So I just got this game, what am I in for?
So I just got this game, what am I in for?
The best game PCucks will never play
A fun time and some fantastic atmosphere/art direction
buyer's remorse
Enemies that never change their location so you'll just end up running past more shit than you bother to kill.
>what am I in for?
8 hours of 20 fps
Faster paced dark souls with no shields, but guns instead
Cool weapons/monsters too
Incredible game, one of the best ever. The Old Hunters outclasses every DLC by a mile too so get it too if you have the cash
Greatest game ever according to me.
Go in blind and turn left when you see dogs in the night forest.
Castlevania SOTN 3d ft. Gwyn as Deathula.
The same as Elsa Jean when she joined Blacked.
You will get your shit pushed but you will learn to love it and eventually dominate it.
a great time with spooky squids
Currently the game of the generation no even joking
Above average without the DLC amazing with it
a masterpiece
Is this one of the more respected games on Sup Forums?
I rarely see anybody (outside of bait) shitting on it in a legit manner. It reminds me of MGS3/Dark Souls 1. I haven't played it nor do I plan to (no PS4 and Souls games aren't my type of game), i'm just making an observation.
it get's a lot of bloodborne about to be released on pc ps4 cucks btfo'd and then in the same thread they say that they don't even want it
My body was tense the entire time I played this, the game really pulls you into it.
The best From Software game to date.
I'm yet to see a PC cuck who doesn't want Bloodborne on PC, and that is coming from someone who bought a PS4 to play it. They're all in denial and still think a port will come in the future.
Just a faster paced souls with better weapons.
Stop right there soulsfag
Bloodborne babies are completely insecure and sweep any criticisms to the side as jealous PCuck bitching. It'd still be well liked if it was multi-platform, but the people that try to defend its honor are pathetic.
What does it add?
I've only been playing a few weeks, 30% done, according to trophies
5 new bosses, 3 new areas, a lot of weapons
It fixes the only major flaw in the game, which is the lack of weapon variety. It adds LOTS of weapons, and some really good bosses.
new weapons and build possibility, ayy lmao and beast mode
Second favorite weapon (pizza cutter 4 life), least favorite boss
fuck that dude
expectations: shadows over innistrad
reality: eldritch moon
Probably the best miyazaki has made shitted on PCucks because they will NEVER EVER get to play it.
I don't have a problem with him, I always have the most trouble with Laurence
In the chalices defiled amy is my least favorite boss generally
Wood grain ring: the game.
Well, I also had a lot more trouble with Laurence, but I get really mad with some of the fast moves and the awful camera on Ludwig. I'd say they're the two worst bosses in the game for sure, if you don't count the retarded Shark Giants guarding the Rakuyo. Never got so pissed at a souls game like I did with those.
A fine haze, but best not to think too hard about all it, just go out and kill a few beasts :^)
>punches the ayy out of you
god bless BLB
You get a fuckton of weapons that are all really good, the 3 best bosses in the game and 2 decent ones, and elaboration for why Gehrman is doing what he does and what happens to the oldest hunters, along with providing some really cool areas and decent subplots
Gehrman is my nigga hes a manipulative cunt but he's a nice guy about it so I still like him
>8 hours
what? My first run was around 60 hours long.
That guy is just a mustard race faggot, he hasn't played it
fun fun fun
What starting weapon do you recommend?
Axe or cleaver. I started with the axe and had a ton of fun. Not a big fan of the cane personally. It pretty stylish, but the axe hits harder
The great thing is that they're all viable. I hear the axe spin attack makes the early game a joke and the Cane will make Gascoigne way easier but I chose the saw and I really liked it, gives a decent bonus against beasts