What are some games with good exploration?
What are some games with good exploration?
I just picked up Subnautica, pretty fun so far.
I played Fallout 4 for like 30 mins and I'm bored.
Should I start modding already?
just drop it
refund if possible
it doesnt get better
Recently dropped Subnautica because of the anti-gun hippy liberal faggot not adding ANY weaponry to the gross sea monsters trying to kill you. Most retarded logic to not add any weapons to your game.
Metroid Prime
Fallout New Vegas
What year is this?
Yume Nikki
Is that why he didn't?
Morrowind. Hand-placed artifacts actually reward you for exploring places you'd think would be empty, like caves and huts.
Abandoning this was the worst thing about Oblivion next to level scaling. Random loot is never satisfying.
fallout 4 is not one of them of course.
I don't even like bethesda's fallout games, I just play them to see how they fuck up simple concepts.
Like items not falling through furniture and the floor.
Every fucking time.
These are fun.
this bugs me more than the bugs lol do. Putting the ejection port and bolts on the wrong side of the gun is such a bad design choice
Jesus Merciful, I can't believe I almost fell for Todd's lies. I mean with all it's flaws I loved skyrim and actually managed to enjoy F3 to a certain point, but this...
This is a fucking disgrace, how the fuck did they get away with this is beyond me.
But it's hilarious, keep posting 'em senpai
Fallout: Neverland
So have mods already fixed this horrendous shit like every Bethesda game?
Not all of it. And all the problems inherent to their shitty engine can't be modded out.
I've recently got a Vive for work; Didn't give much of a shit about FPS especially Fallout4 but that's been amazing in VR so far as it doesnt work with games I usually play.
Im now looking for some 'official' titles to demo, hows Subnautica? I've also noticed that Vive and Occulus are independent icons and Subnautica is only tagged Occulus. I was under the impression the DRM lockout on hardware had been either bypassed or removed. Is there any reason why I cant use Occulus titles with the Vive? The software architecture was the same for both I thought
Well shit.
I'm replaying Arcanum right now and I'll probably replay Fallout 2 afterwards.
Why can't I get good RPGs like those anymore?
How empty does Fallout 4 feel on a scale from Morrowind to Skyrim?
>How empty does Fallout 4 feel on a scale from Morrowind to Skyrim?
you already know the answer to that
>Never had a single bug shown in this thread
>Worst glitch was a companion disappearing until I fast traveled
The only real bad part of the game is zero endgame content
the DLC was a rubbish ripoff of Point Lookout with not even half the charm or atmosphere
pretty much. the development started after the sandy shooting so he figured he'd design it without weapons.
Doesnt mean he shouldn't give better ways of dealing with the giant monsters trying to kill you, even if its just more ways to disable them
i love getting the opportunity to post this.
Maybe I'd be better off if I'd never played those good games so I could enjoy the industry of today.
They're even trying to take roguelikes from me by calling every shitty pixel indie game that has some random generation a roguelike.
I'd say its on par with Skyrim
>Slightly larger than nuke town Main city
>5-10 ish enemies respawning in a bunch of random little forts
>Not a while lot in-between, barely any nice secrets like Fallout 3
>Barely any unique weapons now that you actually care about getting, random drops will eventually give you one of the 'game breaking' modifiers and nothing else matters after that
>no endgame content, no bonus or challenge areas. Game is over after the last quest, DLC adds about three hours of content and is laughably expensive
If you've played the Witcher 3 you'll find this game extremely lazy
There are torpedoes that can kill the large monsters........................ .
sure you do, faggot.
Fallout 4 is, hands fucking down, my most disappointing game. I wasn't even let down by Skyrim as badly as I was let down by FO4.
It's awful in every single way.
>Hey we improved the combat xD
>Fallout 4 on par with skyrim
KEK. I'm playing through Skyrim for the second time and it's SO MUCH better than F4.
I've never played Oblivion, I should probably give it a go.
>>Hey we improved the combat xD
wat, how
It's exactly the same as 3/NV except now there is a grenade button and VATS is slowmo now
It's much, much worse than Skyrim.
they never did
Gothic 2, Risen, Witcher 3.
I look at steam sometimes and I have absolutely no clue how I played FO4 for like 36 hours. It's so fucking god damn boring.
not him but
they brought back damage types to an extent
gave more uses to Action Points with sprinting and slow-mo aiming
AI now "properly" hides behind stuff and around can peek out of corners
Don't know why they didn't bring shields in the game. Everyone has guns but wearing trash somehow protects against it.
That a weird billiard ball.
It saddens me, it really does. I hate playing Beth games and immediately thinking about how everything could have been better. They make such cool worlds and then do nothing with them
>shoot barrel
>it explore
been a while since i played Skyrim, but I remember getting bored extremely fast and quit after my stupid melee brawling ork character become the archmage in about an hour.
I remember it having the same combat mechanics as Terraria too which just isnt interesting when you're doing it all game (click left, sometimes click right, block if you feel like it)
I truly knew FO4 was a shit game when I couldn't even put items on shelves in my settlements. Forget the frustrating walls/floors not aligning properly, the fact that they have shelving units/tables but don't let you put ANYTHING on them just shows how lazily they put the game together.
it's literally a polished turd
pic related
It's funny, because the last dlc added proper display cases and weapon stands, but they don't work, stuff still falls through them.
you can still drop the items and place them
theres also mods that expand and fix all the building issues
Sup Forums, have mods made FO4 bearable? I finished the game at about a 80-85% completion rate when it first came out but my HDD crashed so I lost my save. I'm bored as fuck while I'm waiting on Legion to come out so I'm considering doing a replay with mods.
Yes it's 2016 and I still play WoW
>............................. .
Are you 13?
Mod quality is the worst of any Bethesda game to date, it'll never match NV at this rate, let alone any of the Elder Scrolls games modding scenes
What game characters can defeat TooT HowoH?
Did they fix the lights sometimes not turning on? Or turning on but not emitting any actual light?
Alright you fucking homo what mods
>make f4 so bad that people remember skyrim fondly
>release skyrim remastered (essentially just a nextgen port) for 60USD
>still 30fps
Sounds about right.
what? i thought it was 60fps/1080 instead of 30fps/720
maybe it won't have 5 minute load times like ps3
Fuck off, TotalBiscuit
It's 1080p/30fps.
The human eye can't see above 24fps anyway, they're just wasting 3 per eye.
I think that speaks to the quality of the base game more than anything else then.
This is the kind of retard that keeps bethesda afloat, and the reason they don't even have to try to make a decent game anymore.
To be fair, 4s modding scene has pretty much imploded because of the console mod shitfest
>game actually looks pretty good with an ENB/Reshade and some texture mods thrown in
>shooting is an improvement over 3/NV
>animations improved overall
>settlements are kinda addicting even if they did rely far too much on it and skimped on all else
>better lighting
>they cut back on weapon/armor diversity
>that fucking dialogue wheel
>those fucking weapon designs
>the same problem 3 had where you could kill everything in the map and do every quest within a week and it's just an empty sandbox now
>quests are still shit like 3's
>no skills/traits
God damnit they only took a couple cues from New Vegas for this game. There was so much potential but they squandered it. They took ten steps forward, but 20 steps back; and they'll keep doing it with every game of theirs.
>shaft diehard fans to cater to normies
a tale as old as time
>console mod
What happened?
Are they porting those steam-quality mods to consoles and they're crying because all the actually good mods require script extenders and such?
>it just works
>Ok Gameplay
>Ok Graphics
Bethesda: Choose one. mods will fix it
And also because the ones that don't need anything wouldn't run on a console that already can barely run the game at silky smooth 24fps.
And Space Engine.
>Mfw mods on console will inevitably brick systems and upset children
>mfw they'll be removed or so heavily restricted it wont be worth developing for
Will the normie mobile console market be the end of good vidya?
Considering they'll probably keep using the same shit engine beyond trump's second term, ok gameplay and ok graphics are out of the question.
You mean that diablo-clone, well more like Divinity-clone?
I've got that in my Steam it seems from a few years back, is it fun?
Breath of The Wild
why would a mod "inevitably brick systems"
explain the mechanism by which this would happen.
If you can handle the shit combat, Oblivion has some good quests. I've been thinking about replaying it, partly to see if it's as good as I remember.
Never underestimate the stupidity of of the average consolebro.
What? that doesn't make any sense.
How are mods going to "inevitably" brick systems. Has nothing to do with anyone's intelligence. I want you to explain by what mechanism a mod can brick a system