I know it's getting Zestiria-tier reviews all-round, but there's just something about it.
Star Ocean V
You played it?
I just want to play a straightforward JRPG. It should hold me just fine.
>but there's just something about it
I know exactly what that is
Perhaps you lust after potatoes.
It's a hot potato.
Yeah shitposting from idiots wh know nothing about it, it's a great game.
It makes me sad that a certain WiiU game gets 50 times more discussion now.
I'm starting to believe that any publicity is good publicity.
metacritic says 4 reviews are out Im expecting like a 77-85 maybe. I can't find the reviews though.
>muhh it's shitposting when it's not posting words about my game
Shit is worse than fucking 4
t. EOP parrot
Is the game good or not? Fuck.
Decent amount of areas to run around in? Not necessarily planets, just regions and hopefully not a ton of corridors.
Customization good? How about crafting?
I know about short game, I know about tiddies. Nobody wants to discuss or divulge the rest.
We know that it's 20-30 hours long. I like that. Reminds me of Chrono Trigger.
And also the cutscenes are very SNES heavy, meaning characters just stand around and talk.
quoting user from a ded thred
> they filled in the open diamond panels of her clothes around her tits
Regarding Fiore. Is this true anons? Haven't seen anything showing her censored like this
No nothing has been changed in Fiore's design
I'm watching a stream of the english version right now and that's a lie.
I just hope there's a Forgery skill. The specialties are easily my favorite part of 2.
Granted, I'm one of the few who thinks 3 was garbage not worth playing because I couldn't give two shits about the battle system in a game as long as it has juicy crafting and a decent story.
U wot m8, SO3 doesn't have in-depth crafting like So2 but it's still really deep, nd the battle system is the absolute best in the series until 5 maybe outdoes it. (unlikely)
And the story is good!
I like fact that it's already around 25 bucks on the second hand market. I just might pick one up before I fly back home.
1) Said I didn't give a shit about the battle system. Honestly, it wasn't even that good. Best in the series, maybe, but there are many RPG's with far more interesting battle systems.
B) compared to 2, 3's specialty system was basically nonexistent.
Q) The story was stupid and trivialized everything that happened in all the games by making it all not real. Hurr durr, we're video game characters and now we have to go into the real world to punch our programmers in the face. Terrible.
>1) Said I didn't give a shit about the battle system. Honestly, it wasn't even that good. Best in the series, maybe, but there are many RPG's with far more interesting battle systems.
It's some of the best and deepest ARPG combat that exists. Tales is the only comparable series and doesn't even touch it.
>B) compared to 2, 3's specialty system was basically nonexistent.
Well yeah, but 2 in general had a myriad of systems that are broken, don't serve much if any purpose. I like the depth that they add regardless and it's a shame they took a lot of stuff out in the newer games and PSP remakes.
>trivialized everything that happened in all the games by making it all not real.
That's a really stupid way to look at it, but it's not uncommon for people that don't like SO3. Every game ever made is not actually real. Does that fact ever break your immersion and trivialise everything that happens in them?
What about the fact that it's obviously referring to how our own universe might be just as "unreal" as SO3's?
The point of it is that it doesn't matter if anything is real or not as long s it's real to you. There's nothing about that that trivialises anything that happens in SO1, 2, 3 and 4 unless you think reality is objective.
Friend from Japan told me the camera is even worse than Zestiria. However he enjoyed the game anyway.
>It's some of the best and deepest ARPG combat that exists. Tales is the only comparable series and doesn't even touch it.
At the time? Maybe. Now? Hardly. But my original statement was that it hardly mattered.
>Well yeah, but 2 in general had a myriad of systems that are broken, don't serve much if any purpose. I like the depth that they add regardless and it's a shame they took a lot of stuff out in the newer games and PSP remakes.
I don't think every system in every game had to have some purpose other than being interesting and fun. A real shame with newer games indeed.
>That's a really stupid way to look at it, but it's not uncommon for people that don't like SO3. Every game ever made is not actually real. Does that fact ever break your immersion and trivialise everything that happens in them?
Don't do that. The characters existence within their own games is part of what creates immersion. Maintaining continuity and not breaking the rules of that universe also help.
>What about the fact that it's obviously referring to how our own universe might be just as "unreal" as SO3's?
Old and contrived bathroom philosophy, at best. We aren't talking about an afterlife here. It's literally saying that their in-home universe was a pointless simulation, and choosing to go back to it was a terrible decision by the characters.
>The point of it is that it doesn't matter if anything is real or not as long s it's real to you. There's nothing about that that trivialises anything that happens in SO1, 2, 3 and 4 unless you think reality is objective.
Reality IS objective. The meaning you derive from it is subjective, but our existing is as objective as it gets.
Look, I get that the whole outer universe/confronting god thing was probably new to you at the time, but it was already overdone in other media and it was a tired contrivance for me by then. And then it wasn't even done WELL.
Now, if you want a game that does do it well, check out DDS 1\2.