I-I like videogame girls because they are pure, not like sluts in the real world!

I-I like videogame girls because they are pure, not like sluts in the real world!

>post this in vitagen
>gets used for Sup Forums shitposting

>not good for only shitposting

HF is fun as fuck though.

Your fault

Also, at least shitpost with best girl, OP.

The games are more fun than they should be desu.

I thought it was girl Kirito from the thumbnail.

It is.

>not Asuna



2d is there when you want and has no investment. It is straight superior if your mind can adjust.

Not insulting or bashing anyone by saying this nor do I dislike girls it's just not with the effort

>It is straight superior
Apart from, you know, not being real

Glop glop.

What makes you think they wouldn't in a different context?

Why would you want her? Virtually every other girl is superior to Asuna.

What is real? Are you real? Am I real? Is this conversation real?

Who are you quoting?

Yes, if the context wasnt "asking a guy if he is cheating on his wife, while he is cheating on his wife with you" she wouldnt be a slut

No silly! That's the digital you, and the digital you is controlled by the real you

what is this from?


Unlike your girlfriend

Yes baby. Sinon is the cutest.

Watching bitches drop.

>tfw got a pure gf IRL
>still want an anime gf

That's not how it works dipshit.

>Vaber the Vibrator

Cuz she's hot. And tough. And motherly.

But mostly hot.

It's true though, women are incapable of love. Only selfish hedonistic feelings

Coldsteel the Hedgehog: Fake MMORPG Edition featuring cute anime grills™


Morrigan would be disapointed in you.

Se wasn't so tough after SAO ended.

Hey, I'm not gonna marry her. I just think she's hot.

You mean when she got tentacle'd?

The porn is good



>You mean when she got tentacle'd?
And got the tears licked off her face.

Why is the pink hired girl always the slut, guys?

Is that the context of OP's pic? Can you cheat on niggas in this game?


Yuno isn't a slut.

So did kirito get asuna pregnant after 2 years worth of cum?

Still has the uncanny valley but holy fuck progress is being made.

Yes you can.

They did it ingame so all he did was make a huge mess for the nurse to clean up.

The evil that men do.

You'd cheat to if you were married to Asuna.

Asuna's face in that last part makes me laugh every time I see that in a thread.

>Hollow Realization is confirmed to have waifu stuff.
Time to make Kirito cheat on Asuna again.

I don't even consider it cheating. I see it as correcting a mistake.

Is she that bad? I know the others are fine as fuck like that lisbeth ho. I suppose cannonically Kirito is married to Asuna so all the girls routes involve cheating. Do you at least fuck Asuna?

two years worth of semen made a glomping noise etc etc and so on

You can stay faithful to Asuna if you want. You even get to hold hands with her in bed, something you can't do with the others.

Sugu's dreams are coming true.

I don't think Asuna's bad I just think she's really boring in comparison to every other girl in SAO.

The games are actually pretty damn good.

>tfw no Blacksmith waifu

I don't know anything about SAO other than that the girl with short black hair is hot as fuck and I should jerk it to her more often.

At least you have somebody at all.

>that image
Fuck you Sup Forums I'll get back to 7th Dragon when I get back to it.

>.hack died for this

And she couldn't be happier.

.hack was for girls though
literally every girl had those fucking books

Look at the book case of this girl.

That page is burned into my head forever. I will remember that shit on my deathbed or at least the pool of vomit I will succumb to.

Thats pretty sweet in its own right, vanilla aint bad. I guess if you choose to cheat you get caught no matter what though right? I wish game designers put the work in to have each route unique instead of swapping dialogue and character portraits.

I dont remember much of Season 1 but at some stage shes just "there" compared to the others who do shit. At least his cousin is a fuckbunny for him and thats character enough for me.

Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment. The game itself is garbage, but there is waifu pandering in it.

Sword Art Online: Lost Song is a much better game.

she's like a cute retarded chick

>a girl likes it
>Therefore its for girls

holy fuck

Caller: Hello, I'd like a return. I kinda crushed my Real Doll's moving parts, if you know what I mean...

it is for girls, nobody in middle school gave a shit about .hack except for the weeb girls.
Everybody else liked Dragon Ball Z


.hack was pretty much dead before it too though. Which sucks since I love the .hack games.

Other than when Asuna gets to be sort-of center focus befriending super AIDS girl all she ever does is get jealous that the harem constantly surrounds Kirito and only grows larger.

Not him, but that series was for girls. The anime was extremely popular on girls JRPG sites. It was one of those girl-approved anime series.

>Sword Art Online: Lost Song is a much better game.

It really isn't, stop lying to him. If HF is garbage then LS is a decaying corpse.

Customer Service:Unfortunately only the Reinforced Bertha model guarantee covers such occurrences.

>only 3 volumes of Love Hina


Can't post any images for some reason, keep getting an error.

And now Namco can't go fivge minutes without shoving it into another crossover game. Lookin' at you, Project X Zone...

>Girls Bravo

Why would anyone own that, moreso a woman?

It was for girls, but that doesn't mean it wasn't good. The games were pretty mediocre although they had cool worldbuilding, and SIGN at least had a decent plot. That's more than what anyone can say for SAO.

>Sword Art Online: Lost Song is a much better game.
It has better jiggle physics but thats it.

im sure shes completed her collection by now, whoever she was.

>titty moles


No boobs at all, impressive

>Other than when Asuna gets to be sort-of center focus befriending super AIDS girl all she ever does is get jealous that the harem constantly surrounds Kirito and only grows larger.
Ah thats kinda annoying if thats all she does, she could get a good dicking after it and have that be a moment between them but thats not how this type of game goes so thats super boring. Can you tease her about it at least?

She's a real cutie too.

Neat looking beauty spots

She likes to show them off.

If Sony would announce .Hack rereleased on the PSN I would drop a thousand dollars on a PS4 and an entire entertainment system to properly replay those games. Nothing has ever hit me like those games.

Even GU was great, getting to go back and see what happened to some characters, as well as a dope MC with character development, a great cast, and an improved combat system.

I'm not a slut!

>Sword Art Online: Lost Song is a much better game.
Blatant lies. Lost Song is shitty a fuck. Bland maps, formulaic ARPG combat and stupid storyline that wants to be taken seriously.

Yes, then nine months later a level 1 Elf logged in and said "mama" it was fucking terrifying

More photoshop than a 9/11 footage

What's she like? This isn't the game with the shitty translation, is it?

There is no bigger whore than a gamer girl.

They're all whores. The real question is are you willing to become a whore too? Think of all the sex you could have if you were a whore like everyone around you. It still wouldn't make you happy. You'll never be happy.

.Hack started this retarded trend of mmo anime, I wish it was never made

What visual novel is this?

But Log Horizon is good.

Flirty and cheerful. She uses a greatsword in battle.
>This isn't the game with the shitty translation, is it?
They fixed it with the PS4 version. That being said the shitty version wasn't all that bad.

Only the first season was.

The novels are great, the second season was stretched out. They should have just animated the spin-off manga for half of that season.

She's also the best party member in the game.

Greatswords are the best weapon class. when you combine two of them it's murder for days

Shit, I might need to get this

The PS4 version is pretty cheap. You can get it for $20.