How is the new enemy placement with scholars? Should I go back and give it another play through?
Fuck you DaS2
It's almost a different game. They added more difficulty for sure, whether that be artificial or not is for you to decide, which makes the game a lot more fun. Instead of the two steps back that DaS 2 was to 1, Sotfs is now two steps forward one step back.
>best pve that requires you to take your time and be aware of your surroundings
>best pvp by a vast margin
>extensive build and weapon variety (sometimes ds3 sorely lacks)
>armor and poise are actually relevant
scholars is the best DaS game though.
The bosses are really underwhelming.
I have nothing to apologize.
There's valid criticism towards DaS II and is indeed the weakest entry in the series.
It's still one of the best games of its time and there are aspects of it that are actually better than DaS I and DaS III
it's pretty funny that people that hated ds2 because it was not ds1 and got ds3 that is basically ds1 now hate it
I wouldn't go that far but yes, Scholars is a massive improvement on base DaS2.
>DaS1: new original lore completely deviating from DeS
>DaS2: taking the story in the new direction with the suffering stemming from craving theme
>DaS3: DaS1 and DeS fanservice, no new notable lore additions, even recycled endings
Hey man but Lord of Cinder and Nameless King are great bosses!
>new original lore completely deviating from DeS
You know, Dark Souls 2 isn't that bad really. I like 1 and 3 better, but 2 is a solid 7/10. It's worth playing at least once.
And one thing I noticed in DaS3 is that they copied a lot of stuff from 1. In some cases this was good, in others it wasn't. I feel like DaS2 deserves a lot of credit for its originality and uniqueness.
DaS2 is to Souls as ME3 is to Mass Effect.
I refuse to 'upgrade' to scholar edition unless it's the price of a frozen pizza.
>There's valid criticism towards DaS II
Like every other Souls game and Bloodborne
>weakest entry in the series
Demon's Souls
DaS3 is to Souls as ME3: Citadel DLC is to Mass Effect.
the analogy to mass effect trilogy works in the first two games
me1/ds1 is the game that shows the basics, builds the world and hypes it up
me2/ds2 is a game that tries something little different, but not worse (not better either)
ds3 doesn't fuck up as much as me3 to keep the comparison though
I won't
I haven't played a game with attack animations this bad since Devil May Cry 2
>things that happen on select setups
>got ds3 that is basically ds1 now hate it
>ds3 like ds1
If fucking only it actually was.
Dark Souls 1 = Great.
Dark Souls 2 = Great.
Dark Souls 3 = Great.
Anyone that disagrees should be killed in real life. Thanks to the Dark Souls franchise, we GAMERS can actually ENJOY GAMES, not interactive movies "games" like Uncharted 4 // Witcher 3 // Upcoming God of War, his wifes son edition // and all the other garbage "games" that are out there.
Couldn't care about DeS and Virginborne though.