Nice to see I'm not the only person who can't do it.
This fucker was easy as hell to beat, and slapping the more exp badge onto the whole thing made it so much more satisfying
all i did aws literally use "THE WORLD" TO FREEZE TIME AND KILL THAT FUCKER
I bet this fucker killed you so many times. Fuck Dark Souls. This shit is harder than the whole bosses in the game.
Why the fuck is PM so OP in PJ?
Haven't played that. Why is he OP?
Wassup brotha?
>doing a BP run
>meet one of these
>They don't flee, instead they insta kill me with their fucking 20 damage
he can copy himself up to 7 times and each copy has a shit ton of health and he can float and he can jump on shit 8 times or hammer 8 enemies at once and there's a skill that lets him move after he copies himself and the trio moves do incredible damage
Fuck these niggas.
>underwater chestnut creatures can also contain them
>but they just float away
I was so stupid at this game. I don't think I even equipped the mushroom badge, and I still beat it. Then I ground up to level 99 just to see if I could. With no XP boost.
Hell, I only asked for it for Christmas because I laughed at the only commercial of it I saw. I never want to go back.
Well, Paper Mario is a game about small numbers while Mario and Luigi is about large numbers.
They gave him the copy ability so he can still have small numbers but also be able to keep up with the others.
>Those EX bosses
Are you kidding? The thing runs away at the first chance it gets, and failing that, it just attacks the same way any other beanie does, which is easily avoidable.
Anyway the easiest way to kill them is to focus fire with a bro move, preferably advanced chopper bros.
>game about large numbers
Compared to most JRPGs they're still really tiny. End game damage for mario is maybe like 80 per jump, assuming you're not abusing the fuck out of shroom gear/double damage gear like I did.
>which is easily avoidable
Yes it's easily avoidable, but try countering his attacks. If you counter his attacks in a turn, he'll flip over. This will prevent him from running away that turn. Good luck you liar.
>needing to farm golden enemies anyway
It's not like this game was hard f@m.