/gw2g/ Guild Wars 2 general

Hey Sup Forums
>whats your favorite class?
>what gamemodes do you play?
>Warriors are almost bigger shits than Dragonhunter-Trappers in PvP / WvW amirite?
>Do you like the new Raid and where raiding is going?

Only mode I play is WvWvW, PVE is just a joke in GW2. Play necro, guardian, engineer and warrior. Bought HOT but then got a refund so not tried the new specialisations or whatever they are called.

>have gw2 already
>have to pay for the update
no thanks

true, PvE is pure farming and mostly repetetive. I like teh idea if raids and those mechanics, but i dont want to wait 1 hour just to find a decent group.

Yeah, the games went a downward spiral from HOT on in my opinion. Not everything was accesible from start on, many things get cancelled like the 2nd row of legendarys.

I left this shit of a game after 1,5 with HoT, i regret I bought it but i do played thief and guardian mostly for pve and elementalist for pvp

I haven't touched the game since it came out and I hit max level, is it worth coming back to dick around I don't want to drop money on the expansion?

Yea it's free, try and get into wvw it can be fun if you get a good leader. Do not need the expansion it basically added nothing.

I left GW2 also many times, but i came back as well, going through the same cycle: exploring "new" shit in PvE -> Run more and more around in WvW -> game gets boring and i quitfor a while.
You should really try WvW though, its fun most of the time and when you are not too shy consider joining you servers Ts3 server.

I already explored everything in this game and played some wvw, only thing I will come for will be new releases of story just to see how downhill it will go, it is disgrace for gw 1. Also I would consider playing if locations form expansion would have people because they were good

Returning player here. I enjoy the game and consider to buy the addon.
For this thread, wait for the obligatory jaded people who post the same pictures over and over again. Faggots.

So far the game is fun again. The only thing which drove me off was the Living story and its awful characters.
Anyone played the raids?

>WvW is ameiiiizing doood
>WvW omaiga teh epic peevepees

I just don't get it, it's a bunch of faggots attacking a door, then the other faggots from the other server fuck you from behind or something, everyone is just plinking each other from suepr far away, or you get stuck in a sea of lag and get raped by some mini midget from stealth.

Also what's the point? woa your realm wins! what a thrill, who the fuck cares? you don't really get anything out of it.

>People who feel bad because the game that they liked for story and gameplay shitted on this story and changed gameplay by 180 degree
I m not saying that this game is especially bad by itself because he is quiet nice to play from time to time but as a guild wars it is shit for me

I think you are past the point of enjoying video games for the sake of it

Sure I agree. The complexity of Guild Wars 1 will never be achieved unless they would copy that. I like how GW2 plays. And I think it got complexity over time, but could use more.
So far it's nice. But the story of it as you said is a sin.

I wonder how will they continue the story because if they want to end elder dragons arc in gw2 they are doing it too slow

I play healslut ele (formerly facetank guard before HoT) for GvG and WvW. Or rather I used to. Guild is pretty dead these days.

Now I run around on a medic thief build and try to save people from wvw zergs. I mostly die.

Their decision to get sucked into Raids is fucking stupid

Not only did they power the meta they wanted to get rid off so badly, but they created the worst toxic community ever, and I raided in WoW.

WvW is a wreck. Its someone personal development playground

PvP is a wreck balance wise. Every quarterly balance patch takes the OP stick from a class and gives it to another. This quarters flavor: Warrior

The economy? John Smith is a fucking hack. He studied at Havard and firstly what job does he get? Economist in a non sub MMO. AND HE IS EVEN BAD AT THAT. I mean he is the reason I get fucking upset at this game. Because unless you get a misfit of a good loot in this retarded RNG lootsystem, you are fucked in the economy. Want nice skins? Mystic coins are fucked. Want to chance asc stats? Leather prices are fucked. You really need Spirit Shards? CANT DO BECAUSE WE HAVE TO REGULATE THE MARKET.

But oh oh, multiloot tarir is legit? Fuck them

maaaaaan playable norn was the best thing to come out of gw2 by far

Same goes for the Tengu. Haven't heard of them in like forever. Will we ever find out what happened to Elona..? Or Cantha? Shame to not focus the living story around it.
Sometimes I wish to see what they are working on and how. Who works against the company from the inside. As the writers of the Living Story one were.

I came back to the game two weeks ago and what I figured out of how to make money: Don't open the loot sacks, but sell them on the tradehouse.

This game runs like dogshit

I was extremely disappointed when they confirmed that xpac will not be about elona or cantha

Cantha? Anet does not want to insult chinese people, so it is not spoken of. Now stop thinking and go praise them on their forums for the new batch of shit skins they put out.

>but they created the worst toxic community ever
Reddit called, they want their meme back.

Toxic just means "they have standards and I do not meet them, because Im a scrub and also drink semen". Every fucking time someone accuses a community of being toxic its because they want to be carried and never want to grind for the minimum requirements. Which in GW2 are luckily really low. To have an ascended set is really easy.

I like the game because I can play it for 3 months until I get bored, then come back and continue. There is so much stuff to do that if I didnt have to play another trillion games I could just go full autism and only play gw2. There is literally too much stuff to do.

You could get like 10g daily for just logging and farming shit in less than 20 minutes

I don't know man, i spent 3 hours yesterday playing rocket league and I didn't hate any of it.

It just confuses me when someone asks me about GW2, and I tell them I lost interest in it, since nothing seems to have a point, it just gets repetitive and then some other faggot comes and says "buuuuuut waiiiiit, WvWvW is fuckkkkken epic man, that's the only reason you play GW2, le pve is le shiiieet, but WvWvW is solid fun! super duper action packed fun dood"

I spent around 600 hours trying to find out what was so good about it with multiple characters, and I just didn't feel like I was accomplishing anything, or like my participation even mattered in the large group events or WvW, plus there was a lot of downtime when you die in WvW fuck that shit.

I made 140gold in two weeks playing casually.
A precursor weapon is like 500 to 600 gold. If you don't spent any gold you had one in like two month. And if you don't want to buy these expensive things you can still go for weapon skins which sometimes look good, 200 gold. Or convert them for gems, 130g for 400 gems. A weapon skin is like 400gems?

What do you make in comparison? I imagine that there are even better ways to generate gold.

Maybe something else is your thing.
What I got of GW2 is that they tried to make a game where everyone finds his niche or activity so to say.

As for WvW, in a blob a single person does hardly matter. Probably the hardest impact you can do is stun enemies or try to pick one enemy out of a bunch, so your blob of people can much on him.
Or scout and pick single targets.
It's a large scale war and everyone has a small task so the army can go further.

All that potential was lost to incompetence, like tears in rain.