Name games with better looking water than pic related.
Name games with better looking water than pic related
Other urls found in this thread:
Just Cause 2
Wind Waker HD
there are games with more realistic water, but there isn't a game with more delicious looking water than Sunshine.
I'm willing to be proven wrong though.
Anything made in Hedgehog Engine.
asscreeds blackfag
Fucking yes
Yeah what the fuck is with this game?
I decided to check out games on Dolphin since the new update(I typically avoid nintendo games) and Sunshine in particular stands out. The art design is on point at every turn, the controls are solid, the music is nice, and the goals are fun.
And yes, the water still looks really good. It's not necessarily realistic but it looks great. Why do people hate Sunshine so much? I am certainly not seeing it, but maybe its because I've played very few Nintendo games.
While we're here, what else should I check out on Dolphin?
Am I the only one that feels like Unleashed looks better than Generations?
Nintendo had a water fetish early 6th gen, also didn't help that people didn't like change back then.
This game makes me fucking thirsty
Keep playing it. Sunshine is fantastic to begin with but as it wears on all the goals are obscure blue coin collect-a-thons and it's awful.
>Why do people hate Sunshine so much?
casual filter among 3D Marios
Sonic & all stars racing transformed had some great looking water
It DOES look better, imbecile.
Higher quality textures, better shaders, etc.
Sunshine is still great if you don't care about 100%ing the game with all the blue coin shit
doesn't watch dogs, for all the shittiness that it is, have top tier water?
>Why do people hate Sunshine so much?
consider literally mission on OP's pic where you have to surf on sponge thingy to collect X coins on water
after collecting all coins which is not that fast to actually get the star you have to jump on pier and touch star
it's harder than actual coin collecting because if you miss the jump on pier YOU DIE and you restart the race all over again
that's how unfinished that game
Nah. It does. Someone ported the Unleashed shaders back into Generations, and it looks a lot better.
Mario galaxy 1 & 2
Play Rogue Squadron. Also has really good water.
me to
infact im gonna go drink the water RIGHT NOW
modded Daggerfall
Mass Effect had pretty cool water. Not very deep though.
wait a minute this isn't daggerfall at all this is oblivion
Oh boy. I think I'll have a whole fucking glass.
This game had some great water physics, critical considering it's a boat racing game and all
Dude, that's obviously Morrowind.
Sea of thieves is going to have some great water
Thank you so much
>Your head
Way to ruin the chain faggot
basically the only thing that was good in that game was the water
Oh yeah, I'm real sorry.
paper mario
not really
they stopped trying after this game, just made it all opaque and shitty
What even is this?
that water looks like shit though
>I typically avoid nintendo games
very nice water
cool water
good water
Amazing water in this game
ITT: Water!
Same with the spiritual sequel. Too bad it was arcade-only.
Hurricane wasn't made by the original devs since they lost the rights to it, but H2Overdrive is what they made in response. I've played it in person, it's not bad.
made me exhale a little extra air out of my nose
wow, the toasters I see youtubers running it on don't get it looking anywhere near that. Is that modded?
Hydrophobia, shit game.
Looks like Hydrophobia
When I think of water in a game I always think of waverace. I think it's good looking, not that awesome, since the game is actually based on water.
It's also awesome how the waves affect gameplay.
>looks so clean
Are you a wizard?
Also, anyone have that picture of compilation of Miiverse Water Bro's posts?
Liquefied kek/10.
got me kekking.
Not quite water but the rain effects blew me away in Onimusha 2.
No, just maxed out
the compression from steam's screenshot function doesn't do it any favorites in some areas though
The most pleasant water in recent memory.
Didn't Miiverse's waterfag get banned at some point?
Unleashed 360 is the best looking sonic game of all time and will NEVER be topped
is it close to being complete?
GTA V has hands down the best ocean in any game.
i dunno, I only just started playing it and haven't even gotten to base building yet
It feels unfinished by the dev does update it fairly regularly and has finished a game before (Natural Selection 2)
Maybe. He's still on there, but doesn't talk about water anymore. Even when posting shots that have water in them.
An era has ended.
Someone needs to become his successor.
nah, looks like jelly.
It's not the same if it's forced.
You niggers forgot to post the best water hands down in any game.
shame about the horrendous inaccuracy of it's boat combat
He still gets recognition though.
At the least, Sunshine had the best water for its time and it still holds up today.
Woah. For as crummy as the characters look in Watchdogs, that water's pretty ace.
Webm up that water, you.. you bulbasaur.
>implying 99.9% of people on Sup Forums aren't from somewhere else at this point
Ubisoft has the money, their games usually look great. The Division has the nicest snow effects I've ever seen
watchdogs is also "fine" it ended up just being generic open world game but it's not a bad one
That's Melbourne, Australia
Looking goood.
All the stupid shit you can waste time on in these games though. I would never get anywhere in the story.
Because the gameplay is shovelwary and looks clearly rushed once you get around the middle of the game and levels with shitty physics start popping out, still nice, but compared to other 3D Mario games it's a letdown. Specially since jumping is casualized most of the time due to Fludd.
People like change now?
I don't really care about 100%ing a game unless I really like it. I'm sure these blue coins can't be all bad I've already found a few.
>casual filter
I wouldn't really know. I'm having fun though.
see I actually did that mission you're takling about, the squid race. OPs pic is NOT the squid race, but even if it was I fail to see how you failing an objective and starting over means its a bad game. Git gud user.
I'm not really into Star Wars, but I liked KOTOR and dabbled a bit with Galaxies way back when so sure why not, on the list Rogue Squadron goes.
I didn't really grow up with them and just never felt like checking many of their games out till recently. I won't lie. This dolphin update kinda sparked the interest a little.
THAT SAID, I love me some Pilotwings. I put a lot of time into that game.
my biggest gripe is how "flat" it feels whenever you jump into the sea going from the waves with depth to the "flatter swimming watter" and hwo you can't leave the helm and walk the deck while waves are tossing the ship around
But that looks like shit. And you can shit on the new games all you want but visually they do look better.
The Disaster Report Series had some pretty good water for PS2
I enjoyed the change-up in the jumping, allowed for some parts to get extra super fucking difficult. Unlike later games.
I would say any parts of the game feel shoveled out, except for the bloody blue coins. And the cinematics.
And some of the later challenges are almost impossible just to find, what with level entrances being hidden and the actual challenge starting at some arbitrary spot in the level.
>That Monkey Ball stage
Sunshine never really had good looking water, from what I remember, but the water did feel great. When you were jet packing along it you felt every bump and there was real resistance. Same with Wave Race Blue Storm. A lot of games at the time had better looking water (The OG Xbox always had games with good looking water) but many of them didn't feel like water.
>Mario's game is full of water
>new Wave Race
>Luigi can spurt water
Was there more? They were probably having a field trip with the new graphics after slaving over a hot vector unit in the N64 days.
>gameplay is shovelwarey
This is the first time I've seen this sentiment.
>Compared to other 3D Mario games its a letdown
Maybe to 64. Its a lot better than Galaxy 1 and 2 to me. Maybe its because Galaxy 1 and 2 have levels that are just flagpole levels that are just stars at the end for the overwhelming bulk of the game, I'll admit that the level design is great in those games, but they aren't the same as 64 and Sunshine in terms of level goals.
Even waverace 64 has better water than this, user.
Not to come off as an offended special snowflake but really user? Really?
Im dumb for asking a simple question with regard to a series I barely play these days let alone talk about
OK brah. be like that.
>THAT SAID, I love me some Pilotwings.
It's kinda funny. Even when people say they aren't Nintendo fans, or avoid Nitnendo games, they typically have one or two older Nintendo games they really dig.
The biggest PlayStation fangirl I ever knew who never had a Nintendo home console, and always badmouthed Mario and Zelda was still a MASSIVE Kirbytard.
this was a neat effect
>no reflections
killed it.
that effect was used in metroid prime 1 too (gc version). It's fucking awesome.
The water in Sea of Thieves is honestly the best I've ever seen. You can't really see in the pic because the quality is bad, but anybody who watched the E3 gameplay demo knows how good it looks. Legitimately blew me away.
I had a SNES growing up, but mostly had games like Cliffhanger and Animaniacs, licensed games. Pilotwings was one of the games I put more time into. If all Nintendo games are that good, that'd be great, but I still see so much hatred for Nintendo everywhere from everyone whereas all the appreciation comes from people that grew up with Nintendo(which means they can't be trusted) and literal autists.
I dont know, maybe its time to be less cynical. Sunshine has been a lot of fun. Maybe I'll play Mario 64 next or maybe find another game Nintendo fans love to hate. What's another game like Sunshine where the opinion on it is divisive?
>if subnautica was made by Nintendo