, i want to try draw like that too.

Souls in general, really.

another pic

It really was.

It lacked the depth and character of BB, it just felt like a bunch of re-skinned BB assets spread around empty maps.

Undeniably some of the best character design in a game this decade.


I'd say ds1 was equal considering it was older.

Looks pretty boring compared to Bastion/Transistor.

also sucks that the actual game sucks

>2d game with snes-appropriate graphics
>thirty fucking frames per second.

inexplicable. will be glad when the guy dies due to his hatred for and offense against video games.


Why does posting images trigger you?

I was actually going to leave it there, but seeing how you asked nicely, you can have another

I don't even know, I bought it on console for cheap since it was bundled with the original and had heard good things about it. Haven't regretted it.
There is a way to get the dlc for free though. Can't remember what it was but it only takes like 5 seconds to do by just changing some lines in the files.

Yeah i would say so. Bastion is top tier mech design.

Irish mythology through Japanese lens works a lot better than you might think.



Is the DLC worth it?

name something better, valve drone.

Has anyone posted dishonored? I'm on my phone.

I also felt this except for pic related, really liked that area

Both really

that looks cool

My favorite is winston. Out doing pixar by a country mile.

I'd kill one of these games with nothing but content at least as good as Painted World.

Did he ever find his sister?

Eh, if you want an excuse to revisit the game sure, you're not missing too much if you don't get it.


Irythll was pretty good, I have to admitt

I always preferred the first one's style. I know they're pretty similar but there's something about one that I always thought made it look better. Maybe because there were less open and barren areas.

It does.