Overwatch boasting

>You're only allowed to post here with images of heroes you have over a 70% win rate after 50 games.


>70% winrate
>With fixed 50% overall winrate

Kek! Only got 65% with Genji

You could do it. You just have to read the situation right and only play specific characters after the mandatory losses they chain you down with before they start giving you wins. The forced 50% win rate is for you, not what champion you are.

I know and I thought about that. Still pretty lame IMO. It makes it pointless.

>Bragging about win rate in a game where you're forced to rely on any number of strangers from the general populace of the internet to pull their heads out of their ass and use the most basic of common sense or the entire team fails.
Yeah good fucking luck, buddy.
Call me when I can carry entire teams solo like in Tribes.

80% winrate with torbjorn after 87 games

on PC

I've got 87% with Symettra. Ive played 167 games and won 89. Is that good?

If anyone has Hanzos above 75% wins with at least 4 hours played as hanzo, ill suck your dick.

I need a screen cap as proof though

73% at 86 games

massively underrated

>against bots

Post battlenet id and number with proof.

switch character right before you win.

Combat Symmetra is hilarious, since people underestimate her rampant damage.

Those Turrets are funny when placed in a small area. Hilarious to see Genji's and Tracers just melt.

kinda ashamed desu

I love it, all you have to do is hold M1 and jump around like a retard.

not sure if this counts famalam


poo in loo

Stop posting anytime

I like how the drawing had to radically change her facial structure to make her even remotely attractive.

i'd poo in her teleporter

>highest winrate is Zenyatta with 63%
>lowest is Hanzo with 43%

am I allowed Sup Forums?

74% win rate after more than 50 games at one point

I too hard to keep high win rate at high mmr when I only ever party with 1 other person just for XP or it would be solo

not hard to get high win rate sym, you swap off her after losing first point and if you play the new hero longer than sym the loss or win is counted for the newly swapped hero not sym

thats why her global win rate is high

pssh your smalltime kid

>50 games

come back at 200+

>highest win rate in the game

okaaaayyyy buddy.


>swap off Symmetra

You funny guy. I never do this. Sometimes I even go attack Symmetra and I still have a very high win rate with her.
