Am I cancer, Sup Forums?
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The fact you are playing overwatch was enough. The hours didnt matter.
Yes, you bought the game
Buttblasted fag
People who have such larger hour gaps between the different heroes are easily the biggest faggots.
what about me ;)
What the fuck
Pure, actual autism.
give him a break he's on console
Definitely not real
171 hours of nothing but Mercy
She's cute.
>mfw want to play other characters
>mfw whenever people on my team pick offense I still get gold eliminations and damage as Symmetra or Lucio
>Have to change to Pharah every time to actually kill the enemy team
Literally CoD.
Anybody with no support in their top 8 is cancer.
The entire "I will let somebody else be support, because I don't wanna" mindset is cancer.
But I don't want to sacrifice my fun, so a bunch of morons can win.
Eliminations mean jack shit senpai.
> there are people in this thread who haven't at least tried every character
Jesus Christ
>posting another Overbotch thread without using the title so our filters don't work
You're worse than cancer
They mean the enemy team is dying you nitwit it's not a personal thing it's a matter of the enemy team being taken out to stop their push.
I better not catch you posting any more birbs so close to mine. This is your only warning.
I have a friend who has roughly 70 hours played and, I kid you not, 67 or so are on Mercy.
I don't even care cause they're a decent Mercy and it means we always have at least one support
But in general, yes you are correct.
Ok I'm sorry
Bird thread?
You'd be cancer regardless of who you played, because you're playing it on a console.
sure why not
Why do people seem like they are allergic to playing Tanks?? I see the insta picks on Hanzo, Widow, Tracer, Reaper and Mcree but never any tanks wtf
Tanks win like every match if the other team is shit
>No one ever picks tank
>I pick tank
>2 fuckers lock in Dva straight away
Every time
I meant to say shit at dealing with a tank by picking Reaper*
If you've gone Rein or Roadhog it's okay to have ONE D.Va as an off-tank because she plays like a tanky Reaper/Tracer if done right. But yeah I reckon it's some sort of fucking in-joke to pick stupid shit to annoy the fuck out of teammates.
God-damnit now I forgot my bird pic
What a crazy bird
>Not a single support
>The least tanky tank
quick post top 3
Go away battledead lover
green herons are great
>22 hours of "press 1 button to RJ" and 16 hours of "watch your teammates ass"
That sounds really boring
>Unimaginable hours of "go on Sup Forums and talk shit to anonymous people"
That sounds really stupid
>nobody goes healer
>nobody can 1v1 without healing support
>get wrecked by a symmetra support team
>everyone ragequits before autobalance
I'm trying to have fun, I really am.
>he doesn't get the reference
That's rude
You are correct user, I was not aware it was a reference. I apologise for being rude.
rate me guys
After ranking up high enough to get my first star, I no longer seem to be put into matches without everyone on both teams having a star unless I'm in a group with friends. And the matches with everyone having a star only show up after searching for over 2 minutes.
Is this the same for everyone else? I thought level wasn't supposed to matter?
Am I credit to team?
Pharah is really fun, you get a sense of mastery when you get the sense of where to aim and such. Mercy because when no one picks a healer, I usually do. Also play her with friends now and then. D.Va can be fun, but most of her playtime is when it was brand new. I pick Sym or Torb when there isnt one on defence.
My playtime is spread evenly. I have 1-10 hours in every character except for Hanzo who only has like 10 minutes.
Now that is dedication to a meme.
too many bad experiences as Rein of people not actually standing behind the shield and shooting/killing things.
I play a bit of Winston these days, but otherwise I rarely play tank unless I feel I've got a team that will capitalize on it. Zarya/Roadhog are just boring imo, and D.va horribly underpowered
Patrician aside from genji
Reminds me of that overwatch tournament yesterday where one of the casters called out all support players as submissive cucks.
>That name
>Do I fit in yet, Sup Forums?
Just kill yourself