NX discussion thread

Let's have a good NX thread LOL

>what do you want to see from the possible games?
>what other games do you want?
>what do you want the NX to be like? Set your autism free
>do you think the NX can compete with the 1.5 consoles?

Confirmed facts
>home console (m.gadgets.ndtv.com/games/news/nintendo-nx-is-a-home-console-next-handheld-codename-revealed-report-841144)
>Zelda BotW as launch title ('different visuals than Wii U')
>'new type of mario' avaliable
>new game by Koei tecmo(nintendolife.com/news/2016/04/koei_tecmo_confirms_that_it_has_nintendo_nx_software_in_development)

Holy fuck we know so damn little

>VERY likely/ partically confirmed stuff
Pikmin 4 launch title
Animal crossing (mobile app supposed to crossover with something)
Dragon Quest XI
Metroid (eurogamer.net/articles/2015-06-17-next-proper-metroid-prime-would-likely-now-be-on-nx)
Just Dance
Stronger than Wii U (see: Zelda point)

>Some stuff stated by companies, but not confirmed
'moving away from Wii Brand'

twitter.com/fabiandoehla/status/74479428038066585 (3rd party devs excited)
Memory cards and Catridges from Zelda trademarks
Beyond good and evil from Ubisoft
Smash 4 and Mk8 ports

Please don't reply to shitposters

Other urls found in this thread:


“For Us, It’s Not About Specs”

- Reggie Fils-Aime, 2016

Thanks for the bump

Many people tend to take this quote out of context though, like the Colour splash Gg thing

It's kind of funny

>this means it will be a literal toaster
-Reactionists, 10000 BC - 2016

Reposting my hopes

Handheld sold separately, works as a streaming device/ controller

Normal controllers bundled with console

NX controller will be SNES-controller shaped, slightly smaller than the Wii U controller so that it is less bulky. Screen will be capable of 720p 60fps. All buttons on the Wii U controller will be on the handheld, and it will have shoulder scroll buttons and flat analog sticks to be more 'on the go'. Two screens, when the top screen closes down on the bottom screen, the entire thing is flat. The top screen can be adjusted so it slides onto the bottom one. Such a configuration is used when using the handheld itself as a controller for games played on the TV.

It doesn't really need to compete with the 1.5 consoles. Those systems won't get exclusive games.

I hope we see more third-party collaborations and more spin-offs like Captain Toad.

It doesn't?

A console is still a console in the eyes of normies, consoles will always compete against one another, even if they have no exclusives

I know American nerds on Sup Forums hate them but it really fucking needs car racing and sport games in order to survive.

These are bog-standard genres and for two generations you've gone from acceptable sport titles (Pro Evo Soccer was even one of the most innovative games in the Wii) and no decent car racing games to basically fucking nothing in either genre.

Need for Speed - Most Wanted U is literally the only decent car racing game for 10-12 years on a console.

The freakin' DS had more serious car racing games.

It's insane.

Does mariokart or Wii U sports count?


Not really.

Kart racers are basically their own genre as distinct from standard car racing games, sim or arcade (or anywhere on the spectrum). MK8 and MKWii are both fucking great though.

You have me at a technicality with Wii Sports but that is just a different kettle of fish to 99% of sport games.

Normies use consoles as CoD/Madden boxes, they don't care about exclusivity as long as they have to put zero effort into setting it up. Nintendo is well out of normie interest at this point, the Wii was a right place right time thing.

They can get the normie interest back with marketing though

Nope, the only normies who actually play video games only play trash like CoD and sports. All the casuals below them only play mobile trash.

>nvidia smartphone chip
Nintendo drones believe the darnest things.

>>nvidia smartphone chip
>b-but muh semiaccurate

> I hope we see more third-party collaborations and more spin-offs like Captain Toad

It would be great to see more spinoffs, and mostly about that Sheik-driven Zelda game that Aonuma said.

It's not about games, sales or relevancy either.

>Holy fuck we know so damn little
We know NOTHING. All your "confirmed facts" are speculations at best.


I want it to play like metal gear at night, and in day, you are Zelda smiting enemies with magic and solving puzzles

Is it really so bad to have Nintendo buttraped by Nvidia for once?

You are so vehemently against it, but it will be a valuable experience to gain.

>What do you want to see from possible games?

No forced gimmicks that don't really add to gameplay. I just want to play a game similar to if I were to play on Xbox One or PS4.

>What other games do you want?

Project Sonic 2017 would be a game I would pick up on NX launch if the game comes out around then. Obviously I want a new F Zero, as well as a new console Fire Emblem game.

>What do you want the NX to be like?

I don't want it to be another black or white box under my TV that blends in with every other TV device down there. It should have an easily recognisable design (similar to what N64 and NGC were like) and have a variety of colours (like NGC)

>Do you think the NX can compete with the 1.5 consoles?

Most likely. People who already own a PS4 or Xbox One are probably not going to buy another one. Zelda Breath of the Wild will also make people want an NX too, possibly some other games revealed in September. NX will probably be a good comeback for Nintendo.

>I believe rumors only when they're bad for Nintendo
Literally you.

Bad stuff happening to nintendo isn't unthinkable or even improbable at this point.

Yeah, but you are saying it WILL happen

Which is just fanboyism at your side.

Nah you're just an idiot.

The Nvidia this will be a thing. But just because they use an nvidia chip, that doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing.

>The Nvidia this will be a thing.
Says who?

Proof. I might add it in next time

And how strong is the chip anyway

Says everybody except for the most delusional nintendrones.

>And how strong is the smartphone chip anyway

So.... shitposters like you.
And before you say
>hurr whoever isn't a nintendrone is a shitposter
No, those who don't shitpost don't believe rumors. So a normal user would say "I don't know what kind of specs the NX will have".

>No proof
Just leave, cunt

I just want to see more games. Don't care about multiplats, but 3rd party support and some good exclusives. Not that the Wii U was lacking good exclusives, it just didn't have a lot.

Estimations are easy, just look at the current smartphone chips nvidia has.

>not even as powerful as ps4/xbone
>ps4 neo & Scorpio released BEFORE NX
>no support from big 3 publishers

Dead on arrival

I just want to know retard

The latest chip from the series is one that supports a surface pro. I'm not sure if it will be the one used, but if another one is, it should be a newer version

The chip might also very well be used for a handheld, which is alright by handheld standards.

>Estimations are easy, just look at the current smartphone chips nvidia has.
Who says they'll use nvidia? Especially when they've always used AMD?

Proof for first statement please

And neo/Scorpio will not really be competitive with the NX. They are only for people who do not have a ps4/Xbone, which would be quite little, since most would have bought one already

Everyone who isn't rabid nintendo fanboys says this.

Well, Nintendo's in it for the long haul, you see? They get popular youtubers to show up to their events and playtest their games, they create their own youtube series' like Nintendo Minute and Super Coin Crew (which I guess is a thing?), and they even make guest appearances on popular youtube channels, like how Reggie was recently on Game Theory discussing whether innovating game controls is a good thing.

Non-rhetorical question here, do you know who watches all that shit?

>Stronger than Wii U (see: Zelda point)
It's necessary to point out that BotW looking "different" doesn't necessary implies looking "better".
Just saying.


Damn I need to sleep

Refer to

Alright boys ignore the no-proof guys

Let's discuss VIDEO GAMES

>new Metroid
2d or 3D? Prime or hunters?

>Pikmin 4
What new features do you want?

OP, next time specify in your post people should ignore and not answer to sourceless claims.

No, they are usually 3rd party websites who don't have anything to do with your console wars.
And they are far more believable than you are.

That's why it's only in the "Very Likely" section. It's the most obvious assumption that "different visuals" will be in the Assassin's Creed IV last gen → next gen manner, but it's not a guarantee.

I agree with this.
I mostly use my ps4 for sports games. Nintendo needs proper sports games to compete
>bring back college basketball games REEEEEEEEEEE

What are the odds of it being backward compatible with the wii u?

So rumors. Thanks.

Just come out and say it. You only believe rumors when they're about the NX being weak.

Very powerful handheld with all ip from merged studio, optional hdmi over wifi dongle for tv play maybe the handheld can take on wii u like controller features in this mode for seamless porting of wii u titles.

If they do this i imagine they'll market it as a home console using the tv imagery heavily to justify the higher price for what is essentially predominantly a handheld.

at this point the main/only thing I'm hoping os that it's more successful than the wii u at the least.

...and region free for those that desire it.

I would prefer a 2d one desu

A 2d mixed with 3D one would be fantastic, although I do not know how that will work

When are people going to realize that Nintendo doesn't need to compete with Microsoft or Sony anymore?

>hurr hurr they're gonna get fucked by scorpio!!!!!

They know.

Option 1: Nvidia smartphone CPU
Option 2: Gamecube CPI recycled for the 115th time.

>You only believe rumors when they're about the NX being weak.
Would you actually bet real money against the NX being weak if you were me?

>>Pikmin 4
>What new features do you want?
Back to treasure hunting. More shit to collect. Lots more. Give me an arduous treasure hunting post-game like in Pikmin 2. Maybe not anything as straining on the Pikmin Numbers as the Dream Den.

>Option 1: Nvidia smartphone CPU
>Option 2: Gamecube CPI recycled for the 115th time.
Thanks for confirming you're a shitposter.


I would think good, but wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo botches that common thing for consoles to have for the past few generations

>Would you actually bet real money against the NX being weak if you were me?
Why would I bet anything for or against anything? We don't know anything about it. That's the point.

Don't reply retard

So it's okay to only believe rumors when they're about the NX being as powerful as another console with rumored powerful specs?

It's just you refusing to admit the staggeringly high probability the NX won't have powerful processing.

Every other website believes it will. It's Nintendo tradition at this point to use weak Gamecube CPUs.
The Nvidia rumour is actually an upgrade.

No, it's not okay to believe any kind of rumor as fact. That's all I'm saying.

>>Every other website believes it will.
Assumption != Fact

I think Zelda will ensure it is more successful than wiiu. And surely they learned something about marketing from wiiu?

One claims it will be 4K 60 Fps

Rumours mean literally nothing at this point.

Even if it's underpowered, so what? It's already confirmed to be stronger than the Wii U, which is already capable of 1080p 60fps

>the Wii U, which is already capable of 1080p 60fps
Yes, if you run smartphone shovelware on it.

Nintendo fucked up with the Wii U. Released it too soon and too underpowered. Doing that again with a new console would be murder, and from what Reggie has said it seems like they really are that stupid to do it again. "NX" should be the Wii U, only done right. Specs comparable to the competitors, and no "Wii" branding confusion. I'm saying it should be a Wii U 1.5 but just rebranded and beefed up to put it back in the game with Sony and Microsoft.
But they're not going to do that. They're going to try and "recapture the Wii audience" that they lost with the Wii U and it's just going to further isolate Nintendo from the rest of the industry. Third party games are what keep a console alive but Nintendo just doesn't seem to fucking understand that, even though it was the Wii's massive third party library that kept it alive. But nope, it's INOVASHUN that's important, right?
This shit is just too depressing to keep thinking about.

Bring the Wii marketing team back

'The NeXt great thing'

They should really keep the NX name, it's good for marketing

Smash 4 can be played on a phone?

Link please kind user

At the very least, it is capable of 720p 60fps. A small upgrade can easily bring it to 1080p

I agree, I like NX. Simple and interesting like wii

>recapture the Wii audience
This can be interpreted in many ways. The popularity? The family-friendliness which Nintendo is known for? Besides,

And we know fuckall about it. It can compete with the neo and Scorpio for third parties if it is slightly stronger than the base consoles, as developers have to limit themselves with the original console's hardware (no exclusives on neo)

AMD doesn't have the resources to wast on Nintendo's little jew pennies.

They want real money from Microsoft and Sony.
They get a ton of money from microsoft because Microsoft likes to design large chips.
They get a ton of money from Sony because PS4 sells in very high quantity.

Nintendo only buys last-gen low tech from them. They aren't worth the time to waste developer manpower on.

I think they should just call it the "Nintendo Entertainment System." Fucking hard reset on this thing. Not another new fangled fucking console with a fucking subttitle/tagline. It should just be the fucking Nintendo. The console you have to fucking own because this is it, the realest shit.
The console should be grey and white with black lines, hard edges and elegant as fuck. The controller should be simple, grey back and white front with some actual fucking COLOUR on the buttons. None of this boring ass white or black shit they've gone for with the Wii and Wii U. Dual analog stick placement like the GameCube controller, shoulder buttons with shoulder triggers, start and select buttons, rechargeable wireless. Four SNES-style face buttons, no bullshit. A D-pad to make you feel like you're seven years old again playing Mario.

This isn't hard. Why do they keep fucking it up.

What the fuck are you talking about

AMd doesn't care about sales of the consoles, if Nintendo buys from them, what do they even loose? Nothing

>AMd doesn't care about sales of the consoles,
Low Wii U sales will make their time invested into the design a waste.

And Nintendo isn't interested in buying the lastest technology from them anyway. Nintendo wants yesterday's technology.

They are a worthless customer.
AMD needs to spend their developer teams on more high tech partners.

I like the glossy black controllers

And hard edges suck. It wears down easily as well. There is no reason for sharp edges. Grey+white+black is horrible, especially if the black is the outlines. Dark grey+black would probably be slightly better, but I would very much prefer plain white+black/white+grey

Did they even design the thing?

Even if they did, they still got a fuckton of money from Nintendo OREDERING the chips to be used. The console sells means jackshit to them as long as Nintendo ORDERED their shit

The MH codename was unrelated/fake

Every thread until my dream is dead.

>OREDERING the chips to be used. The console sells means jackshit
Non sequitur. Chips ordered is aligned with consoles sold.

Simply speaking Nintendo isn't worth it, and AMD is already stretched thin with multiple projects.
Microsoft and Sony are more valuable customers.

>Released it too soon
If anything, they released it too late. If it was released a year before, things would have been very different. Wii's last year was a desert of games and it was ps3 and 360's prime time. Nintendo releasing a console on par with the ps3 and 360 in 2011 would have give them more third party ports.

Nice source you've got there.

Maybe on sale

How big do you want the handheld to be? And is that even possible?

Not only does Microsoft order higher and more sophisticated designs, they alone order more chips than Nintendo does.
Sony also buys the latest and most expensive technology AMD has, just not in the same degree as Microsoft, but they make up for it with higher quantity of orders.
25 million and 40 million respectively.

These two are far more valuable customers than Nintendo.
What would you do as AMD if you had limited resources and could only service 2 of those 3?

Why would they drop a paying customer just because another customer buys more?

Do you even business?

Because you have a limited team of engineers.

Consoles is just a side business, you also need your engineers elsewhere to design new CPU technology and GPU technology.

That means scraping off the japanese jew who only buys yesterday's technology and only 12 million of them is the best solution.

>Dragon Quest
>on any platform that hasn't been established

DQ games always get released on the most popular systems

Isn't AMD going to phase out Bonaire and Pitcairn? That will leave Nintendo little choice but to go to Polaris. Which is great even if they choose AMD's cheapest spec

>TTYD remake for NX with colour splash visuals

Would you buy?

Nah, they usually make to spec. what the costumer orders.

The thing is it needs to be beneficial to both partners.
If Nintendo just order old 2005 technology like they did for Wii U, then AMD's engineer team won't get any new and useful experience form it. The Wii U is basically a deal only Nintendo benefits from.

Customers like Microsoft and Sony always order the latest technology they have.
Those are the projects the AMD engineers can learn from and gain good experiences from.

So that's actually 1 more reason why Microsoft and Sony are so valuable to them.

Interesting, that explains their recent advancements with APUs etc

What you're saying makes sense but thinking about AMD is taking Nintendo's money good enough for them?

I'd say the handheld should have 5" screen at 540p so it would be exacly halk of the 1080p you would see on the TV screen.

>AMD after the GCN
>hey guys, should we make CPU/GPUs for Nintendo again?
>Nah, they sell like shit, plus they want to use the same tech and slightly overclock it, we won't get any experience with this
And yet.

>thinking about AMD is taking Nintendo's money good enough for them?
It's a cost/benefit analysis. Will this person be worth it as a customer if his next console only sell 8 million? Etc.

Realistically you're also in a technology race with Intel and Nvidia.
So sure, the Nintendo money is better than nothing, but perhaps those engineers that spend their time of the Wii U chip could have been spent on more useful projects.

>AMD after the GCN
>Nah, they sell like shit
No. At that time, everybody thought Nintendo was going to make another success like the Wii.

But as we all know the Wii U didn't quite reach the Wii.

I'm beginning to see the scope of all this. I somehow like how unpredictable the NX will turn out, all this speculating just makes this juicy thinking about it.

>what do you want to see from the possible games?

I want to see more RPG or action. Racing and some more online stuff.


>what other games do you want?

Some PS2-3 games might be nice.

>what do you want the NX to be like?

A powerful console that will rely on better hardware and software. A partner handheld that is the epitome of "portable gaming".

And most importantly: backwards compatibility.

>>do you think the NX can compete with the 1.5 consoles?

Who knows...

He doesn't know...

>He doesn't know...

Hit me with the bad news senpai.

Doubt he has any