Thoughts on Prey?

Thoughts on Prey?

I'm more comfortable with Predator.

all i remember is children dying 10/10

severely underrated and eternally doomed now that bethshit killed it.

Excited for the new Prey but I honestly liked the premise of Prey 2 more.

I liked the first one but what the second was to be is what I have wanted from a video game for a long time

I was extremely upset at E3, but then I saw that CDPR was making something similar

God-tier level design but lame enemy placement. Most of the time, shootouts felt like you were just fighting token enemies 'cuz it's marketed as a shooter and not a puzzle game. Sometimes they were good, and the gravity switches made some shootouts really interesting, but I feel like the game lacked engaging shootouts.

I only hope you're still a Cherokee or whatever other native, with new, interesting powers.

The first few hours are fantastic. The mechanics for those teleportation boxes are also neat.

Thing is after the midway point, it kinda just devolves into "okay". It cant top its own first impression.

its going to be a shitty reboot that will ignore everything that happened with the original game.

Only if they have Cherokee people on the dev team.

Wouldn't count on it; dude looks white as fuck

Also, using the door to cut off that one boss's arm was neat

The modern day SJWs would go ape shit if they had a Cherokee with Indian powers again.

Why name it Prey, then? It's not like the first one was popular or anything.
OH I get it
Modern video game industry, am I right?

forgot .jpg :^)

Fucking loved how the dude I was playing would just blurt out shit.
Reminded me of Duke3d

Bethesda paid money to acquire the Prey license so they want to use it. They can give the devs of the new game all the creative freedom they want to disregard the original, but just by slapping the name "Prey" on it, they've just gotten people to also buy the original Prey next time it's on sale.

>Why name it Prey, then?

because all a creatively bankrupt company like bethesda wants is brand names to sell mediocre games with.

>You are going to get 5 more power ups
>Game goes to endgame and ends right there

They've been throwing money at a project they called "prey" for so long that they're going to make a game called prey, hell or highwater dangnabbit.



But nah let's just completely throw away everything about Prey and make an entirely different game also called Prey :^)

Progressives would care if it was a shitty racist caricature of Cherokee shit, if they actually consulted real Native Americans and had their input on cultural references when writing it, it would be praised for putting spotlight on a different culture for once. But, oops, that doesn't fit in with your SJW Strawman, I guess.

>Finally, I'm reunited with my girlfriend!
>Now stay here without any means of defense while I'm off to beat the shit out of the final boss. Sure, I could give you one of those alien assault rifles that I picked up by the dozens by now but nah.
>Well, color me surprised, I TOTALLY didn't see THAT coming. No way I could've prevented this.

Without a doubt the worst part of the game.

>you were supposed to team up with tommy in Prey 2
>now all we got is a dead space clone with "prey" slapped on

But they have no excuse, like I said, Prey isn't popular and normies won't play it because it's old, a great example being FO and FO2.
This demonstrates that Bethesda people don't have imagination for simply title.

good game. I wanted Prey 2 so bad, sadly it will never happen.

Looking at their games shows that the company is run by management, not games developers. Fuck imagination, that shit gets in the way of profits.