Am I wrong for not playing this?

am I wrong for not playing this?

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Extremely wrong, yes.

Do people actually play as Redguards?

No, but it's a great and influential video game.

Actually no.
Don't force it. If you want to play it, or any other classic game, you have to do it with a good attitude, otherwise you'd miss this great experience.
>when you reach Vivec for the first time

Why the fuck not?
The current president of the US is a Redguard.

Also >redguard dragonborn

Yes, you are wrong if you enjoyed the other Skyrim games. It was the first one to streamline some stuff and last one to actually add in some depth. It's one of those games where you'll be asking yourself while playing "were did videogames go so wrong" and the answer will be 7th gen consoles

>not wanting to be the best ottoman swordsman in Morrowind

If you haven't played it before, it'll feel really aged and hard to enjoy if you play it now.

You can work past that, but expect your first 10+ hours to be not great in any way.

>user still think Redguards are nigger tier
>user doesn't know how based Redguards kicked out Jew elves out of their home

I'm speaking from experience here, and I have to say that if you've started out with Skyrim and only now try Morrowind, the visuals won't matter because it feels like a game from the future compared to Skyrim.


it's one of my top 5 games but i don't believe it's a "must play" for someone to call themselves well traveled

i don't think it aged badly
when i bought it at release i hated it the first few days, till my friend came over and i watched him play, and we were consulting the poster map for places to check out and stuff

i seem to have left my thought incomplete

in regards to aging badly, i meant it felt like crap from the beginning, and it has nothing to do with age
it gets better when you find the better things to pay attention to

i usually do because they fit my preferred playstyle

no it dones't the combat was garbage and still is

OP here.
The visuals don't bug me, I love classic games. I've been going through Deus Ex and System Shock 2 for the first time. I started with Oblivion on the 360... what almost 10 years ago? That's a game I sank a lot of time into and recently booted up again just to play the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild questlines. I haven't really played much of Skyrim.

The only problem with the combat is that you can strike and waste stamina even when you aren't in range but your opponent never strikes unless they know they can hit. That combined with the diceroll combat makes it hard to tell if you're missing because of bad luck or because you're too far away. -Which defeats the purpose of short and long weapons with different ranges.

Then download the GotY version
I'd say play vanilla (with Morrowind Graphics Extender) and for the sake of your mental health cheat the hell out of stamina, it will make your life easier, like said.

This one is much more focused on RPG aspects of combat and much less of an action game?

>Morrowind Graphics Extender

I use this, but mainly because it can be used to expand the FOV. It doesn't allow Alt-Tabbing though, but the game starts so fast that you might as well quit and restart if you need to do something in the background.

Redguards are the instant win buttons of ES races.
Just make a Redguard with longsword as a main skill and the game is over

That's why if you can't stand the dice roll type of combat I'd suggest cheating the values a little (a little I said) because you don't want to ruin the MORROWIND EXPERIENCE

Daggerfall didn't have that problem and it too features dice roll combat. Morrowind was just shit.

It also helped me with framerate issues, some AMD cards can't stand this ancient fog for some reason.

You can't swing weapons when you aren't in range in Daggerfall?

>t. daggerfall player since 2006

the game's pretty hit or miss for people, but it doesn't hurt to try

I would, infact, recommend OpenMW at this point. If you plan on playing vanilla Morrowind, most of the bugs are ironed out, so all you really need is the latest Unofficial Morrowind Patch. The only thing I've encountered in my playthrough is that if you admire a person too many times, he'll drop his disposition to zero with no way of it going up, but this might be a feature, I've never admired people before, because I had tons of cash.

if you're going to play it then play a wizard. it's the only way to keep the gameplay interesting

Whas that a fucking pun?

But user, I have bad, ancient news.
Daggerfall's combat is worse than Arena's
>mfw TES games have been progressively worse since Arena

>machine gun bow and arrow
>erecting and deleting walls from the map mid combat
neat game

The only thing that makes the game mandatory in my opinion for rpg fans is the way the game world was built. Yes it feels dead because no one has routines but there's attention to detail everywhere and they didn't give a fuck about "balance" so loot and everything else is believable for the setting. Morrowind blows most open world games out of the water with the setting and how well it was crafted, even if it doesn't always translate well in gameplay terms.

Hard to immerse yourself in a world you can't see

Draw distance is hillariously bad

>but there's attention to detail everywhere
helps that it's their least procedurally generated game

is was weird that they were proud of oblivion's computer dictated placement of plantlife, like it was a selling point
i'm sure it was awesome to them, since they've become a company that tries to take every shortcut possible

There's more in depth systems in Arena's combat model, sure. Arena suffers the problems of Daggerfall even more so, however. Daggerfall is a better balance of good with the bad in my opinion.

Is it worth it to start as a breton for that super juicy 50% magic resistance but have a super shitty start? (not really that bad if you're experienced tho).

Redguards have +20 to all good skills compared to them at least and they have nigger apemode to allow you to get a glass sword early on from the orc in that mid-sized town or an ebony mace + indoril gear from a lone ordinator.

No abusing enchants/alchemy/drunk strength stacking of course.

It is the current year, draw distance isn't a problem for computers anymore unless your specific rig doesn't handle the games wonky optimization well.

>the bad
like the caster monsters simultaneously casting every spell they have magicka for so if you didn't set your character traits to "immune to magic" you die instantly?

Was this in Arena? I can only remember one spell that did that. Well, time to play again.

You are wrong for playing it only recently

That's not a problem of the game itself so much as it is an issue with newer systems emulating it. Things get especially wonky with the enemies, like several times I will have enemies get stuck in place, or sometimes advance on me and then turn around for a backstab on a non stealthy character.


Are you writing this from 2002?

just go lady sign for that sweet endurance and bretons become pretty easy mode

level up some spears aswell

Mod it a little, you really need the unofficial patch, and the game is still great.

its hard as fuck finding good spears as opposed to blunt/swords which have NPCs early on with ebony or glass.

Even axes are easymode you can get an orcish 2hander (22-28 damage i think) from most orc NPCs in a striderable village.

>never ever: the mod
I'm surprised they haven't kickstart/parteoned it yet, fucking hackfrauds

They're doing NPCs and interiors now, next will be quests and they're already planning out the southern part of Morrowind.
I don't care how long it takes tbqh.

Oops, this is from the Skyrim mod.

Yes, there is a Skyrim mod.

Also, some madmen are working on Cyrodiil. Here's Stirk.

Another pic of Stirk.

that looks VERY comfy

post more TES comfy



I hate the way they hamfistedly try to combine about 3 different races into one. Blacks, ottomans and Arabs.

combat is shit

inb4 underage

my dad bought me morrowind when it released and i thought it was shit combat then too

>swing sword at bug
>bug kills you



Roll better stats next time. Instead of missing 90% of the time you miss 66% until the relevant skill is at 40+ where you'll miss about 45% of the time.

>install it
>exclamation marks everywhere

Oh no I can't just spam one button until the person with the better equipment wins, what shit combat

I miss when RPGs were designed by and for conservative white male nerds.

(No, this isn't sarcasm.)

What program was this made in?

>install it incorrectly

I literally can't play this game.

Or any other bethesda game

They are literally bad games I don't get how anyone likes this shit.

>love everything about morrowind except the combat
>hate the combat more than anything
>keeps me from playing the game

Git gud


I literally cannot believe you literally just said that

What did you just say?

how is that gonna help me enjoy the combat, it seriously feels so bad.


try it with magic. you can conjure creatures to do the fighting for you. you can charm enemies or just levitate over their heads. get creative.


I really wanted to play it because the setting seemed really creative & adventurous whereas Oblivion's just looked bland. My brother ended up getting that one, promised myself I'd speedrun through when I finally got around to it.
I ended up getting sick of Morrowind a third of the way in, and found Oblivion too engrossing to rush.

I always forget about magic in most video games, not sure why.
I'll give that a shot though, thanks.

What is wrong with Todd? He's a great video game developer. I bought all of his games.

is the combat in morrowind as bad as skyrim's/ oblivion's combat?

Go Breton with apprentice stone.

Yes. Get to it.

I played as Redguard in Skyrim because I wanted to play a simple warrior hack & slash type but didn't want to play an Orc.

It's leagues better but most non-rpg games (Skyrim/Oblivion) spoil you and Morrowind's combat will feel unresponsive.

will do

Then go play Skyrim. Morrowind has RPG combat.

What setting do you want in the next game bros?
I've been ELSEWYR WHEN for years but read The Argonian Account for the first time yesterday...

But that combat is 100% worse besides archery

It's worse, but around lvl 15-20 you start to just power through it anyway

Then don't complain. It's either Morrowind's RPG combat or Skyrim's hack and slash.

Best for Sword and Board along with some decent lore

Dark Elves are a best though

Like many have said, it aged like milk. It was a great game but the limitations are now very apparent.

Its worth playing with mods to improve things like graphics and draw distance. But don't be overly worried about completing it.

Sadly, Morrowind was the apex of Bethesdas creative gameplay ideas. It has its fair share of dumb stuff. It also has some of the best skills and mechanics in the series.

Shame that they managed to go both backwards and forwards in later games. Oblivion and Skyrim are much better made but are much less innovative and feel less living.

>he doesn't want to play as the guys whose ancestors made a sword so sharp it actually split an atom and nuked their original homeland

>found the XBox version a few months ago in town and bought it for my brother
>he spends 20 minutes running around in his prison clothes failing to hit rats and laughing at the graphics before getting killed by a Daedroth and declaring it shit
y-you too bro

>he plays any elf race

>Hasn't played morrowind

Wow, sure if fucking summer in here. You stupid newfag underage kiddos better fuck off, your kind aren't welcome here.

Fucking summer kids, ruining this board.

>worse than a fucking Skrib
Yeah. Nah. he has a point senpai.

That's the stupidest fucking thing I have ever read
I love it

Atronach is infinitely superior. Especially if you major conjuration and get the ancestral ghost spell.

Somebody mind explaining to an RPG babby like myself how the MISS MISS MISS mechanic isn't shitarse game design?
If it was against fast agile enemies sure but even grubs & crabs? Seriously?

It made you invest in your character. You had to train in a skill to actually be good at it, and made going into combat with stronger monsters suicide if you weren't skilled with a weapon.

It is shit design. If you're making a game where your character's fucking sword will swing at and clip through an enemy in first person but still count as a miss you're fucking retarded.

>muh dice
Back to /tg/ grandpa, the later system of "If you're shit with weapons you'll hit when you should hit but you'll do fuckall damage" is infinitely superior.

How many dudes are meant to get voice acted lines?

Azura, the priest at the beginning and Dagon's echo-y corridor shtick near the end were the only times for me but then I watched some stuff online and Vivec's meant to too? And all of Dagon's lines in the Q&A are meant to be voiced? What the fuck I didn't get that.