So which one will it be Sup Forums?
The new sonic
Other urls found in this thread:
Sonic The Fighters 2
>Sonic The Fighters 2
pleb taste
Sonic Battle 2 or bust.
Just Sonic Boom 2.
>Sonic Her-toes
Regular furry Sonic fans are bad enough. user pls.
Generations 2, probably.
Or maybe sequel to Sonic 2006. It could be Sonic 2016.
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Out Run
Transformed already had Outrun DLC.
>Generations 2
I don't think there's a lot of material left for another "nostalgia trip through reimagined old stages" game, that said I'm down for another Generations/Colors-style game.
Please be Adventure 3, and please come to NX
If it had to be one of those 3, Id wish for heroes 2. Sonic adventure has sucked since 1999 and retro sonic made generations a pile of garbage, but the modern boost stages were the shit. Nowhere near as good as unleashed levels but still decent enough since levels like unleashed day can only be made once in a lifetime.
Port of mobile Sonic 1 & 2 to all next gen platforms and PC.
Sonic 06 was just a very unfinished Sonic adventure 3 though wasn't it?
>Sonic 06 came out 10 years ago
Yes, but this time, Out Run will continue to influence it more to the point of being as good as Out Run 2006: Coast 2 Coast, the best game ever made.
Something with the technical ambition Unleashed had.
>Sonic Battle
Was it? I didn't play much of it, but on the whole it had such a different feel to it than the previous two Adventure games, I just don't think it would have compared even if it had been finished and polished to completion.
Rush 3
couldn't get past Knux and Rouge's chapter scrub?
Sonic Shuffle 2
The Mario Party killer
Everything is pointing towards Adventure 3 or something else entirely.
Generations 2 wouldn't make much sense since there's only been 1 mainline game since Gens 1.
Nobody wants Heroes 2.
>"lol u a shit git gud" fallacy
Sonic Battle 2 will never happen for a good reason and you know it. Quit being a fucking hipster about it already.
>Nobody wants Heroes 2
I know a person, it has a small following.
People want a Sonic Heroes 2 as much as they want a Sonic Battle 2, as in only that one guy at the top of the thread.
Battle is margins better than gay ass Fighters anyways
even then, neither are any likely to get a sequel outside Sega doing some sort of Smash/Outfoxies clone.
>Sonic Heroes 2
>they bring Team Hooligans back through it as an evil Chaotix like in the comics
Please god
My money's on Adventure 3, or at the very least Chao Gardens coming back. They have to be aware of the unchecked fan demand for that by now. It's only been begged for for, what, 15 years now?
Sonic Riders 3 with large open maps instead of designed tracks
Except the Generations Modern stages were much better than the Unleashed Day stages. Multiple paths, no quicktime events or retarded 'mini boss' that you're forced to outrun.
If its not another earth shattering, world journeying adventure like unleashed, or just a straight up unleashed 2, I don't give a fuck.
Sonic Unleashed 2 also to be known as Sonic World Adventure 2 in Japan, the unofficial release of Sonic Adventure 4 (since World Adventure is technically Adventure 3).
Sonic for day stages and Knuckles for night stages.
Steam already has sonic 1-3 plus CD, unless you're talking about something else
>Port of mobile
Are you always this retarded?
>Sonic World Adventure 2
There was no 2 at the end of that.
I just want a SA3 with genuine quality put into it. That's all.
Except they werent. 3D was almost cut out yet again, more slow shitty 2D sections with basic garbage platforming, multiple paths are worthless since you go on the same one every time, quick time events make perfect sense in sonic, and the mini boss was cool. Unleashed day is the height of sonics career and nothing will ever come close to the sprawling worlds of rooftop run or jungle joyride, the carefully constructed savannah citadel or skyscraper scamper with tons of little details, or the blistering fast cool edge or arid sands, or nightmare doomsday carnival of eggmanland. Trash like modern seaside hill and planet wisp arent even in the same wavelength of the sheer epicness, speed, and length of anything in unleashed.
What the fuck is different from some touchscreen piece of shit sonic?
How would you do sonic generations 2?
The first game was basically ok here is a hub with all the themes from the games.
The second game would pretty much be the exact same thing.
it was very much in line with adventure 1 and 2, especially 1
except more people would rather want a sequel to an actually good Power Stone-esque arena fighter than some jank version of Fighting Vipers.
Mobile Chao game, Earn modiers in mini games and in shops because lets be honest they will want to jew this. Race upgrade etc. Mobile Tomogachi Chao
here we go again
>unironically posting le Sonic Cycle
is this 2009?
>look mom i posted it again!
this piece of shit spawned so many offshoots
>look mom i said colors is good again!! its 2D, its slow as fuck, its a cringe saturday cartoon so badass, its the best sonic ever!!! speed??? an actual story? fuck that that shits way to edgy you autistic fag!
Can anybody explain why people shill Sonic Colours so hard as the saviour of Sonic games?
It was horribly dull and uninspired, felt like a Sonic Unleashed level pack.
It's one of the only Sonic Wii games that I didn't beat, and I played Secret Rings and Black Knight.
Sonic fags really are desperate about their franchise to claim this is a great game
Fucking this
>mfw there are no good powerstone clones these days
Why didn't Sony steal the idea for PSASBR? Instead they had to make an inferior Smash clone REEEEEEEEEEEEE
>sonic is automatically le good when in 2D: check
>speed is removed, casual autists cant keep up with, complain controls are broken, everything slowed down and simplified: check
>any attempt at telling a story and providing a memorable adventure gone, thrown out for a throwaway saturday morning cartoon with lame gags and jokes out the ass, panders to retards who never cared about sonic in the first place: check
The holy trio of things nu sonic "fans" ask for, all in this game.
posting superior cycle
>tfw pic related is still true as of today
That's because Sonic unleashed was just called Sonic "World Adventure" in japan.
If a sequel to Sonic Unleashed comes out it will be called Sonic Unleashed 2 in the west and World Adventure 2 in Japan.
>Adventure 3 on the Unleashed engine
>Sonic and Shadow for the daytime stages
>Knuckles and Espio for the night-esque time stages
>Combat co-developed by Platinum
>Convoluted anime plotline
>Crush 40 theme song
I would cum over everything
>still makes Sonic fags upset
I am an Adult and i fully enjoy nearly every sonic game, not counting GG or MS spin off fluff. Only real bad Mainline Sonic games are Shadow, 06 and Secret Rings. I would also say black knight but it seems to have had alot more care and dedication towards it. You guy's really need to stop being so cynical. Also Heroes did NOTHING wrong.
Bring back Maekawa and make a really enjoyable story filled with references to past games
No hub. It's just cutscene, level, cutscene, level...
Hand drawn animated opening/important cutscenes, like the BlazBlue games
Classic Sonic levels (the act ones) play like S3&K and use the same graphical style that the newest Guilty Gear uses (fake sprites), so it feels like if you're actually playing a 2D game, not that 2.5 thing
Modern Sonic (act twos) plays generally like the first Adventure, but with a nerfed boost and with parkour elements. It's all 3d, no 2d sections
This is my list of levels (a boss every two levels):
Windy Hill Zone (SLW)
Aquarium Park (Colors)
Boss: Zavok
Skyscraper Scramper (SWA)
Kingdom Valley (S06)
Boss: Egg Wyvern
Egg Fleet (SH)
Pyramid Cave (SA2)
Boss: Egg Golem
Red Mountain (SA1)
Flying Battery Zone (S&K)
Boss: Kyodai Eggman Robo
Ice Cap Zone (S3)
Quartz Quadrant (SCD)
Boss: Metallic Madness Boss
Mystic Cave Zone (S2)
Scrap Brain Zone (S1)
Boss: Final Zone
Final Boss: A new one
Zavok, Golem and Metallic Madness boss are fought using Classic Sonic. Wyvern, Kyodai and Final Zone are fought using Modern.
>there is a very real possibility that Sonic Adventure 3 will happen before Kingdom Hearts 3
Who woulda thought?
Just make a good final boss, the one from Generations was shit and so was the music for it.
>Also Heroes did NOTHING wrong.
>have to play the game four times and get the chaos emeralds to get to the final part of the game.
>implying thats a bad thing
>literally just switch to power type and hold the boost and you get a chaos emerald almost instantly
Levels might be a little long but its a blast to play, don't be so grumpy.
Sonic the Hedgehog (2017)
Chronicles 2
Heroes gameplay has a lot of potential if actually applied to a good game. I can imagine it working even better now that boosting is a mechanic. You could have it so only speed characters can boost. Also it'd be cool to see the babylon rogues in a team
Give us Sonic Excursion
No it's not. Sonic Heroes has so many fucking problems with it, starting with the copy-and-pasted levels where you can often fall through the floor where they didn't align the copy and pasted pieces properly, grinding on rails doesn't work properly, a lot of the levels are tedious due to having to fight robots with health bars, the stupid kart segments, the excessive dialogue, there only being four boss fights in the entire game (and three of them are repeated. Fighting waves of enemies isn't a boss fight). The story and CGI were vomit-inducingly bad. Everyone looked like a shitty N64 model waxed to the extreme. Multiplayer mode capped at 15 FPS for no good fucking reason. The whole three character system was done so amateurishly, it really shows that it was Sonic Team USA's first game by themselves without Sonic Team helping them.
Gameplay-wise, Shadow The Hedgehog fixed so many things that were bad about Sonic Heroes. It's laughable that people gave it lower scores than Heroes due to the story being so stupid. The gameplay was greatly improved.
nah, the fact Colors and Gens were actually decent it makes Cyclefags more flustered than ever when brought up. (and resort to different tactics onwards)
case in point, see
I'd actually kill for a sequel in the vein of '06. It was, no joke, my introduction to the series. I can actually enjoy myself playing it much more than the adventure games, I even think it's a bit better if you discount buggy programming. Sue me, I know.
My unhealthy amount of nostalgia aside, I really like the concept of what the game was trying to do, and truth be told it's likely be one of the best sonic games if they didn't shit it out for a holiday release. Then nobody would have a problem calling it adventure 3.
Also the music has literally never been better since.
If Kingdom hearts was a rushed piece of shit people would laugh at the concept just the same.
*it'd likely
>mini boss that you're forced to outrun