>Previews made it look awful
>Multiplayer beta was an abomination
>Came out
>Is easily one of the best games of the year
What went right?
>Previews made it look awful
>Multiplayer beta was an abomination
>Came out
>Is easily one of the best games of the year
What went right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>What went right?
scumbags still cannot pirate it
fuck you im not paying for 5 hours of gameplay
I find it amusing any game with Denuvo is barely talked about on here, nor do I ever see screenshots.
>What went right?
Bethesda published it.
It took me 14.
The majority of Sup Forums posters fall into the 15-17 age bracket, is it really that surprising?
Doom and Warhammer had quite a few threads
That's about it for Denuvo games though
Wait until Mankind Divided comes out.
all the games that have Denuvo, people barely care about.
You're not paying for anything because you're a PCuck who used 6 months of rent to buy an overpriced spreadsheet editor.
>Sup Forums is full of poorfag Australians and Russians
not surprised tbqh fampai
Too right
Single player understanding the allure of the the original games while being smart about updating the formula and only adding modern conventions that messed well with what had worked before.
Also a dash of disillusionment with how the FPS scene had become since the fall of the PC centered shooter, even going so far as to having a critical look at id Software itself.
I never heard of someone finishing the game After 5 hours in his First playthrough. It took me about 14 hours in ultra brutal difficulty. Without searching for the secrets and trying to do the sidemissions it would maybe take 10 hours.
>never heard of google docs
delte THIS
>download demo
>play 15 minutes
>have to stare at an unskippable cutscene when i start a new game
>have to stare at an unskippable cutscene when i go through a door
>have to stare at an unskippable cutscene when i pick up a weapon
>have to stare at an unskippable cutscene when i interact with a panel
Wow, such goty, 10/10 would meme again
>implying under 30h is good value for money
yeah 12 hours is not worth $60
>didn't buy it from a keysite or the steam sale
>missing out on a fun game which you'll get 2 or more playthroughs out of since its fun
35 dollars is not low enough
>45 hours in after finishing a nightmare run
>not anywhere finished with the multiplayer, which can be hilariously fun
>wikked grafics
>high framerates
>sweet environments
>fun enemies
>good depth of weapons
>tacked on upgrade system that ends up enriching the campaign pretty markedly
>neat story, if a shoe-in for necessary sci-fi setting #312
>samuel fucking hayden
tfw 1GB gt560ti
tfw fps is usually between 7 and 30
tfw 7 more often than 30
save me rx480 you're my only meme hope
you only have a cutscene the first time you pick up that particular weapon and do you not want to see what it looks like more closely?
the cutscene for opening a door is the same as in OoT get over it. Same with a panel.
Every game has a cutscene at the start of the game.
2/10 made me respond
People don't know Serious Sam and Gibhard exist.
what's your cpu? i'm on a GTX 750Ti and an i5, and I got 30-40 fps all the way through the demo areas
what's keeping people from pirating it
>barely breaking 10x as many players as Battleborn
>mfw I actually really love the multiplayer because it's like a faster Halo for PC with better weapons
>mfw can't wait for the updates and content for it because id took over and are making it even better
denuvo anti tamper\modding software
I loved it and I'm a longtime fan of serious Sam. Fuck off with your mindset that any new games can never be good
>Those fun as hell Cyberdemon and Hell Guards boss fights
>That mediocre Spider Mastermind fight in comparison mixed in with the shitty ending
I was ready to hate it based on the MP beta but bought it on a whim and yeah it's pretty great
They really did themselves a disservice by showing off the MP
What are you even trying to say? Its a single player FPS. It doesnt have the replayability of Skyrim. You are retarded.
A bottle of booze will give me more fun for cheaper
Nobody bought this game for the MP user
Switch off V-sync that might help a bit. I was only getting 30 fps on my r9 390 on medium settings for my first play through, then I switched that off and I could go Ultra settings with 100 fps...
>let me pic this stat thats helps my shitpost but ignore the other one that contradicts my shitposting
Classic Sup Forums. Game has sold 700,000k on PC alone and it still selling like crazy on consoles.
this reeks of underaged
no wonder you cant afford it
fucking pirate cove up in this bitch, you guys.
it's on sale for god's sake
>railgun in siege mode
>take the zoom mod first
This is ok, not too great though...
>get the siege mod
Jesus Christ
>everything in a fucking tunnel just melts
Meaning the multiplayer is god awful. When have you seen an FPS die that fast? I think even Brink lasted longer.
>all these Sup Forumsirgins dont have 30 dollars to buy on the best shooter of 2016
you usually make me angry, now i just feel pity for you guys
>its too short
>its too expensive
>despite being on sale for almost half off its still too expensive
>well its probably bad anway
I haven't seen Sup Forums shit post a genuinely good game this hard in years. Leads me to the conclusion majority of Sup Forums posters are dumb pirates
>posting facts is now shitposting
>b-b-but at least it's selling! that means it's good right?
my only complaints with DOOM is it doesn't need to be 80gb or whatever and snapmaps could use some more content
>the cutscene for opening a door is the same as in OoT get over it
that doesn't make it good, bucko.
i got way too few screenshots in my mild suffering for how fucking good this game looks. it's not even that the textures are particularly intricate or that the models have ridiculous polygon counts. the style conveyed is extremely consistent and fitting for the title.
goty right now for sure
>80 in Canada
add us to that list senpai
It's all the newfags that came on Sup Forums when ToRtanic happened, and they've been wanting every game to fail ever since.
Why did VEGA have to go Sup Forums?
What did he do to deserve it?
>play the multiplayer beta
>hate it and get 30 fps
>play the demo
>like it
>buy the game on sale
>after replaying the demo portion suddenly get 20 fps
>take me 2 hours to fix it
>next day I get 20 fps again
Was I tricked? Why would they make the demo work but not the whole game?
>mfw Canada is going bankrupt because of rapefugees and LE WEED MAN as their PM
>moose dollars soon to be worthless
You fags deserve it to be honest
yfw the doom slayer backed him up
>muh dollar per hour
yes? some of us aren't rich faggots, you know.
>700k copies sold since launch day
>Releasing a demo barely had any effect whatsoever
>Already 40% off sale one month after launch
>Said sale so far only accounted for 100k copies so far.
Fallout 4 sold three million copies and it could be pirated since day 1. Similarly Witcher 3 sold almost 2 million on Steam alone.
Piracy doesn't matter for AAA games. It never mattered.
>mfw doomslayer saves vega
took me 14 to get all the achievements
I think it was less about saving him and more like "this sam guy is clearly evil"
Took me 25
>play on toaster
>"w-was i tricked??"
kill yourself
Yeah I think you missed the part where I was playing it fine before level 2, in fact I even tried the multiplayer and I get 100 fps while getting 20 fps in the single player, this is not my computer's fault.
>this is not my computer's fault.
Yes it is PCuck. Go tinker with your silly little box for a few days to make it playable.
I'll be over here enjoying the fuck out of this game on my Xbone.
It takes at least double that (even more if you bump up the difficulty) and Snapmap at least ensures you can play more than just the base game. For $40, that's pretty worth it
Some people just take that "Never pay more than $20 for a game" gag in Monkey Island too literally.
Are you retarded?
>Selling copies isn't good
Are you autistic?
>fps on console
ahahha look at this nigger
How does it look so much slower compared to the PC? Is it running at 30fps on consoles?
>tfw 750 Ti, FX 6300 and 4GB of RAM
>demo almost constantly running at 5FPS or lower
What are Sam's plans, Sup Forums?
Is he going to dominate the world?
Why would he approve of weaponizing demons int he first place?
I have the same toaster and it runs at 50-60 with everything set on low. Try that.
id actually bothered to look back at the original games, listened to the fans, and realized Doom was —and always has been— about the single player experience.
nvidia 760, shitty amd processor and 8gb ram reporting in
>mfw it runs at around 55fps most of the time
The thing chugs on X60 cards frequently as well. particularly in the advanced research complex and lazarus labs.
Feedback about the previews that it needed to be sped up saved it, for some insane reason they decided to release a beta solely for the terrible multiplayer
I wish they'd scrap the multiplayer DLC completely and just make more singleplayer campaigns
Fucking this. Sup Forums is a shell of what it used to be.
Hiroyuki needs to temporarily nuke the board and then silently bring it back, essentially to force all the shitters out
But even the menus run at sub-5FPS
It's jarring and I seriously can't find out what the fuck is causing it because normally, it should run at 30-40. Do I need 8GB RAM?
>console fps exhibit 2
Publishers will forever ignore this fact and sales figures in general unless they support the notion that consumers are to blame for everything.
Consoles are the best place to play fps games. Battleborn is a blast and CoD is the best competitive shooter series ever made.
Plus Titanfall 2 will be great.
You k&m faggots should go back to your spreadsheets or whatever.
I'm here to game, faggot.
Oh wait you said 4gb of ram. I have 8gb. My dino is pic related with a 750ti 2gb and it runs at 50-60fps. It looks surprisingly good too.
you know in your heart that they are gonna give goty to uncharted 4
>>Is easily one of the best games of the year
For neo-Sup Forums sure. Otherwise it's mediocre through and through. Not bad but not even noteworthy honestly.
B A S E D Denuvo is what went right.
Seriously, can anyone name a more GOAT piece of vidya hardware?
I sincerely hope all devs use this for future releases since it worked out so well in Doom 4's favor.
Overwatch runs at a solid 60fps on both Xbone and PS4 so I have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
Maybe it looks slower because you're not seeing constant twitchy bobbing from mouselook controls?
I know a smooth, refined aiming experience is foreign to you PCucks but one day you'll understand that laser quickly slapping your aiming reticule all over the screen is fucking gay.
Sorry, I meant to type software.
>Didn't even sell a million
Also the forced melee mechanics are shit
Humanity is in such grave danger of running out of resources that they need to siphon energy from Hell.
Seemed more like a combination of "VEGA is the only friend on this rock," and "This transhumanist is clearly waiting for the right moment to back stab."
Is it megatextures with idTech still?
idTech is an interesting engine, I'm glad its stable now.
The game just throws you in saying
And you do literally nothing but that until the end of the game. How can you not like that?