Do you ragequit often, Sup Forums?

do you ragequit often, Sup Forums?

Dude should just quite. He's playing all the time and everywhere.

I sadquit

Only time i ever ragequit in games was getting ganked repeatedly in stv and epl in wow
No other game ever pissed me off enough to just outright ragequit


What did he do?

Depends on the game. If it's some random matchmade fps where teams balance then I'll turn it off if I'm not having fun but never in 1v1 games. Figured out years ago that you learn more from players above your own skill level and at the end of the day
>it's just a game bro :^)

Missed a crucial penalty then quit international football. 29 is an average age for a forward player to retire from internationals desu

Messi is kill?

I didn't just ragequit Peggle, I FORCED myself to never play the game again; Pegglle is the only game to get me to throw a controller.

realized that he plays the most boring sport in the world in which championship games result in a 0-0 draw, so he quit.

He'll still play club ball

Yes, Chile won. At least he still has his 2008 gold medal to remind him of his international career which is at least one more honor than Ronaldo will ever get.

Needs more splosions, right hank?

What does based Ronaldo-sama got to do with it? Messifags are so obsessed.

You cant ragequit in games anymore or you get punished. Messi is a cuck

Only if the other guy is so laggy that it's basically unplayable

no it needs more scoring. not even baseball will leave you dry, the most defensive oriented sport in the world. soccer is fucking terrible.


You haven't watched it enough to be able to give a respectable opinion. I can assure you good """""soccer"""""" is a great sport to watch providing you don't have adhd.

I always do it when my team is losing. I cant stand not winning

Oh you're just a tired cunt then

>what is using a controller on PC?
>what is Xbox 360/PS3?

I did the latter but come on you weren't even trying.

No, not really. I'm not 17 any more and throwing temper tantrums when I lose.

>were winning with 20 sec till the match ends
>autistic f2ps on my team vote to extend the match
>lose because of that
>half of my team ragequits

Ronaldo is my footballfu
Kill yourself

kys my man

i've watched a lot of it. it's a terrible sport where the offense can simply pass backwards until they find a hole in the defense. no other sport lets you fuck around for that long.

I raged years ago back when I started playing league but after a while I realized no amount of rage will make stupid teammates magically smarter.

u should just rage quit life my man can i hav ur stuff??/

only if I fuck up and I know I'm not hurting my teammates
otherwise, no

Not ever more than once.

If a game is making me so angry that I feel compelled to just quit playing with a loud "FUCK THIS SHIT", I never go back to it.

he is

Soccer = Brawl
American Football = Melee
Smash 4 = Hockey/Basketball/Baseball
PM = Lacrosse?

Only if the lag gets too fucking overbearing

PM is jai a lai

If you're from the US chances are you've only watched your national team therefore you've only seen average tier players besides your goalkeeper and you can't invest yourself emotionally to a team your never likely to see, it's OK mericuck, I'm not saying it's bad to not like it, you're just in the minority and have been groomed to like American sports.