Any Racing games use this idea?

I've always wondered if there was a racing game that has this mechanic I've been trying to look for. Here's the idea (first two are the base):
1. Have a racing game with a layout that is just with straight lines for very long distances which allows for ridiculous high speeds, and the occasional light turn

2. designed around elimination where drivers are battling to keep up with the group, having to worry about who is in first place and not getting demolished (similar to burnout)

3. RedLine-esque in gameplay, essentially high-speed maneuvers, explosions, huge variety of vehicles sizes, and drifting for advantages around vehicles

For video reference, here's a music video that sorta compiles the aforementioned details- I apologize if it isn't to your liking, but I was looking for one that fitted the ticket regarding style

Other than the elimination that's kind of like F-zero or wipeout, though I guess you could fuck up other players in those too.

that seat doesn't even match what the car is doing

I've played Wipeout before (allbeit Wipeout Pure) and i can say possibly, but I remember having to focus alot more on not hitting the edges than actually properly racing. Of course, I only got limited knowledge on those games.

My mommy got me one of these for my birthday. It exaggerates the movements to simulate inertia.


I think it's supposed to be simulating the forces acted upon driving at high speeds

Racing on straights is boring, wangan midnight style tracks would be a better idea

just play burnout

no shit. it's simulating g forces

Yeah it's not a perfect fit but I couldn't think of anything else that fast. Lots of GTA 5s races are fairly straight though and people are dicks so whether they're supposed to or not they ram eachother off the roads.

I guess, but that doesn't feel like lying down in a reclined chair.

Yes user, but hitting the brakes feels wholly different from being tipped 45 degrees forward.

Burnout is a pretty good alternative, but it still takes place in cramped city streets. I'm talking about an area where the only distractions are keeping up with the group, and preventing yourself getting destroyed by the other drivers

If you want to support piece of shit devs I just remembered next car game as well, it's not too fast but has lots of destruction.

I honestly think that no developer has really covered something like this before

Not when your focal point is tilting with you. The fatter you are, the more accurate it is at simulating inertia.

Im not looking for the destruction aspect as much as I'm looking for blistering fast speeds in straight lines maneuvering around the competition, almost like F1 only with offroad on some tracks and less turns to worry about

I feel like it would make a lot more sense to simulate roll, since that's actually going to effect how you handle the car. The g force on your body wouldn't matter as much as knowing which wheels are getting the most downforce.

Why not just a racing simulator with the most realistic physics possible and not this cartoon crazy cars games.

Not OP but chicanes and grip really kill the mood when you just want to go full speed and only leave the player's evasion skill to win the race

Then get bored with nascar or drag races.

NASCAR might actually be good for OP I should clarify though I have nothing against sim, just not everyone's cup of tea. Even in sims I myself prefer drifting as fast as possible to competitive tracks.

I dont know if they are still any, but bike games have more sense of speed than cars, and because of how the bike wokrs, they are not sharp corners, so all the track is smooth.
Beyond any road rash, i dont know, it also might be what op is looking for, but not with cars, same as that wipeout-f-zero user said.

1. Gran Turismo has this

2. lap knockout in need for speed

3. burnout, split/second, full auto, etc