>get allowed in a real fighting game tournament
>boo real fighting games while they're on
Why are melee fags the biggest cancer for competitive fighting scene?
Get allowed in a real fighting game tournament
did that hurt your fee-fees?
>anime fags in charge of handling a little bant.
FGC constantly did this to melee and they didn't cry
>delay melee by over 2 hours
>bitch when the people who showed up hours ago get restless
>Actually defending Melee fans
We've reached a new low.
>fighting game tournament
>expecting pleasant fanbases, and for them to coexist and like each others games
Maybe instead of playing bad games you could play good ones
>allow people who play a childrens party game into your venue
>dont expect them to behave like literal children
Its the FGCs fault for letting the obvious happen.
Would you invite adults that play competitive candyland into a chess venue and expect them to be mentally mature and sane and that they dont disrupt the event?
Imagine the shitshow if normies had to wait 2 hours extra for football to end to watch basketball.
Toddlers get restless without snacks and nap time as well.
Melee fags should be grateful they are even allowed in. They're only in not because melee is a fighter but their fanbase kept fucking begging and whining to get in. They should be fucking grateful but instead they act like entitled little children
They booed when they announced the delay, and chanted melee when they asked if they're ready for it.
so horrible, please take my anime games seriously
They booed the entire match. Nice try melee poster
No, because they are separated into different seasons and times.
Similarly, we have to segregate the FGC from smash shitters to secure a future for ourselves. We're all sick and tired of how awful you guys smell, how entitled you are at every tournament we let you join, how you pretend that your shitty melee game is the hardest fighting game ever, how you think that you're hot shit for attracting the most autists into your community, and when you shit in our pools.
Fuck off and let the FGC thrive in peace. Please. You have nothing but EVO 2013 to thank for your community not dying, and this is how you repay our compassion.
>even allowed
They literally pay for entrance dude
Post the footage then
Why do all FGCfags think melee is one person?
the better question is why d'you think the fgc is one person
it's a loud, vocal minority. melee's a fighting game as much as street fighter is. they're both equally entertaining to watch
The same reason they play multiple versions of the same game. They can't differentiate people like you can't differentiate their fighting games
>l-l-literally XD
They LITERALLY didn't even have to be given that opportunity. They won't be back next year so it's all good.
because this isn't exclusive to Melee at all
BB players are weebs
MvC players are niggers
KoF players are Mexican
every fighting game is personified in some way
ha, they will
look at those views and money ceo made