Things we know about the lore: >The Temple of time exist but with no master sword inside, instead the master sword is in the forest >Calamity Ganon is trapped in the castle since 100 years ago and will soon be released >There is a island/plane floating in the sky >Sheikahs are very advanced with technology >Link has been sleeping for 100 years, possibly since Calamity Ganon attacked >The are koroks in this game
Why the fuck the guardians attacks link, and why are they in the destroyed temple of time? They look like they were made by the Sheikah
Hunter Cook
Maybe they attack all people who have an affinity to the triforce? Prob the Sheikah made them to protect Hyrule from Ganon while Link was asleep.
Angel Evans
Calamity Ganon is actually a manifestation of Demise's curse and the old man is a freed Ganondorf.
Jose Ward
Calamity Ganon is possessing the machines. I mean the guardians turn that same red color when they're hostel.
Dylan Wood
Yeah, but there are destroyed Guardians in the destroyed Temple of time, Maybe Ganon took control of the Guardians to destroy everything they see? I read somewhere in here that the Mini-guardians inside the shrines glow Orange/Yellow with blue and the big one glow red like the Calamity Ganon
Grayson Peterson
What design will Princess Zelda be based on?
Benjamin Perez
The pink glow on a hostile guardian is the same pink glow as calamity ganon, notice the mini guardians inside shrines glow orange instead when they are hostile, it is likely that ganon is influencing any sheikah technology if it glows pink.
All other sheikah tech is orange or blue (including guardinas inside shrines), except for the hostile guardians in the overworld which share the exact same pink glow as ganon
Mason Cruz
Hookshot returns functioning like the Grapnel Gun and/or Bat Claw from the Batman: Arkham games. >Can zip you all the way up a mountain, or at least give you a head start on the climb >Double tapping will launch you into the air and you can follow up with the paraglider >Can snag far away items, pull things from a distance >Can latch onto enemies and pull them over ledges and off of high vantage points
The other Zelda Amiibo unlock costumes. >Link gets you TP Tunic >Toon Link gets you something similar >Zelda gets you a Hylian Nobility outfit >Ganondorf gets you Gerudo Armor
Would be neat if other non Zelda Amiibo unlocked a once-a-day item that could be connected to the Amiibo, like a Fire Rod for Mario, a Hammer for Dedede, a Cake for Peach, and Duck Meat for Duck Hunt.
Mason Long
the glow is certainly more pink than red, same as Calamity Ganons glow.
Nicholas Lewis
If this is the failed line, there is a chance that the Master Sword is in the hands of a dried skeleton in a green tunic.
If the Ruto are living in old Skyloft, it means that long ago the Hyleans living in Skyloft got a little too drunk around their Loftwings.
If there are no Gerudo any more, than Ganon has a good reason to be pissed, and should just be left alone.
Lucas Russell
>Still shilling this trash Dont you have some other games?
Dominic Thompson
Please be something like this, I miss this semen demon
Lucas Hughes
The master sword is in a pedestal in the forest, and also is rusted.
Grayson Howard
I hope that it will be the same game and story as Link To The Past, Ocarina Of Time, Twilight Princess, and Wind Waker. I hate change with all my heart
Saying it now, fallen hero of time, to much shit stack up to it, only memers post wind waker bullshit
William Butler
Maybe the same hair color, this game wants to be a tribute to the first Zelda, so why not the same type of Zelda? It was in the trailer, not promotional art.
Cooper Mitchell
>The main character is not the real link >You play as Punished Link
Aaron Johnson
Until you see it during actual gameplay, it means nothing. The scene with the sword is very common.
Lucas Martinez
>island it's moving too fast, it's an airship.
Jaxson Reed
Fi is the one covered in gashes. Link just needs a haircut.
Chase Flores
Men, the sword was in a pedestal in the forest, There is no need for more evidence. We still don't know where it is.
Jace Nelson
>until you see it during actual gameplay No, it's in the forest and in a rusted, old state. They never pull something like that for Zelda's full trailers
Kayden Kelly
Considering the sky city in TP, it could be both.
Josiah King
If anything I hope this is a hint that we will get flying mounts on the game
Owen Wood
I'm thinking post alttp and it being that Link as well. I think we'll actually see the Master Sword break since it wasn't in the first or second game.
Brandon Davis
>You can only get there if you build a quality catapult.
Brandon Murphy
Maybe they will explain the Ooccas already, they were too important in TP, and Aonuma said that if you played TP HD before this game you will probably know something about TP.
Carter Williams
My hope and dream for non-Zelda amiibos is that Link has a house and scanning an any amiibo adds it to Link's shelf in game
Ryder Robinson
I predict it will be a lot like Skyrim but with less features.
Adam Thomas
The only real problem with the idea, is that if it is supposed to be between OOT and LTTP, then it has to have the plot of the Imprisoning War. If it has the plot of the Imprisoning War, that it would be creepy similar to the ending of OOT. If Nintendo doesn't want to be accused of continuing to recycle OOT, than they kinda need to avoid that scenario.
Luis Gonzalez
Ryder Howard
>less features Have you not been paying attention?
Carter Reyes
>hopes cute Zelda
>dreams cute Zelda
Evan Wright
It's important to note that the Sheikah had a direct connection to the Oocca
>The Sky Cannon is under Kakariko Village >Impaz gives a statue of the Sheikah eye to Ilia >Impaz has the Ancient Sky Book to give to the messenger of with the rod of the heavens (the Dominion Rod) >Ooccoo enters the Temple of Time with you to find the Dominion Rod because they know it will help them return home
Chase Brown
I'd love to have a flying mount as a late game reward or something.
Being able to just fly anywhere on a Loftwing in this open world game would certainly make up for how shit flying was in Skyward Sword.
Adam Barnes
The Oocca reminds me of how Nintendo likes to throw some wordplay in sometimes. They claimed to be closer to the goddesses than the Hyleans, but they were actually giving foreshadowing of being literally at a higher altitude.
And then in SS, there was a voice that said it was speaking to him from the edge of time, which was just an overly fancy way of saying that the message was prerecorded.
Jordan Anderson
It can happen right after the imprisioning war or right after Alttp.
Daniel Adams
Who says it's set between ocarina and lttp?
Evan Williams
>mfw you get one of these in late-game
Gabriel Fisher
That's where the hero fails.
Eli Gray
Yeah, and Oocca are very advanced with technology too, i'm starting to think that they are the same race. >Both have connection with the Royal Family >Both are advanced for his time >Both can travel through time
Samuel Rivera
Where did we get the name Calamity Ganon?
Hunter Sullivan
The hero fails during oot not after. I'm guessing post alttp for this one.
James Thomas
I think it's going to be kinda like the zelda equivalent of far cry primal
Jacob Cook
>the same race Sheikah are nearly identical to Hylians just with red eyes, not manchickens
There must be a reason why the Oocca are contained to the City in the Sky and why a mechanical structure was seemingly built to mimic Skyloft
Tyler Morales
From the streams.
Gabriel Ramirez
monitoring this bread
Ayden Gonzalez
That area is currently a minefield of 2D games with archaic connections to one another.
Nicholas Harris
But remember that the City in the sky was built for humans, the Domion rod can't be used by the chicken, neither the Spinner (It was made by the Ooccas too), is the same with the Clawshot. City in the sky was designed for humans, not for chickens, maybe they evolved or shared the name.
Cooper Murphy
>archaic connections uhh ALttP, OoX, and LA are all back to back, then ALBW and TFH are back to back, and finally Zelda 1 and 2 are back to back
Is that really that complicated?
Cameron Evans
What I mean is this will be pre Zelda 1 and post alttp, between worlds, oracles and awakening. Always forget about the handheld one's when discussing the timelin. I need to work on that. Always forget about
Lucas White
The old man give him that name when talking to Link. It's a term that has been used to describe a mindless resurrected Ganon in reference to other games. Adjective+name however, doesn't confirm he is resurrected, only that his presence is something of a calamity.
Jonathan Gonzalez
Final boss will be the Hero's Shade. Screencap this.
Asher Miller
>Dominion Rod, Spinner, and Clawshot can't be used by Oocca
This only furthers the theory that Oocca are being contained for one reason or another, because getting and using those items is the only way in and out of the City. Ooccoo and their son somehow escaped.
Thomas Mitchell
Fuck. Don't even know what happened with this post.
Ryan Lewis
The Oooccas are referred as the one's that built all the that technology Shad of TP, also said the following:
"At the moment I'm absolutely entranced by the sky beings known as the Oocca. Yes, according to legend, Hyrule was made by the Hylians, who, as we all know, are the closest race to the gods. But also according to legend, long ago there was a race even closer to the gods, and some say these creatures made the Hylians. When they created the people of Hylia, they simultaneously created a new capital, a city that floated in the heavens."
William Morris
What if this game takes places not in hyrule but in the sacred realm? This Link must then stop Ganon from overtaking the sacred realm. Have they actually confirmed this game takes places in Hyrule?
Blake Hill
Well the fact that the destroyed temple of time can be seen there and the Hyrule Castle, it may be pretty much confirmed, not sure if the Old man mentions Hyrule at any point tho.
Gabriel Rodriguez
The old man said that this takes in the birthplace of Hyrule.
Michael Hernandez
Shad is referring to Skyloft and the proto-Hylians that made it, but it's been lost to history that Skyloft doesn't exist anymore and that a strange copy was built to house manchickens
The Old Man mentions that the Great Plateau is the origin point of Hyrule
Christian Rivera
>Why the fuck the guardians attacks link, and why are they in the destroyed temple of time? >They look like they were made by the Sheikah While I can't really say much for the guardians of BotW in particular. But in the original Legend of Zelda, the bosses in all the dungeons aren't actually minions of Ganon or anything. They were guardians deliberately placed there by the royal family, to protect the triforce and make sure that only the hero could pass. Because only the hero would be able to best the guarding beasts.
Oliver Diaz
Yeah, but there is evidence that the Ooccas made City in the Sky, Dominion Rod, Spinner and maybe the Clawshot, like i said before, and Shad is explicity reffering to the Ooccas, the Hylians were named after the Goddess Hylia, EVEN before Skyward Sword
Gavin Perry
The stories are pretty thin, but they did at least try to paint a narrative that explains his reappearances between games. Putting something new in-between, means a bit of a status-quo narrative.
Ganon dies in WW, TP, and LTTP, so any game placed somewhere after those games in those timelines will end up being about a Ganon that is back from the dead. If the placement is based on a resurrected Ganon, all lines are nearly equal ground. All things being equal, I more suspect that Nintendo would follow TP than OOT with a resurrection plot.
Jayden Bailey
If the Old Man is the King, why doesn't he just defeat Ganon himself?
Adrian Martin
That makes sense actually, maybe the Sheikah/Zelda put the guardians there to test this Android Link before facing Ganon. And then Ganon was able to controll them(?)
Ayden Sanchez
But why are there destroyed guardians OUTSIDE the temples?
Aaron Baker
If the royal family put as much effort into keeping Ganon out as they do keeping Link out, they wouldn't have these problems so often. You can imagine a room of advisors, and one of them suggests maybe blocking the bad guys this time, only to receive a room full of glaring eyes.
Lucas Turner
>>/vg/146550342 Just want to tell you that it exists. If you're not into that, feel free to move along.
Andrew Watson
Gannon seemed pretty alive in the first game and that takes place after alttp so post alttp and it's sequels being a type of resurrection story makes sense. A bit more so if we take into account this would be after his oracle resurrection which turned him into a savage mindless beast of a killing machine which could play into calamity Ganon.
Jordan Miller
>mfw it was Dark Link before you wake up
Sebastian Barnes
Ethan Ross
plus think of the amazing boss possibilities. having to fight a giant by first shooting at his weak spots with your bow and then having to drop down on several of his body parts to attack with your sword. all the while trying to doge his close and ranged attacks
Jaxon Flores
Sorry I misread what you were about the resurrection stuff and you are correct that could lead to any lime but I don't think it's a coincidence that the geography is so similar to Zelda 1. Even the maps have a somewhat similar layouts.
Adrian Sanchez
Oracle brings him with roughly a similar method as SS brought back Demise, but with a flawed sacrifice that left Ganon a dork. He gets killed at the end of Oracle, so bringing him back for any other game really means that the ritual took place yet again in some way between games. Not saying it can't happen, they have literally flooded worlds between games before, but bringing him back in BotW doesn't need to use the resurrection of any other game to justify any placement.
David Nelson
Landon James
There is definitely a feel of LoZ, but I don't think it needs a timeline to explain it. There is a part of me that wants to assume BotW is somehow a remake, but in a way they all are remakes, yet have their own stories. They've never done a deliberate remake of a game, unless you count what WW did to LTTP.
Carson Anderson
What did WW do with alttp? I mean other than using the castle theme I didn't notice any kind of connection or anything.
Logan Brown
>Skyrim but with less features
That's basically impossible.
Sebastian Watson
>Special Edition BotW themed NX released >Special Edition gold cartridge of the game bundled
Just take my money, Nintendo
Jackson Lee
My theory is that they were built to protect Hyrule in the absence of the Hero. During this time Calamity Ganon possessed them and made them evil. Or maybe like Ultron they noticed that humanity is enemy of nature so they revolted
Jonathan Jenkins
Sebastian Baker
I want to be able to sail my boat all the way through the river system to the ocean
also hookshot
Lucas Ramirez
>tfw no colored Pokemon carts anymore.
Jose Johnson
>They've never done a deliberate remake of a game, unless you count what WW did to LTTP. what the fuck are you talking about
Luke Reyes
Music that plays when the King reforms Zelda's triforce.
They think he's Dark Link
Or, since he's not wearing the "Hero's" usual green cloths and he doesn't have the Master Sword, they detect him as some sort of enemy.
Austin Kelly
Why are people so pissed about cel-shading? I thnk it looks great
Jaxon Myers
Owen Harris
Music throwback. Nothing more.
Angel King
>They've never done a deliberate remake of a game, unless you count what WW did to LTTP. I don't even know where to begin with this sentence.
James Sanders
Back before split timeline theory was created, and even before OOT was release, LTTP had the Imprisoning War. The Imprisoning War explained why Ganon was sealed away before the start of LTTP. During OOT development, developers let people know that OOT was going to be the Imprisoning War, and when it did come out it was clear that it basically matched the events as they were told in LTTP, with the exception that Link was actually around for them. Unavoidable that Link would be involved, if the events are going to be part of a game.
Then WW comes out. Mind you that split timeline had not been invented yet, and especially not a third line. Anyhow, WW is out, and it rests right at the ending of OOT's events, exactly where LTTP needed to sit to make any sense at all. Even further, WW borrows the basic elements of Ganon's attempts to escape from the corrupted Sacred Realm. In both LTTP and WW, Ganon is some fat guy that is going around to get the descendants of the sages that had imprisoned him. In both LTTP and WW, Ganon manages to get Link to pull the Master Sword, thus releasing his true power from its prison in the Sacred Realm. While not being the same game, WW got Ganon out of prison with the same method as LTTP did. Both games killed Ganon.
So there it was, with both games sitting in the same place directly after OOT, and both games using the same method to escape, and both needing Ganon to be imprisoned in the same place to make any sense at all.
Brody Lopez
But ALTTP has only Ganon, and WW only Ganondorf.
Jason Hughes
Agahnim IS Ganondorf.
Jack Moore
LTTP calls his human for Agahnim.
Jordan Jackson
you need a lot fucking more than a few similar plot elements to constitute a remake
Logan Sanders
Nope, it isn't. Ganon was selead in the sacred realm, remember?
Leo Jackson
Agahnim is a human husk used to infiltrate Hyrule Castle (probably as a Sheikah, considering his clothes)
Link destroys this husk in Hyrule Castle
Luke Hill
He was sealed in WW also. He tells Link himself in a cut scene monologue.