There will never be a pure tactical FPS like CS 1.6 again

>there will never be a pure tactical FPS like CS 1.6 again
>there will never be a competitive FPS that only rewards pure skill again
>there will never be a FPS with a skill ceiling as high as at CS 1.6 again

Friendly reminder you kiddies missed the golden age of FPS.

inb4 b-b-but muh cosmetics

isnt GO supposed to be good? all the old 1.6 pros have moved there at least, while they refused to move to Source.

>High skill ceiling

QW was here, fuck off kid.

go is pure shit

>also removing the shield


It's casual as fuck compared to 1.6.
The only reason pros moved is because they would be homeless otherwise.

If you want a true tactical game, play xcom.

>It's casual as fuck compared to 1.6.
how so? less recoil? more rng?

You can spray down opponents half the map away in GO with a couple of hours practice. You can basically become a god aimer in a couple of days/weeks practice while it too years in 1.6.
Tactics are dumbed down a ton (random flashbangs, etc.).

The skin market alone is a big indication the game is aimed at the casual market while 1.6 was a hardcore realistic shooter.

>1.6 a hardcore realistic shooter

K, you have no idea what you're talking about, thanks for clearing that up

reminder that you are part the original fps kiddies

>1.6 was a hardcore realistic shooter.

>empty full clip of AK47 into someone's stomach standing at point blank range
>all bullets miss
yeah nah. I appreciate that it was 'hardkoar', probably the highest skill ceiling FPS after Quack, but it wasn't realistic famalam.

As someone who has always enjoyed both, CSGO is the better game. Deal with it.

>not 1.5

u goofed OP

>learn rifle spay patterns for a couple of days
>instantly become better than 90% of the player base

gotards will defend this

>a hardcore realistic shooter

Consider picking another hobby user.

stop samefagging and sperging. it's just a game user.

>not QuakeWorld

you're wrong faggot

i enjoy go more since i filtered servers so i can play with americans, italian french and spanish 12 year olds are the cancer of europe.

>"Pure skill"

CS is more about knowing the map and exploiting it. Not saying skill isn't involved but it definitely isn't "pure skill"

>i like 180ms ping CS

>1.6 was a hardcore realistic shooter.
It wasn't, but it did masturbate to that

>there will never be a pure tactical FPS like CS 1.6 again
>there will never be a competitive FPS that only rewards pure skill again
>there will never be a FPS with a skill ceiling as high as at CS 1.6 again
>1.6 "laser bullets"
>1.6 "competitive"
>1.6 "FPS with a high skill ceiling"

yeah right, what ever nostalgic retard.
1.6 is easy compared to CS GO

The sound files of 1.6 were all perfect.
Can still hear them all in my head


What was the reward for pure skill? just some money?
It intrigues me to see models from a game a decade ahead of it in a game like this

Counterstrike was always supposed to be a middle ground between tactics and arena-style action.

COD-killstreaks+unrealistic recoil=CSGO

CSGO so skillfull, lol at silver plebs who don't like artificial difficulty with pointless recoil patterns

>1.6 was a hardcore realistic shooter.
Fucking idiot detected.

Any shooter attempting to be realistic CANNOT be competitive.

Real life is not fair.

> What was the reward for pure skill?

Lol lol just cased FN Butterfly fade!!!! You poorfags mad, YOU MAD?!?!

hate to break it to you grandpa, but 1.6 was never pure tactical

>CS 1.anything
top ;e;
Real niggas played CS in the beta "beefhole" days back before headshots and when the AWP one-shot you in the toes.


and ump could aim from 300 yards

Bullshit, I need esteem more than I need love.

Just play something like Insurgency, it exists for nostalgiafags like you.

CS is a cancer that defiled first-person shooters and infested video games with normalfags for over a decade. People like to blame CoD and Halo for all that but all they did was copy what made CS so successful.

I stopped caring about GO when it introduced custom skins which you cannot turn off.
Community servers will even get banned if they mess around with the skins and ranks etc., so fuck that. 1.6 still has a lot of players (around 20k at any given time), so no reason to abandon it anytime soon.