>play this
>its actually fun
What went right?
>play this
>its actually fun
What went right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Ok nintendo i can see through your thinly disguised veil but im not buying this game. Not until you remove censorship and stop treating your audience like toddlers
Shill harder.
Maybe you'll reach your "10 sales total" goal soon
Fuck you, the game is good and I wanna talk about the game
Man I wish my job was posting about Tsubasa all day on Cantonese imageboards.
Atlus makes good RPGs
Who knew?
The game is censored garbage
I thought so too til i played it. theres still titty jiggle which is weird if they wanted it to be a kids game
If it was Nintendo shilling don't you think they would have avoided using an uncensored picture?
By using an uncensored image they have a better chance of the thread surviving due to more shitposting.
Which will lead to someone inevitably posting the links to the pirated version.
What's "censored"? Need to know before purchase.
False advertising by Nintendo fanboys.
Nothing if you use the uncensor patch.
Any sort of swimsuit is removed, replaced by retarded-looking nineties fashion disasters.
One boss's cleavage is literally covered up by black smoke
A wedding dress costume got heavily modified to cover her entire body besides her head, literally burka-tier.
Theme of an entire dungeon was changed because it featured gravure modeling, completely destroying its story.
Girls are aged up to 18, and NoA even had the Japanese VAs redo their lines to reflect the age change.
Vagina bones are kill
Don't buy this game, it's somehow even worse of a localization disaster than Fire Emblem Fates
This game doesn't look very interesting, but the main girl has a killer rack on her.
Every single costume was redone/painted over to avoid any exposed skin, boss cleavage was censored in game with a ms paint spray tool, they altered and rewrote an entire chapter dungeon and made it into a 90s kid theme dungeon while being completely removed from the plot, all fanservice scenes were removed, such as the hotspring scene, they quite literally removed her hipbones for no reason, and they altered a few scenes/dialogue to be more kid friendly. Its just a fucking butchered mess, to the point of the original artistic vision of the developer is wholly removed to varying degrees.
Anyone else notice how inconsistent the censorship is? One of the first bosses had her chest censored with flames for a cutscene but then they just left it alone for the fight.
Based, the more money NoA loses on this slap in the face, the better.
isnt their also some titty jiggle in the game? and tsubasas main costume has panties but kirias doesnt anymore?
>One boss's cleavage is literally covered up by black smoke
Which is bizarre because the girl she's possessing is on screen for like 10 minutes straight before the fight and her tits are hanging out the whole goddamn time.
>registration required
How big is the download?
Yeah, they still jiggle to even the slightest movement. I'm fine with Kiria's change. It honestly looks better now.
Password for rar is herptyderpty
Like 12 gigs
The more I play it, the more I'm beginning to think that parts of the game probably weren't censored for the US, but more so for other parts of the world so they could get away with a single release in all English speaking territories instead of multiple ones with different edits.
I've seen a ton of exposed cleavage, mid drift, and jiggle too, and I've played up to the end of Chapter One so far.
It's really bizarre. Kinda like they half-assed trying to find what to censor but doubled down on censoring what they found.
Censorship is the latest in marketing techniques. It works wonders on Sup Forums.
Wish more people talked about the game instead of the censorship for once. It's like no one even cares that it may as well be the first good 3D SMT dungeons since the DDS games.
There is even more after Chapter 1
This is buttgate level crying.
I'm going to buy two copies of this game just because you're being such a bitch. I have a friend who would enjoy it.
So I'm already like six hours into the game. What would I have to do to use my current save file with the modded shit?
you da mvp
This shit is going to take forever for me to dump, yet I dump faster than my internet downloads from mega (I think those cunts throttle me) ;.;
all those nintendrones thinking it's going to even break 100k
My apologies that the thread derailed into a conversation on the censorship. I really want to just talk about the game,too, but it's so bizarre how the censorship was executed now that we can see what they've changed. I give it another week before people start focusing more on the game and less on the localization.
Man, I tried to download it last night and every other file kept having a decryption error on MEGA and I had to keep trying to d/l it like three times on some of 'em.
reminder to pirate it so you can use the uncensor patch. wii u so easy to pirate lads
>supporting noa and their censorship
I'm going to derail every single thread of this game with censorship discussion and there's nothing you can do about it
Already bought a copy myself and threw it onto loadiine. Game is a load of fun
>console base already few in number
>nitentoddles, mariotard dont care
>pirate also everywhere
so it's a huge flop then
That's because the "censoring" is actually localizers trying to squeeze as much money as possible from publishers by extending the amount of work that needs to be done to "localize" something.
So really instead of "censor" the more accurate word is "scam"
They just change random things for the paycheck.
also uncensor patch here
>tfwv actual gameplay looks fun
>hate idolshit with extreme prejudice
>NoA's fucking horrendous subs.
Eh, it can be a flop. I didn't expect it to get a sequel, and it is already out. What do I need it to be successful for?
Like, we already have the next Nintendo console on the way, so it isn't saving the WiiU.
Sales for this game don't matter at all.
You're so full of shit. So it's just a coincidence that all the major censorship have been Nintendo games from a variety of different publishers?
It's clearly a Nintendo thing.
This makes me worried for Persona 5, especially since TMS was actually localized by Atlus.
>tfw got a new SD card
Just waiting on the restoration from gbatemp now.
Nintendo fanboys are so fucked in the head, for real. The only time I see this crazy shit is them defending something they would otherwise never touch on any other platform.
The sooner Nintendo dies, the better, thean people like you can dissolve.
I work about a block away from a Best Buy that I go to on break for Streetpasses and it looks as though they haven't sold a single copy of it yet (same with the Minecraft Wii U version). By contrast, they seem to have sold two copies of M&S in Rio for Wii U and three copies of MN9 (interestingly, only the PS4 version).
Now, I'm not saying my BB is representative of the nation as a whole or anything, but even SF Zero had moved a few copies by the end of the weekend. I'm kind of surprised.
What do you mean horrendous subs? It's just white lettering. Do you need some karaoke or some shit?
Not that guy but it's an ugly font. CR tier.
Can anyone confirm if the subs are actually this bad?
The Gamestop near my place sold all their special editions and only a couple of the standard. Also my work has only sold 1 of the 6 copies we got. I expect this to sell just below moderately well, with sales picking up slowly after word of mouth.
They're not wrong, but honestly, it's not that bad.
You get used to it, and just laugh at it.
I hate what they're doing, but I don't want Nintendo to die, I just want them to get their shit together.
Jesus some people are picky.
I'm talking about
Ah, I forgot about SEs. If that was exclusive to other retailers that would explain the drought.
Oh Nintendo, stuck with the eternal catch 22.
>Nintendo releases their own unique fun bright stuff
>Nintendo tries to acquire IPs like Bayonetta that usually wouldn't be on their platform
>Make a strong RPG in a well known series backed with a loved franchise
Nothing Nintendo does will make sad saps like you happy. That's exactly why they need to stick around.
I'm 8 hours in and have literally never heard a single character (npc included) say even one of those examples a single time. That sounds like complete bullshit.
The instant you start the game up you can check previous text messages from your friends and see what kind of conversations they had, and they seem spot-on.
Would someone do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
Lurk for two years before you post.
>no subs during battle
Thanks Nintendo, I love not understanding what the bosses unique dialogue is.
the gameplay is still solid, but the aesthetic is embarrassing and alienating to fans of smt and fe
Does this come with the uncensor patch? Does an uncensor patch even exist?
Yeaaahhhh, I can get an idea of what the characters are saying, but it would still be nice to have subs. I can see how weird it would be to have subs on that nice UI tho.
The people buying this are virgin weebs. Of course they'll like it.
Real talk though the game is actually good ya'll just mad because you horny bastards can't get your underage nudy girls.
If I buy a physical copy can I still use the patch??
Im going to buy this game Sup Forums, then I'm going to download the fandub and paly ythat instead and never open my copy of FE and then rake in the sweet cash in 5 years.
But she's 18
This guy has it all figured out.
Literally trying his hardest to make it seem as if "censorship" actually matters.
One of these days a game is actually going to be censored in a truly horrific way.
Like, a game will be edited to demonize a whole racial group, or a religion.
But by then so many people will have cried CENSORSHIP at every little bit of cleavage covered up, that no one will care. We will be powerless.
I don't give a fuck about changed costumes and dialogue, but is it true that DLC is cut? Because that's the real dealbreaker for me.
only the hotsprings DLC
it was uncensored in 2 days and was free
>trying to tie people unsatisfied with the localization to gamergate
>"im going to waste money to spite people on Sup Forums"
hello treehouse!
buttgate, not gamergate.
Buttgate was the pose change in Overwatch.
>"this girl has nice boobs, that means this game is fun!"
t. Male gamers
>Wii U gets one new game every 3 months
> Still sells like shit
O Im laffin
I went to bestbuy to get a sd card for loadiine and they didnt even have any copies of it there, they didnt even stock the game probably since they didnt think itd sell, for reference, megadimension neptunia vii wasnt stocked in my best buy either
piracy and the patch that fixes the game
Watch subbed anime and youll figure it out
that was great, it made so much porn happen
Tons of games get censored (admittedly not as much as Nintendo games) though.
SO5 is a recent example.
Fatal Frame was an earlier case.
normally i wouldn't mind but in this case the censorship is super retarded.
Uncensor patch released almost immediately
easy exploit to play pirated games on wiiU
This game is weirdly not terrible. I'm enjoying myself quite a lot, which is really fucking weird, because on paper, this game has everything working against it.
I don't know what the fuck.
Dude, wiiu piracy is foolproof and stupid easy. Play the game that way.
It would have done much better had they not tried to tack SMT on it.
Does the uncensored iso actually combine all the dlc, specifically the hot springs one?
Weirdly, I feel exactly the opposite.
It's clearly SMT with Fire Emblem tacked on
>clearly smt
>no negotiation
>not traditional turn based
>idol shit
It's persona with neo-FE stands