Should I play NIER?

Should I play NIER?
is it a good game?
'cause I've seen a couple pieces of playthrough and it seems like the combat's fun enough, but some environments look so bad they're hard to look at

what do?

There is no reason not to play it.

gameplays mediocre
graphics, more so

the stories good though

It is quite literally, the greatest game ever made.

Graphics is bad
Gameplay is "just ok"
OST, story, atmosphere, characters are top tier.

Give it a go, and ignore how extremely bad the first few errand-boy quests are, even those get better.

Skip fishing or google it.

Just play it. Don't know why every newbie loves contemplating whether or not Nier is worth a playthrough so fucking much? When you should be able to pick it up used for 10-15 dollars. If it sparks your curiosity just give it a go already, you were likely going to eventually.

Because they dont want to waste the time and money to buy it?

poorfag arguments are not reasonable though

How far into it does it become less "errand-boy"?
I'm not far in, only at the part where you go into the dungeon to find that kids mom, but it seems like a never ending fetch quest

You'll always be an errand boy, its just theres more to most of these quests than just completing them in its context than "i need X, get me X and i pay"

What you are doing is already part of the good, even if it feels endless.

Wretched Automatons is great endlessly anyway.

Why not just pirate it then?

This might help you.

Because it needs a modified console?

Though - I personally have it pirated, in fact I have it on both ps3 and 360.

They already waste enough time thinking about it, when they were just gonna get it anyways. Watch when NierA comes out, these threads are gonna start popping up like candy and the outcome is gonna be the same every time: Sup Forums says gameplay's eh but you will like the story so buy it

The time wasted posting a thread is hardly something quanitfiable in money for the average user.

I saw people talk Nier years ago, Sup Forums told me the hot girl has a dick, so I pirated it, and planned on fapping to it at that night.

Now it is my favorite game, but then I had the option to freely pirate it and check.
If I had to go out and buy it for $15, I'd also have inquired deeper.

Ok, so I just completed Drakonguard and Nier (got all the endings) and holy shit.

What the fuck did I just experience.....

Bought it completely upon a whim when returning a shit game to the store, and got store credit for it. Saw this game, total bias in favor of square enix, that's literally all I had to go off, was square. I'd never played drakengard either so no clue what I was getting myself in to. It's now my hands down GOAT. A lot of people didn't like the constant switches in genres going from hack and slash, to 2d platformer, to.. text adventures? But that aside, the story, music, and characters 10/10. Heart stopped for a moment when I first heard about NIER automata



Why didn't Halua look like this in the few human in-game appearances she gets?

Mfw i became so addicted to the Taro style I started reading the mangas he worked on + novel translations + Nier stage play.

I just need more.

But seriously, what the fuck was that shit.

It was confusing on top of my saves being deleted.

I need some time to process this


Process it, make up your theories user - and then read Grimoire Nier.

I finished it yesterday.

The gameplay is really medicore, and the graphics are pretty damn ugly. The soundtrack is really good. The story is really too good BUT the voice acting is mostly weak and a lot of dialogue will probably make you cringe. The writing is kind of up and down in this way but overall the good outweighs the bad.

Just don't go into it expecting a super cool fun game, think of it more as exploring a unique story and interesting universe.

Not OP, I liked Nier. Should I get Drakengard 3, it's $10 on PSN now

The soundtrack alone is worth giving it a try. Also the PS3 version got really expensive lately, the 360 version is still cheap, you should get that if you can.

I like Nier but Drakengard 3 wasn't that great imo.

It's not a good game, only get it if you want more Taro.

I won't do it then, thanks.

>mfw all that E3 footage
>bosses look as fun as in first game
>combat looks great
>huge open areas
>even the desert with enemies hidden under the sand is back
>magic confirmed in famitsu, featuring Dark Execution
>game is delayed till 2017 that will allow more polish and maybe content to be added
I can't believe how well the game is shaping up. Square better not fuck localization up.

Wet effect + clothing damage

All I need now is confirmation on if 9S will get clothing damage too, and what is he wearing underneath the clothes I want to take off.

Game is gonna be dope.

Which Drakengards are worth playing through? 3 apparently swings between ok and hot garbage?

DoD3 seemed as fine as Nier - except the performance of it is just abysmal.

Without the slightest hostile intention, I think you can only tolerate it if you regularly play 30fps vidya on consoles.

Just play the fucking game, the graphics aren't amazing, but the artstyle is nice and it has some nice deatils in some places it's far from ugly. If you want high end graphics stick with Battlefront.
The gameplay is simple, but also far from bad and has some nice lements like isometric vews, bullet hell etc.
The OST and story are great

How do you guys even play games nowadays if you just give up on something beacuse it looked slightly mediocre on YT

I played through Bayonetta and Dragon's Dogma on PS3 so I might be able to stomach it, maybe they'll release a "remastered" thing on PS4 one day?

I thought it was fun, the gameplay had some nice changes every now and then and worked perfectly fine. You allact like the gamep plays like total shit

If you could stomach those then you should be okay with the technical issues.
From what I gathered from Sup Forums, combat is actually better than Nier (I didnt get far at all)

The only other problems people seem to have is the dub, which didnt translate Zero's personality well, while playing it undubbed (which costs money) will still just leave you with the bad translation - which I guess would work fine if you watch enough anime otherwise, atleast it would for me.

I guess if Automata is a big success they may do it, but honestly I wouldn't count on it.

Drak 1 has best story and lore but most boring gameplay
Drak 2 has best gameplay but worst story, okay lore
Drak 3 is more or less a balance between the first two

I only said it was mediocre and I think that's the perfect word to describe it. It's not well balanced, it feels clunky, and basically nothing is actually challenging, in fact the closer you get to the end the more it gets ridiculously easy and you have to force yourself to hold back against the bosses if you want to see them finish their dialogue.

It works, but it's not good in any way.