Is tameem antoniades a martyr that was shot down by autism bandwagoners?

is tameem antoniades a martyr that was shot down by autism bandwagoners?

I wish I could see the real DmC without con man's finger laid upon it

Dude tried to self insert himself into dmc, he deserves all the shit he gets

Tameem was just doing what Capcom told him to do which was make a "western" DMC which he did a fairly good job of, problem being the only people who care about DMC in the west are weebs who didn't want a western style game.

Except the game was originally very different, the initial release trailer version that everyone loathed is the result of capcoms interference with his team

the leftmost Dante looks like an actually cool westernized version, the pic being some of their original unused designs that were "too different". Their DmC was apparently too violent as well originally

>he did a fairly good job of
If you're 13 and edgy. Which is the only way anyone could enjoy that piece of shit.

>If you're 13 and edgy. Which is the only way anyone could enjoy that piece of shit.
Yes, DMC is the result of people looking over what's popular in murrica and seeing nothing but edge.

fucking b8

The reboot was not a spiritual successor to the series by any means.When you reboot a series, you should have some respect for the source material. As we all well know, there was none to be had here. So now you have two fanbases clashing because we have a reboot who was aiming for everyone else but DMC fans.

They took a campy, fun-loving character and made him the exact polar opposite of that.

>tfw 2012 dmc shitstorm was what made me a regular on Sup Forums
has it really been 4 years? Post your Tamtam OC

also Kat used to be fucking hot

though the DMC fanbase is literally worse than the sonic fanbase which is why they will never get to the bottom of why DmC is actually subpar while just clinging to le DMC4 air juggle webms and tameem memes

Post discarded, that concept art looks like shit too, who goes for women with such shitty haircuts?

The girls in DMC have been utterly bland and unimaginative so far

based on that concept art it might have been the first decent woman in DMC

> Color coded enemies
> makes fun of its predecessors within the first 5 min
> cursing that much shows how poorly it was written
> to many edges
> scoring system is causualized trash

What else do you need to know

Based on that concept art she looks like biker trash instead of street trash like what we got. The only actual bland DMC girl was Kyrie and that was more than likely the point in her design.

I dont think you know how to read, so thanks for contributing to exactly what I was talking about

the released version of DmC is basically the third version

first version is the actual "western" DmC, the second version is the one that the first trailer was about, and the third version is the final version which is basically capcom shitting their pants and trying to backtrack after everyone hated the second one

This is coming from someone who has played every DMC game meticulously sans 2 which i only beat once

DMC4 is the real low point of the entire series, atleast DmC tries to do something different, has a few interesting bosses, pleasant controls and good graphics/ artstyle

DMC4 is basically the "wider audience" version of 3- praising it is basically a joke by now and automatically identifies a person that knows nothing about the genre. There are basically 2 types of hack and slash games and those are

>games that focus on having difficult enemies and a player character surviving against them (lets say bloodborne and DMC1)

>games that focus on the player character having a deep combat system to murder enemies ( DMC3)

and then theres the ultimate game that beats both, which is ninja gaiden. Its actually surprising how little people praise the series, but I think the reason for that is extremely simple: the games are inaccessible. They are extremely hard to get into, they can border on scary with the OST and the difficulty at times, and the general mood and tone simply already pushes alot of people away. THE FIRST WEAPON of ninja gaiden 2 has more moves than both characters in DMC4 combined, and the enemies still manage to be extremely deadly and aggressive instead of being dead weight punching bags

If you genuinely think DmC is a step down from DMC4, it simply means you have no clue about what constitutes a good game

not a single character outside of Dante is not-bland in DMC, the women are just the worst offenders

>not a single character outside of Dante is not-bland in DMC
ayy so you're blind. Let me guess, you have over 300 hours in DMC4 just to say how shit it is?

Where did I say its "shit"? Im saying its extremely bad compared to its extremely overrated fame

I have 300+ hours in every DMC game that isnt 2 or DmC, and DMC4 literally simply is the "wider audience" version of 3 that trades quality and quantity for even more quantity and much less quality

Oh great it's you again, fuck off you stupid cunt you get blown out every thread. The fact you're even trying again is no short than pathetic.

Oh fuck it's you. Don't you ever get tired of shitposting and getting shit out of every thread you walk in?

Well "argued"

>u g-get b-blown t-t-the f-fuck out..

about what exactly? Refute a single thing I said and stop embarrassing yourself autist, just because DMC4 is the first DMC/ only DMC youve played and youre a memeca bandwagoner who has no idea about game design doesnt mean youre correct

the retarded "fanbase" full of chris chans is the one reason I have no interest in DMC5

>atleast DmC tries to do something different, has a few interesting bosses, pleasant controls and good graphics/ artstyle
Can I call you DmC-kun?

I really did miss your autistic rants that boil down to nothing if I'm being honest but I'm not interested in dealing with your shit today, so here's a stock photo of someone disagreeing with you, he even looks a bit like Reuben so I'm sure it'll be a good stress relief until you get more pills. We all know you don't read responses anyway.

>I wish I could see the real DmC without con man's finger laid upon it

Tameem and NT basically got free reign and they basically did whatever they fucking want.

Ive traded my copy of DmC:DE away, so I dont really care about that game anymore

However I do have a problem with autists ruining a potentially good franchise because they are literally retarded. If you praise DMC4 and then turn around and shit on DmC, you are extremely hypocritical, stupid and probably a neckbeard while youre at it too

Its somewhat hilarious to me that the biggest idiots about games are always the mouthbreathers when youd imagine that those would actually know about games

What "rants"? Literally every single line in was an argument, and you arent able to refute a single one of them

DMC4 is the same thing to DMC as RE4 was to resident evil, except that DMC4 failed to innovate at all and was just a DMC3 with some core things shifted around (instead of having to get good with one powerful style, you now have 4 shitty and one extremely shitty style, making playing with dante extremely awkward uncomfortable finger gymnastics of mashing the DPAD and annihilating every enemy that you encounter because the game is designed around Nero)

I can literally keep mashing triangle and O against a blitz with the rebellion and royalguard equipped, Dante completely breaks the game but he is still much less fun to play as than in DMC3

They literally had to scrap the original iteration of the game because con man said it was too violent, which is why the current Donte is all bark no bite (not to mention 10 years younger than the dante in the original concepts)

Oh DmC-kun, please look up what argument means next time before posting.

I just want another DMC like DMC1 goddamnit. They took the combo chains too far with 3. I'm glad they exist, it just hurts knowing i'll never get an actual DMC2. God damnit fucking gay-ass earth

>the leftmost Dante looks like an actually cool westernized version
looks like generic pretty middle age whiteboi actually

Kun is a honorary for males.

try bloodborne if you havent already, its not exactly the same but id say it and DMC1 share alot of common elements

So the pic you posted?

>So the pic you posted?
Yes i think that was exactly his point

yes, he followed the dudebro pandering guideline w3 took.
3rd one is cool. just have to trim the belts. use different shoes. and make his face less like a broodlord

Third one looks like some kind of ninja...with converses? ok man. Maybe trim off the tabard thingy too

>try bloodborne
This isn't the first time i've heard it compared to DMC1. I guess you guys win. I know someone who barely uses their PS4, will probably buy BB and just play it on their console for now. Thanks

It's funny how he managed to sink a decent developer by western standards simply by going full retard while he thought he was witty.

I mean you have companies like Paradox who go after their community modders for doubleplus ungood thoughts, you have Obsidian who retcons their game to fit an agenda of a mentally ill person and Tim Schaefer who goes from scam to scam yet only Tameem managed to fuck it up royally.

dmc didnt kill nt
their next game looks to be even more expensive.

paradox are much bigger than nt. and if shit like alpha protocol cant kill obsidian, a kikestarter definitely cant.

The main difference is that Tameem not only managed to shit on the fanbase it was aimed at but also released the second worst game in the series on top of the hate he had already garnered.

meant for