New idea that actually works

>New idea that actually works

>Switch between multiple characters as your own group team

>Individual movement at the same time

>Confirmed other modes including classic

Where were you when Mario Party was saved?

here's hoping the next console games uses this concept

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Oy vey goyim bump the thread

>no online

Is it possible to make DS or 3DS local-only games online?


I think it's safe to just assume since they have literally never included online play in any Mario Party game

>Individual movement at the same time

So the car without the car?
Oh wow

Only possible because every player is on their own handheld system mind you.

That doesn't even make sense, since you're not in a car and choose your own path.

Will there ever be another great console mario party? Nobody wants to sit around playing with four handhelds.

Everyone has individual control and chooses individual paths.
It's literally just a timesaver.

I hope the next console games borrow cover art from a Spaghettios can

That's not even a Spaghettios render. It's a render from Club Nintendo I believe.

Not defending it at all, just saying it didn't come from the spaghettios.

who the fuck would play mario party ONLINE?

god you people are fucking stupid. who the fuck has an ONLINE party? a fucking VIRTUAL PARTY GUYS GET WITH THE TIMES LOL fucking wow.

parties are INHERENTLY a local thing.

Ignoring Toads this actually looks pretty good.

I like that you can "win" boss games now to dick people over by being the last one to attack.

Nigga, I have the bestest of friends through the internet.
We do everything together.
We'd totally play Mario Party
probably frequently too

They don't have to be, you shill
What if I wanted to play with a friend living on the other side of the world?

idk the idea of online friends is such a foreign concept to me. you have no real bond, they're just "people" that you "met" over the internet. it's crazy to me. i apologize for calling you stupid though. it was wrong of me. forgive me if you can.

well internet play can be useful but i personally would never consider it for mario PARTY

>Wanting Mario Party online
>Wanting rage quits everywhere
Yeah okay.

it was already confirmed to have originated from Club Nintendo's website. Stop forcing the LE SPAGHETTIOS maymay.

>replace rage quits with A.I.


I completely understand it's weird but
>Have everything in common
>Talk everyday
>Play games together
>Watch movies/shows together
The only thing we can't do is kiss and I'm not gay anyways

What if I want to play with friends who won't do that?

It isn't as simple as you think

>there can never be any online game because people will rage quit

you don't know until you try.

There's two series who's mulitplayer creates massive butthurt. That's Mario Party and Halo. Smash gets an honorable mention.

>"Okay guys, we've made the best Mario Party in years, but I wonder if many people are going to buy it..."
>"Hey, I have an idea, let's make this for 3DS so each person has to buy their copy of the game to play multiplayer"
>"That's brilliant!"

and Mario Kart?

Grand Theft Auto doesn't do that. Someone leaves a mission, everyone gets booted out and stuck in loading.

Call of Duty doesn't do that either. People leave your team? Too fucking bad, have fun getting ganbanged by the other team.

Yeah, real easy isn't it?

>everything that looks similar is the same
so all black people are the same guy?

Well yeah, that too.

Also, pretty sure the art on the can isn't original to the can. I mean, are we honestly going to be upset about it? I feel like the joke isn't funny, anymore.

>haven't enjoyed a Mario Party since 7
>Dokapon Kingdom incites more rage than a Chance Time switching stars with 1st and 4th
>Fortune Street is meh
>only care about this game because amiibos

I want my Hudson back Konami.

I would buy instantly if it had online play. Most of my friends who actually play games don't even live in the same state as me.

>steal a star from someone
>that player disconnects

>on 3ds
the irony of a party game on a handheld will never fail to amuse me, even worse if the party game requires frame perfect inputs and runs at 30fps

>points out the hand
>the dice is literally blocking Mario's hand
>clicking and dragging things in Photoshop afew inches away is considered a "change"

Toad is the only new thing in that picture. And even then, no one is busting any balls just swapping his colors.
You can't get anymore ignorant than this. You're really pathetic and bad at defending Nintendo, you should stop.

It kind of looks like Smash Tour to me. What am I not getting, here?

But does the classic mode have the car or not?
This is important.

I remember when people bitched about ('s art because Luigi wasn't in it

It was kind of funny in retrospect because it was 100 times more creative than this boxart.

>cut out slightly more than dice
>can still see hand and peach belly


>he's never done Mario Party netplay in Dolphin
I feel bad for you

>that background
That's literally what you get to imply transparency. I refuse to believe this is anything but placeholder

It's there's online, I'll play it. Modern Ninty games make lots of salt.

no shit

>Player now becomes CPU

>releasing placeholder boxart in a presskit
Unless they've done this before that's the final boxart

Everyone keeps forcing this dumb Spaghetti-O's meme when it was a generic use render BEFORE being on the Spaghetti-O's can

Then why not play with CPUs to begin with?

They're doing the same thing for Zelda U

>half of the game, you are playing against CPU.

how do you know Zelda U's is placeholder?

No, I think you missed the point and are trying to defend some with a common-knowledge recap that actually doesn't 'defend' nintendo at all

I'm not defending it, I'm just saying it didn't come from a Spaghetti-O's can

so you're missing the point? are you autistic by any chance? It's still on a spagetthi can.

Because it's generic promotional artwork of Link slapped on a solid background with nothing else?
Every other Zelda game has had a lot going on on the cover, and it's usually gold colored

that's not the coverart

You missed the point.
I'm showing that it's the same promotional artwork they slapped on the box.

no, the coverart is him climbing up a hill

Except it's not

It's still on a handheld, what kind of dumbass makes a party game on a handheld, I'll tell you who a total dumbass like nintendo

Don't throw your buzzwords at me. The original post clearly said "borrow cover art from a Spaghettios can" as if the can was the source of the render

So you are autistic. Got it.

Smash Bros does it.

So you're a retard. Got it.

I'm not retarded.

>playing Smash Bros online
Just because they put the feature in to sell more copies to lonely faggots doesn't mean you should play it that way

What the poster on Sup Forums wants people to believe Mario Party online would be like
>people around the world playing with each other and having fun

What online Mario Party would end up being
>ohey I got a star!
>All other players have disconnected

>playing with randoms being bad means you shouldn't be allowed to play with friends who won't do that shit

If your opponents are almost guaranteed to quit and be replaced by CPUs, why bother playing with people online anyway?



Because your friends presumably wouldn't?

>Because your friends presumably wouldn't?
>Mario Party

What the fuck happened to traditional Mario Party? I just want another one that has some wacky boards with branching paths, 4 players with one player moving at a time, stars to collect, and some minigames. No cars and none of this nonsense they showed at E3.

How nice does it work?

Before anyone goes nuts, the Toads aren't actually playable characters. They're part of one the game's modes.

It's weird that they only showed off that one mode

You forgot one thing

Dead on arrival, who the fuck plays Mario Party on a handheld