Never played a Blizzard game. Well actually Lost Vikings but that doesn't count. Should I jump into this?

Never played a Blizzard game. Well actually Lost Vikings but that doesn't count. Should I jump into this?

I really enjoyed both Torchlights and Path of Exile.

Play rockn roll racing or that guy with the shotty

It's good, in terms of pure gameplay its the best aRPG on the market. Sup Forums's problems with the game mostly stem either from the story which is admittedly meh at best and endgame/itemization, which is debatable as of the most recent patches and not something you will notice on the first playthrough anyway.

play diablo 2 LoD instead OP

It's fairly good, yes. Gameplay wise it's probably the best arpg isometric hack and slash shit right now.

Take a look at Grim Dawn though. It's 25 bucks on Steam and it's really great - a wide build variety, interesting combo class system, the items and skills are fun to use, the athmosphere is dark and unforgiving. It's got a lot more substance than D3 for sure, and that's coming from a guy who put like 600-700 hours in the latter.

Oh yeah I got Grim Dawn as well since I really liked Titan Quest.

GD is good. Been spamming the ethereal green laser beam. Though I'm not a fan of the art style. Everything looks chunky.

This. Diablo 3 is missing something but I have no idea what it is. Dropped it after one play through.

D2 lod sucked me in for a long long time.

Oh yeah, the art style is kind of an acquired taste.

If you aready got GD and never played D3, get it. You're in for some pretty fun times.

D1 or D2,

The combat is satisfying and visceral although the ability to build your character pales in comparison to something like Path of Exile. So while you might not get endless gameplay out of it, it's definitely worth a playthrough.

I particularly had a lot of fun with Diablo 3's local coop.