NX is a mystery box

>The Associated Press recently asked Miyamoto about the new console cycle revolution. This prompted him to say that Nintendo hasn’t shared anything about NX due to a special “idea”.

>Miyamoto stated:

>“In terms of NX, there’s an idea that we’re working on. That’s why we can’t share anything at this point, and I don’t want to comment on the other companies. If it was just a matter of following advancements in technology, things would be coming out a lot quicker.”


What is it Sup Forums?

A gimmick

literally worst out of the gate than the wii u could never hope to fail at since at least Nintendo duped some people into releasing content on it but this is literally a system that even Nintendo doesn't know what it is.

It's a controller with an inside gpu and cpu to make the wiiu stronker

They're going to open the box up come release and it'll be a fucking steam machine or ouya.

>it's gimmick is being really fucking powerful due to mechanical wizardry
How does that make you feel.

A shitty gimmick.
I hope it is so shit and retarded that it will kill Nintendo for good.

The idea is reviving Yamauchi, Iwata and Yokoi and unleash them on the world

>yfw the NX isn't console but a new OS

>tfw trying to remember this comic
>think it could be 5,10, 20 years until I see floating around the web again
>this thread

Thank you so much OP, I couldn't remember any of the lines in the comic but the gist of it and the skeleton part.

>Nintendo hasn’t shared anything about NX due to a special “idea”.
>If it was just a matter of following advancements in technology, things would be coming out a lot quicker.”

AKA it's another fucking gimmick. Fuck you Miyamoto.

it was like the birthday skellington that visits kids on their birthday and they get one wish

i forgot what he wished for

honestly sticking with the wii u with a rebrand that taps more into the hardware would be best option and also throw the wii u pad in the dumpster in the process.


here you go

A-an Xbox.

Yeah I couldn't remember the specifics of it, and for someone kept thinking the line was THE TRANSACTION IS COMPLETE" instead of "THE CONTRACT IS SEALED" so google wasnt turning up anything.

I did remember the "small human" part but that didn't help either.

The pad is great fgt.

It's fucking nanotech or something I swear it's easier to steal military data than NX info at this point.

Some ponderous bullshit gimmick that won't ever be used well even by the few games dedicated to it and will varyingly fuck up the experience of normal games that shoehorn it in. Nintendo doesn't want to unveil it yet because they don't want the XBone/Ps4 v2 to ship with a copycat device that will inevitably be used even less and worse than Nintendo's version.

having something that turned off the demographic really worked out eh

it seems that all the ninjas blocking software leaks have been put around the hardware division this time

thanks dudes

Nintendo did this shit before releasing the Wii, they did it before releasing the Wii U, and they even kinda did it for the Gamecube to a much smaller extent. It's going to be a stupid gimmick that never gets used outside of maybe three first-party releases and buckets of shovelware. They'll announce that while the NX is "not a powerhouse" it makes up for it with "innovation". The NX will bomb and Nintendo will assume that people just don't want consoles anymore and move all their IPs to handhelds and phones. Count on it.


Nintendo once again jumping into a red ocean with concrete blocks tied too their legs while deluding themselves into thinking the red is blue

>Wii U had a shitty launch because people had no clue what the fuck it is
>NX launching in less than a year
>people have no clue what the fuck it is

Coz there all fgts like you.

Besudes it was nore marketing than anything.
You dishonest cunt.

there's a difference for now to be fair
>nobody knows what the fuck the NX is and is aiming for before reveal
>nobody knows what the fuck the WiiU is and is aiming for after reveal

How mad would you be if they scrapped the NX completely before revealing it?

I'd probably laugh at this point, nobody has ever done that

>tfw that one user that did that to his daughter on her birthday
>she may grow up to have her children believe in the birthday skeleton too

>Gamecube is stronger than PS2 but uses shitty micro cds meaning that a lot of games need to be split up into multiple discs and the hardware is almost never used to its fullest potential
>Lack of a dvd player gimped sales since a lot of people wanted a PS2 for both gaming and video
>Stubbornly sticking to cartridges in the previous generation meant that no backwards compatibility between N64/GC was possible
>Wii comes with gimped hardware weaker than its competitors but with a motion control gimmick
>Wii sells like hotcakes with children and soccer moms because of the motion control gimmick and Wii Fit
>Gets some really good games, but they're good games DESPITE the motion control and dated hardware, not because of it
>Wii U triples down on the gimmicky bullshit
>Nintendo decides that advertising and promotion is old hat and decides to just drop it on people out of the fucking sky when nobody knows what the hell it is
>Gimped hardware yet again, far behind the PS4 and Xbone
>Gamepad that saw limited use and often was just used for navigating menus and other tedious shit
>Good for gaming away from the TV, but even that wasn't possible on all games
>NX is releasing in less than a year and we still know fuck-all about it
>Nintendo keeps teasing possible gimmicks as if that's something to be excited about after three lackluster consoles in a row
No, I'm not excited. Not at all.

>No, I'm not excited. Not at all.

You will be, you will be.

NX will sell better than Wii because of BoTW

screencap this


Unfortunate really, why can't Nintendo just release N64 again with a better controller and better hardware?

Their next gimmick will be VR

The analog stick was a gimmick.

Nintendo is idea guy: the corporation

Zelda getting 100 millions sales.

You read it here first, folks.

Not to the extent of motion control and the shitty touch screen controller.

Tablet with AR. AR will be implemented into stuff like Mario Maker.


pls no

You will too.

>Nobody knew what Zelda Wild was for almost two years. It's coming out in 6 months and now everybody is looking forward to it and it only took less than two days.

When they announce the NX, that very same day everybody on the Internet who cares about videogames will know about it.

You mean gamecube?


And will bash them for having specs worse than a ps4 and some stupid gimmick

The analog stick was an upgrade dumbass. From d-pad to analog, it improved movement controls, especially in 3d games which quickly became the standard thereafter.

It may have began as a gimmick, but it was damn good and caught on, unlike many of Nintendo's newer offerings. When gameplay is forced to be a certain way because of your shitty idea, it will fail because not all games will support the gimmick.

Innovation is good. Forcing it is not.

first post best post.

also why does Nintendo rely on gimmicks?!? n64 had the middle grip. GameCube had the small disks. wii and the wii U had the controller.

announcement of zelda botw had normies wetting themselves on facebook and twitter, I can almost guarantee that if the NX is announced with some even mildly-interesting gimmick alongside zelda in a big reveal people will be talking.

Not him but motion controls these days are superior to sticks in every possible way, I understand the distaste to them caused by the shitty early wiimotes and other offenders like kinect (if that really counts as a motion controller since its gesture-based), but motion plus, playstation move, and the wii u gamepad all have solid motion controls. Not sure about the DS4 as I don't know any game that uses its motion control, but I'd assume that to be as good.

Really, the only reason it wasn't adopted more is due to the backlash and gimmick comments from the aforementioned poor early attempts at it.

since it's a 3 way battle with Sony (that is their new sega) and ms (that has unlimited money).
After the GC's failure, they went another way with the wii, the wiiu was supposed to be the transition to core gaming but it was a failure.
Nobody knows what the fuck Shiggy means here

>n64 had the middle grip. GameCube had the small disks.
these aren't gimmicks, just (poor) design choices, the former done because they weren't sure how to implement the new analog stick gimmick (believe it or not, that was seen as a gimmick at the time) whilst still allowing skeptical players to play without it; the latter was to avoid paying royalty fees or some shit. You're right about the motion and touchpad stuff, although at least they offer other control schemes

Action Replay? Neat I always wanted cheat in games to come back.

Motion controls are ok for certain aspects of gameplay. But they're difficult to implement in action/adventure oriented titles that are common today.

The best game with motion controls I've played was Metroid Prime: Corruption. It was definately superior to the previous Primes. The combination of stick and Wii mote was excellent and made for fast, tight gameplay. Otherwise, never played a Wii game with motion control that wowed me.

I've played Kinect (terrible), EYE Toy (never see it mentioned. Simple but ahead of the curve). Never played with motion plus or PS Move. Wii U is more of a gyroscope, which PS3 and Wii had, so I don't consider it exactly new.

IMHO, motion control and immersive tech is at a point where its not good enough. It works best in tandem with old tech or for specific games (dance games, Wii Sports, etc). As much as I appreciate the visionary aspect, we're just not quite ready for motion control. Its not an improvement.


That's what I think.