Objective top tier master rank how to fix overwatch heroes notes:

Objective top tier master rank how to fix overwatch heroes notes:

Torbjorn: build sentry cool down begins when sentry is destroyed

Bastion: add a .5 second spin up time for turret

D.Va: defense matrix recycles enemy fire into armor for herself, only a small percentage ratio, not 1:1

Roadhog: hook no longer stuns for full duration. Instead the target has a chance to act during the last few animations

Winston: leap deals more damage the longer the airtime: up to 75 damage

Zenyatta: hp changed to 200 (150 shield, 50armor,). Additionally, picking up a health pack will instead transfer to your orb of harmony target

Pharah: gain 75 armor during the duration of JUSTice

Oh my god the A and V are the same reversed

I feel that if Bastion had to get out of Sentry Mode to use his heal, he would be fine. He's easy to counter, but if you fail to kill him 1v1, he just E's and gets right back into the action. That way, he's just a little more vulnerable, and it's easy to follow up on killing him if an ally fails.

Since Widow and McCree got nerfed, Pharah is literally the best character in the game. She doesn't need a buff.

Rate me

Tracer: Increased base movespeed, 15% chance of enemy projectiles to auto-miss

Genji: 3rd person view activated on Ultimate

Mercy: Self-revives if dies when ultimate is full

Reaper: Loses health if he hasn't hurt any enemies in the last 10 seconds

Symmetra: Ultimate charge twice as fast. If other Symmetra present on enemy team, 50% chance of teleporters sending people through the wrong exit. 25% teleporters will send you off a cliff.

Mei: Ice wall reflects beam weapons

Junkrat: Ultimate can be thrown like a frisbee

Reinhardt: Swinging the hammer more than 3 times in a row causes him to slip a disc. -20% movement speed until corrected by healer.

Soldier 76: Ironsights on rifle. Melee autokills.

Zarya: Removed from game

Widowmaker: Grappling hook has 30% of snapping midway

Hanzo: Limited arrows in quiver. Has to make more by hand.

McCree: Gains a Desert Eagle

Lucio: Autoplays random songs from the current Billboard top 40.


>Zenyatta health buff
Found the shitter

>increase Tracers speed
Just stop

>Buffing Tracer
>buffing mercy ult
>nerfing Reinhardt
>making solider have a one shot
Fucking triggered

Torbjorn on console needs to have his turrent range nerfed just a bit. Anything else would completely ruin him.

You realize any buff to zen will make him incredibly broken. right? He already makes tanks useless and any other character die in about 1 second.

>Roadhog: hook no longer stuns for full duration. Instead the target has a chance to act during the last few animations

Literally making him useless then. His whole point is the hook combo. Fuck is the point of his hook if you can just leave before he gets damage.

>McCree: Gains a Desert Eagle

Op seems to be forgetting that is all ready the case if you are at the hooks max range.

>crying about bastion
literally the easiest hero in the game to counter

God Fucking shit fuck I hate you so much. Why would you think adding random chance to a competitive multiplayer game is a good idea! Go back to playing single player games you fuck face.

>Soldier 76: Melee autokills

What is this, COD?

I just think he's too accurate at long range

It just spray out like Roadhog's Ult at longer ranges.

It should*

>D.Va: defense matrix recycles enemy fire into armor for herself, only a small percentage ratio, not 1:1

This is probably the best and most creative buff idea I've heard so far. It doesn't change the original design or theme of the character, and really adds life to a really lifeless ability.

Am I good guise :^)

>Torbjorn: build sentry cool down begins when sentry is destroyed

No. Level 1 sentry is trash and even with exploiting it wont be a level two again for 7 seconds, plenty enough time to kill him.

>Bastion: add a .5 second spin up time for turret

Nope, he is a bad character already and literally is not good unless he has two other character babysitting his ass

>D.Va: defense matrix recycles enemy fire into armor for herself, only a small percentage ratio, not 1:1

No again, if anything successful absorbs should grant her some minor ultimate charge.

>Roadhog: hook no longer stuns for full duration. Instead the target has a chance to act during the last few animations


>Winston: leap deals more damage the longer the airtime: up to 75 damage

He is fine

>Zenyatta: hp changed to 200 (150 shield, 50armor,). Additionally, picking up a health pack will instead transfer to your orb of harmony target

Nope, make it so when orbs are applied on targets he is granted some type of slight movement speed increase. Maybe even make his ultimate less fucking trash somehow as well.

>Pharah: gain 75 armor during the duration of JUSTice

Just stop. Apply Zarya barrier, get a mercy pocket. It does a fuck load of damage and is very very easy to get.

this is some mario party shit, what the fuck?

>Pharah is the best
Why? Junkrat does everything she does except float around, with the added abilities of traps and grenade spam.

>Bastion nerf
I'm level 71 and I haven't seen a bastion in forever.

>Add an indicator to Zenyatta's heal targets screen. Similar to Mercy, except it shows if Zenyatta has a clear line of sight to you, and a small timer showing how long the orb will remain once you've broken sight.
Thoughts? Obviously don't clutter the screen with timers and shit, but some sort of icon would be good for the timer.

all these replies are so serious to what is clearly a shitpost. am i being double baited right now or something?

>not getting the joke

>falling for the double bait bait, sure is summer in here

The lack of floating around is the point. She also gets faster and more direct shots.

You're literally saying two characters are the same because they both have weapons that explode.

>Torb has a shotgun! He does everything Reaper does except teleport with the added abilities of turrets and armor!

I came here to complain but these are all valid buffs/nerfs

I like that dva idea a lot too

People seriously getting triggered. I laughed. Thanks user for the funny

>getting the joke

>Torbjorn: build sentry cool down begins when sentry is destroyed
No. Give the turret a lock-on time or something that encourages peaking.

>Bastion: add a .5 second spin up time for turret
No. Make each bullet fired from turret form hurt less. A constant stream of Bastion-bullets should still hurt, but not as much as it does now.

>D.Va: defense matrix recycles enemy fire into armor for herself, only a small percentage ratio, not 1:1
Not the worst idea, but balance will be hell.

>Roadhog: hook no longer stuns for full duration. Instead the target has a chance to act during the last few animations
Agreed. A character that's fast enough should be able to get out of a shotgun blast to the face.

>Winston: leap deals more damage the longer the airtime: up to 75 damage
No. Winston is fine as is.

>Zenyatta: hp changed to 200 (150 shield, 50armor,). Additionally, picking up a health pack will instead transfer to your orb of harmony target
No. Instead make it so that any damage done to your enemy orb-target is given to an ally or something. Makes more sense in the "balance" mentality Zen's got going.

>Pharah: gain 75 armor during the duration of JUSTice
No. Make her do more damage with her ult though. As it stands it's just not threatening enough. Take the Junkrat ult. If you don't destroy that wheel, it'll kill you.

If you don't bring down a Pharah, it'll annoy you vaguely.

Needs more D.va.


>3600 potential damage
>not enough for Pharah

Gee whizz!


And in the perfect scenario Bastion can do more DPS than any other character in the game. But the scenario is rarely perfect.

>shitlord user mansplains things he knows nothing about

This is really fucking problematic.

>Tracer: Increased base movespeed, 15% chance of enemy projectiles to auto-miss
stopped reading, you're a fucking idiot if you seriously think tracer needs any kind of buff