ITT: Guys who did nothing wrong

ITT: Guys who did nothing wrong.
I'll start

Other urls found in this thread:

Just trying to save LA and his fellow vommies

Clearly a wolf
Look at his fur

That dude from Far Cry 4.




But he barks. Only dogs bark.

oh shit

He really didn't do anything, though. He was a gullible cuck like his kid, and was pretty mindfucked by Miller and Ocelot even though it should've been pretty obvious that he had no loyalty to Skull Face, and was only working for him due to the fact that it's either that, or your family dies. The shit with Strangelove was wholly-unrelated to DD, and him taking the money and running with the parasites should've been a really fucking predictable scenario considering that Boss took him out of prison-esqe slave labor in order to dump him into DD's prison-esqe slave labor (with torture)

Venom being in charge at the time is probably why Huey got to live, because there's no way a psychopath like BB would look at the entire situation in the same lens


hitler looks anorexic

At least post one of the vidya incarnations

> The shit with Strangelove was wholly-unrelated to DD,

Except for the fact it gave Miller more fuel to not trust him in relation to the weapons inspection fiasco.

Tarasenko did nothing wrong

Get on the boat, Huey.

All of them

>Only dogs bark.
Wolves can bark but it's very very rare.


Just trying to do the right thing


Every time I killed one I always felt like an asshole for taking them away from their lands over some fucking girl

>All that Huey Samefagging

Just get on the boat already.

Literally some traitorous fag who got cucked by a woman and then cucked by his son.


I think you mean

ITT: Autistic teenage edgelords
