I can't exactly complain.
That moment when a character's ass becomes more relevant than her games
Do you ever get tired of making these threads?
Nope. Should i?
Yes. You make them almost every day at the same time and post the same Smash 4 screenshots over and over. It's like visible autism.
Its her tits mate.
I'll make new screen shots soon, then
You want more of her tits?
Better than her flat ass.
Love those tits.
What in the fuck is FLAT about this ass?
I can enhance them both.
Her while body Is pretty well rounded.
I want to worship her ass
I love Samus' butt!
Don't we all?
Kill yourself Sybb
But that's not Juri.
I know, F-Zero has become obscure at this point.
How did this get past the censors.
How could it not?
Don't do it, Peach!
Is she going to kiss it?
Peach can't deny the booty.
It certainly is tempting.
Report and hide these shitty reposted waifushit threads.
Peach needs a restraining order put on her.