Blizzard just made the life of everyone raiding completely miserable by decreasing the amount you can zoom out past UI options using console commands. Almost everyone did this because else you'd just see the back of the knee of that XBOX HUEG boss instead of what's actually going on.
Outrange on the forums, Blizzard's response:
>This is one of this changes that we realize will be intensely unpopular with the group of players that has used console/WTF CVars to increase camera zoom beyond what the UI slider permits. For everyone else, they probably won't see what the big deal is, since it's removing a hidden option that most never used. But for those who are accustomed to an increased max zoom, it's changing the way you're experiencing the game in a way that feels restrictive and simply worse. So why would we do that?
>In a broad range of gaming genres (from RTS to Action RPG), being able to zoom out and see more of the world around you provides an objective advantage in the form of information. Due to that competitive advantage, camera-unlocking or increased zoom distance are features commonly found in third-party hacks for a variety of games. Whatever the maximum allowed, that's what competitive players will use in order to maximize performance, even at the expense of the game's overall look and feel.
>We strongly believe that there needs to be parity in this area between players who are using the default UI and those who have addons or knowledge of hidden console variables. One option was certainly to just allow the in-game slider to go all the way up to the CVar hardcap. But that scale is beyond the one around which the game was designed at its core. The development team builds the world, its art, its combat mechanics, and other interactions, around the base UI experience and scale. At the 3.4-CVar zoom level, your heroic Warcraft avatar takes up about as much screen-space as one of the dozens of marines you might control in a game of Starcraft.
If addons that uncap zoom give players unfair advantages I guess they should just remove all addons ever like FF does. Oh wait everyone hates that.
Elijah Clark
>Basically all of us started out playing WoW at the UI-enabled zoom level, and fell in love with that world enough that we now find ourselves here posting on an expansion beta forum discussing its future. At some point, we saw a raid video and wondered how they could see so much of the field at once, or we saw a forum post or got a helpful tip from another player, and learned that if you typed "/console CameraDistanceMaxFactor 4" you could zoom out way more, and we never looked back. But was that original experience bad, or have we just grown accustomed to something different?
>There may also be a bit of hyperbole in the discussion around the change. This is a screenshot I just took with the max UI-selectable zoom settings in the current Legion build:
>I'm not sure it's fair to say that this level of zoom entails your character dominating the screen, or removes any awareness of nearby threats.
>Finally, why did this happen suddenly now, late in the beta cycle, seemingly without any communication? Honestly, the intent was for the change to have been in place from early alpha onwards. I believe that what happened was that one of the CVars (CameraDistanceMaxFactor?) was clamped from the start, but a second CVar (CameraDistanceMax?) was overlooked. That issue was entered and tracked as a bug, and was just fixed recently. As a development team, at this point we're fixing up to 2000 Legion bugs a week, and it's not always obvious which player-facing build will contain a particular one of those fixes. This clearly wasn't something we ever imagined could just be swept under the carpet.
This is, in basic words, catering to all the LFR retards.
I was aboard the Legion hype train but I'm now a #Finalmissile
Lincoln Wilson
it's not even addons
this was a console command using set vchar
Max UI is like 20, console commands was 50
Mason Brooks
Caleb Campbell
Ha! Raiders FINALLY getting cucked. You will play their game how THEY want you to play. Only a mindless retard would still play this long since dead game.
Easton Myers
I can't wait to play the next exciting version of World of Blundercraft! What the fuck are Blizzard doing?
Zachary Bennett
but why
Eli Morales
>We strongly believe that there needs to be parity in this area between players who are using the default UI and those who have addons or knowledge of hidden console variables.
>This is, in basic words, catering to all the LFR retards.
Daniel Jones
>We strongly believe that there needs to be parity in this area between players who are using the default UI and those who have addons or knowledge of hidden console variables.
Between this and the talent thing you can say how disconnected they are from the player base.
Blake Powell
This poll is up on mmo champion, the site where LFR retards breed
even on there... 70%
Hudson Murphy
Stop trying to get in the way of the progressive movement you oppressive conservatives. WoW is a place of tolerance, peace, and acceptance of other views. Your zoom command was an oppressive system designed to benefit privileged white men such as yourselves.
Landon Perez
I don't fucking get it
Why not just increase UI zoom to 50!?
Jeremiah Thompson
lmao how long until they remove the combat log because "there needs to be parity between players who parse and upload their data to and players who don't" ?
jesus, neo-blizzard is going so far down the drain it's not even funny anymore. just sad, and even a little frightening.
Lincoln Johnson
That's my point, blizzard is just doing stupid shit and noboy like it.
>There may also be a bit of hyperbole in the discussion around the change. This is a screenshot I just took with the max UI-selectable zoom settings in the current Legion build:
well at least they increased the the zoom distance.
Luke Fisher
You think that would be the right decision
but you don't
Cooper Morales
The wow dev team aren't very smart.
Julian Barnes
You think you want to zoom out, but you don't!
Jaxon Reyes
This is just like the Overwatch FOV debacle
Hopefully it will lead to a bigger shitstorm because WoW devs give less fucks then OW
Jace Ramirez
>>We strongly believe that there needs to be parity in this area between players who are using the default UI and those who have addons or knowledge of hidden console variables. >this raises the skill ceiling to high we need to lower it more everytime
Joshua Stewart
So instead of limiting it to CameraDistanceMaxFactor 2... why not make the maximum 4?
I haven't needed to set my camera to something really far zoomed out for quite some time, but it was a nice tool for the rare time when it was useful in a raid.
Hunter Ross
Cant this argument be applied to almost all addons?
Elijah Harris
This is Blizzards own fucking fault for turning what was a game about exploring and group experiences into a flow chart and lists of check boxes.
No wonder people were playing with the camera zoomed miles fucking out, it made having to deal with the shitty daily quests as painless as possible.
Matthew Hughes
it's so fucking obvious that they just want to dumb down the game. if it was just about """"parity""" they could just have made the full zoom range available in their UI and call it a day. but no, instead they chose to limit everybody's options and give a bullshit MUH EQUALITY excuse for it.
Henry Rogers
This vaguely reminds me of the start of cata when they started changing mechanics that had been in place since vanilla launch every week.
Xavier Nelson
flying mounts were a mistake.
Jace Jenkins
I played WoW for 6 years in top PvE guilds and doing some high level arena/bg in my last years. The game allows you to zoom out to a ridiculous level already so I don't see a problem.
You're playing WoW. It's easy as tits already and super casual. Why do you need more advantages on people. ARE YOUR DEADLY BOSS MODES NOT ENOUGH? FFS MAN GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF.
Samuel Collins
>Why do you need more advantages on people. No one does it to be better than other people, they do it because it's way nicer to play with the max camera distance.
Why didn't they just increase the max distance in the UI? Then there wouldn't be any 'advantage'.
I've raided fine without ever knowing of this. You casuals really need this don't you? is LFR too hard for you too?
Ian Powell
babby's first bait on Sup Forums
how cute
Evan Ramirez
Wouldn't allowing people to zoom out so far it trivializes threats, line of sight, and a number of other things to make it "easier" be more casual enhancing than them basically saying they are reducing the amount you can zoom and it's making the game harder in return. WoW has always been plagued with addons that give players huge advantages over players without them.
Nolan Thomas
I didn't even know you could zoom out that far
Matthew Scott
I know right? I play in 1st person, I'm not a fucking casual.
James Lopez
World of Warcraft is still a thing? wew lads
Jonathan Turner
I chilled at 1900-2100 MMR every season. I used a plethora of mods of course as anyone worth their salt did, but I never understood the friends who would zoom all the way out.
It completely would ruin the experience and fun/excitement of the game. I tried it. I was good enough to where it didn't matter if I had hacked zoom or default so I chalked it up as most of the friends doing it were bad, and looking for a way to gain an advantage, without ever gitting gud.
You're likely a keyboard turner that binds his abilities to RP macros.
Brayden Evans
>I chilled at 1900-2100 MMR every season.
Wew, only a few hundred more and we would play this game on the same level.
Caleb Williams
To me it seems like the same advantage one would have with a higher FOV. I played a pve rogue for 3 years without knowing about the super zoom. I guess after playing that long it was just how I was used to playing and interacting. Any max zoom.option killed all my immersion and just felt "weird" playing
Matthew Cook
I played on Stormstrike if I recall correctly which was long considered the hardest battlegroup with the most high level "pro's" playing in it. I had Gladiator a single season and the others close to it. There's really nowhere to go up from there.
You're a salty fag and you're trying to claim superiority over an user in a game thats been dead since late WotLk. Your 2500 on your battlegroup might have only been good enough to get 1800 on Stormstrike, is my point. Leaving this thread after this post.
David Green
2100 MMR, which is always higher than team rating, was NEVER enough for gladiator on Stormstrike, not even in Season 1.
>Leaving this thread after this post.
I know you're reading this, cuck.
Jaxson Anderson
>inb4 they get rid of addons because they give you an advantage of people too stupid to know how to install them
Hunter Lewis
Why do people draw tauren females with the intention of physical attractiveness, when they're purposefully made ugly in game?
Humans and blood elves for instance look good, and even trolls, orcs, and undead girls have a few faces that look nice. Tauren girls are the only vanilla race that's purposefully and irrefutably ugly in-game.
Justin Gonzalez
>cry about how easy wow has become >cry when they take away babby ez mode camera away
Can't make this shit up.
Jose Scott
>objective advantage >competitive advantage
Nigga, it's an MMO, not MLG. Get off your fucking high horse, Blizzard.
Adrian Cox
>people take raiding so seriously they get pissy about zoom options
Kevin Lopez
It's a convenience, a pleasantry. Calm the fuck down. The corner store is only a block away; I'll still drive there cuz it's easier and quicker.
When you have a boss the size of a house, adds spawning in and aoe spells you can't stand in you need to know what's happening around you. Situational awareness is paramount.
Dylan Cox
>You will play their game how THEY want you to play.
With addons telling them EXACTLY what to do and when?
Justin Rivera
>WoWcucks so useless they can't turn around their camera with the mouse while smashing 2 buttons.
Ryder Price
Maybe but the command has been a staple in raiding and pvp for almost 12 years so it seems crazy to change it now.
Adrian Bailey
Fuck Blizzard.
Post some fucking futa draenei.
Juan Garcia
there's literally nothing wrong with this kys
Anthony Powell
are you guys ready for gears of warcraft release in 2017 for consoles?
Jacob Wood
>the game wasn't designed to be played while zoomed out that much these excuses from blizzard have just gotten absurd
Ryder Powell
You think you want this level of zoom, but you don't.
>"developers" don't actually know how to play their own game and they only change something that's been around for TWELVE YEARS once someone actually points it out to them
Noah Mitchell
>guys we didn't want you to play the way you've been playing for 12 years
Luke Price
addons are gay as fuck, people are so bad at this game that they need a addon to explain them the fight in full detail.
Savage raiders in FFXIV laugh at modern WoW raiders