I just bought The Witcher: Enhanced Edition on Steam. What should I expect?

I just bought The Witcher: Enhanced Edition on Steam. What should I expect?

> in b4 it sucks. $1.50 on sale.

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Some damn good atmosphere and combat that'll probably make you want to drop the game, but you should stick with it

Boring as fuck for the first few hours, really great after.

Combat in this game wasn't good, the voice acting was a bit rough and the facial animations aren't even close to being as good as Witcher 3.

Swallow all of it like a big guy, because the rest of the game makes up for it.

First two acts suck balls then it gets good, be ready to go back and forth from the swamp

It's the highest evolution of the 00s B-grade European RPG.

All I remember is a swamp full of wyverns.

You guys are making me want to go read a fucking book

I recommend playing on easy because of the horrible combat. Enjoy the amazing atmosphere and dialogue. It's the reason to play the game.

> the voice acting was a bit rough
I've never even heard the English voices. Polish Geralt is pretty great. Though plenty of NPC voices are so obviously video game quality even in a language I don't know.

yeah, that's what i did, go easy and spam group attack and igni.

you're gonna hate it for a bit but I urge you to stick with it because I got helplessly sucked in before long

one of my all time favorites, even the wonky gameplay I find very fun and rewardimg


>and the facial animations aren't even close to being as good as Witcher 3.

>game from 2007 doesn't have facial animation as good as a 2015 video game

whoda thunk it?

The best Eastern European Mythology themed rhythm game with role playing elements

First act is really slow, second is too long, third is forgetable, fourth is the best in the whole series aside from blood and wine from the third game, fifth is just a conclusion.
Play on easy. Combat is really shallow, but on the other hand the interface is the best from all games and potions are really important.


Blood & Wine>1>3>Heart of Stone>>>>>>>>>


Books are great until Ciri appears.

Play on hard, learn the timing of the attacks

It's much more interesting combat than witcher 3, you actually have to prepare

Heart of Stone>Blood and Wine>3>1>2

Install some fast walking/running mods because there's lots of fetch quest or kill this then come all the way back here for reward.


OP, first few hours will be shitty but it's worth it.

The combat is a bit odd compared to most games but I found that I liked it after getting used to it.

Also for anyone ITT who's played TW3 without playing the first two: FILTHY FUCKING CASUALS


The swamp is tiring but afterwards game picks up really well.

actually in contrast, dragon age origins facial animations weren't that improved in inquisition, and the time gap between those games were more or less the same as the one between witcher 1 and witcher 3.
just lining expectations here. witcher 1 deserves it.

I dropped TW2, sorry. I completed the first one 3 times and currently playing TW3.

That is acceptable

The Witcher 1:
One of the most immersive RPGs to date. Remember to roleplay as much as possible.
Walk, don't run through the town. Keep weapons sheathed. Use torch at night in town and when exploring darker areas.

Also bed as many women as you can.

TW2 is fun as fuck to roleplay as well, though unfortunately they ruined it a bit by having no torches to wield. Remember to play TW2 in Dark Mode, get a mod to remove dark armour effects. Dark mode is by far the easiest mode with dark armour.

It's the best Witcher game, and one of the best + only proper CRPGs in recent years.

Super atmospheric and fun medieval world, to which it's easy to sink in and just admire the views.

That's OK. TW2 sucks major ass, and I just couldn't believe how much they'd consolized and actionized the game after 1.

10/10 atmosphere and soundtrack
graphics are dated but the artstyle makes up for it, some really comfy and beautiful locations later in the game
everyone rags on the combat, but I felt the same way too and once I learned how to properly play the game I loved the combat as well

I guess advice I should give you is to get the Aard talent that causes stun, otherwise you might not even beat the first boss if you go into the fight underleveled and unprepared

My best experience in the game was using a guide to find all the quests and all the "important characters" because they're really easy to miss

Also using the FCR combat mod, it's one of the most balanced games I've played , and every battle situation can feel like your last if you don't pay attention

>Use torch
Why? I don't really remember Geralt using torch a lot in the books.

I would say TW2 has the weakest balance and it's the shortest, but I loved every second of it. Really nice graphics , storytelling, world building and characters.

And the combat isn't even bad , I mean you hit stuff and they react to it it's satisfying it's just disappointing that they messed up the Alchemy system

Talk to everyone you would be suprised how much hidden stuff there is in random interactions.

Like if you win a drinking contest you get a monster book needed to extract ingridients or if you give food to old women they will tell you old lore stories and that adds journal entries on monsters

Play on hard, use this guide, find all the side quests and extra stuff.


How bad at video games are you faggots?

>Dark mode is by far the easiest mode with dark armour
Until you get slapped for 100s of damage regardless when your quen breaks. Feels like magic and alchemy trees are way more useful than swordsmanship

>be witcher
>highly resistent to poison
>win a drinking contest

why is Geralt such a sorry cheater?

>Play on hard, use this guide

When you got superhuman abilities and everyone calls you a freak regardless, might aswell make easy coin

I just got a new PC and I've been checking out TW pretty intensely.

I've been around Sup Forums for a long time and read through plenty of Witcher threads throughout the years and came to the conclusion to jump the first game and start with 2 then 3. Am I making a mistake? Is the first one essential?

It's a fun game that picks up after chapter 2. Just don't let that shitfest of a chapter discourage you.

It's a fucking story-heavy trilogy

None of them are essential, each of them is pretty much its own story with little impact on the next game but each one helps shape up the lore/atmosphere, especially if you haven't read the books.

Don't fucking jump the first game, don't jump any of them.

ciri was fine until she started to bleed and lez out with those nilfgaardian bandits.

Reminder not to side with those faggot elves.

ok no jumping.

People are telling you the first sucks or is boring and not doing much to explain why. Let me try:

The first game is a sim of what being a Witcher would be like in a fantasy world. You might take a quest that's simple and only requires you to travel a tedious distance to talk to an NPC, or kill something, or gather something, then come back and talk to someone again. But you can't just turn in quests whenever, you have to do it at a certain time. Combat also isn't just hack and slash and pray (though that is part of it). You're supposed to consider what you're fighting, what stance is best, what potions and oils will help you, in order to achieve victory. As you get stronger this is less important, but the beginning is very heavily a roleplaying experience of being a Witcher, and you're in a small village to boot.

Seriously, stick with it. If only for the story, it's worth it.

If you're gonna skip TW1, skip TW2 too. TW1 is better than TW2, only TW3 beats them both.


>What should I expect?
godawful everything

i literally laughed when i tried out both "camera option" and combat

I find it hard to side with the elves ever. Nice that you have the option, though

1 > 2 > 3

>What should I expect?
A better game than anything nu-Bioware shits out.

The only thing the Order had going for it was bro Siegfried. Rayla was a dike and fuck Alvin. At least the elven side had Toruviel.

It was 3 years after half life 2.

So this gets good around chapter 2 then?

Who thought rhythm combat was a good idea?

Oh shit you just reminded me that I took a few of these


Chapter 3

Also remember to keep a barghest skull for a quest later on in the game. You'll need it for a chance at getting the best steel sword.

Best game in the series, althoug it is a flawed gem.

At the end of the first chapter.

Just try your hardest not to fall asleep in the first two chapters
It gets better

pretty good but if you think the first game had good combat you don't have much room to speak

Played the first, never finished the second because Triss is piss.

It wasn't good, but you're still a casual faggot

i'm a casual faggot for not wanting to play DDR with a sword? okay.

Igni and aard wins the game, so yes

It had like 10 times lower budget than HL2.

>all these positive opinions

Holy shit, I thought Sup Forums hates video games

at first i hated the combat, but then i started to like it.
game gets way better once you get to Vizima.

some autist was spamming witcher hate threads so much people started to actually like witcher

I feel like the game gets better on hard. You have to actually prepare for battle. It's extremely rewarding to be able to take on a difficult enemy and defeat it in seconds becuse you prepared correctly.

I really love the load screen/cutscene artwork in witcher 1. Can't stand the animated look they went for in w2 and 3.

Horrific pacing, decent characters, great atmosphere, dog shit quests, dog shit combat, dog shit enemies, great story, dog shit graphics on a dog shit engine.

Who here played with top down view? I'm 90% certain the third person view was added in near the end of development even though most people used it.

Tried it, felt shit

>discount not available in my region
Fuck you steam, I wanted to gift it to a friend but no way I'm paying 8€.


there was third person?


it was the default view user, same as witcher 2 and 3.


Sup Forums only hates mainstream, popular games

Pretty much this. The game gets much better after the swamp though. But the first 3 chapters are shit.

Iam actually enjoying the detective stuff in the second chapter.

TW1 gets shit on almost any time it's brought up here, though.

Isometric for combat, first person and third person for moving around


Install this mod. It's practically essential due to the original interface being complete ass.

Also get the Full Combat Rebalance mod. You'll have to find a dl link tho, since it's been deleted from nexus/moddb for some reason.

I haven't posted on Sup Forums in yonks but I'll stick up for this game


It took me until the end of the game to realise I was making potions without the added benefits of concocting them with similar sub ingredients.

Also, the first boss fight is arguably the most difficult in the game. Play up until you at least beat that, on hard mode because that's where the fun is at.

People always throw hyperbole in your face when talking about Witcher 1 combat. Is it good? - no. Is it terrible? - not that either

Better sidequests than in the newest installment

Also will help you learn to enjoy the game for its story and characters and ignore bad gameplay



It's hard as fuck if you don't take pain resistance, which you generally wouldn't take since nothing inflicts pain in such amount up to that point

TW1 is great. you bone more sluts than TW2+3 combined