What went wrong?

What went wrong?

It is boring

>Take a single player focused game
>Cut all single player content down to bare minimum
>Turn multiplayer into a second life mmo with microtransactions out the ass
>Make it literally impossible to compete without spending massive amounts of money

Literally nothing went wrong for Rockstar. This piece of shit is a cash cow

>Make chaos and destruction heavily punished in a game revolving around chaos and destruction
>Literally no fun allowed
>Loading screens for days
>Not enough players per free roam lobby

Nothing, it's making mad cash for rockstar. So much that they literally don't care for making a good expansion or game

armored kuruma killed it for me in a few days

if you dont blow them up they kill you
if you do you gotta pay for the repairs

Nothing the online society for gtao is literally perfectly chaotic, just log in and your bound to have a good time, everyone shit talking, massacring or just chilling. It's literally the greatest open world online game of all time, constant quality updates to boot.

And don't even try that "muh shark card" meme, cause they aren't even necessary.

The playerbase is full of assholes
I understand that it's GTA but it'd be nice if every single player didn't kill me on sight

we both know what you're doing, so why don't you go ahead and stop doing it?

the player base is a bunch of kids

Should have just made it like GTA4's online.

>G R I N D
>Fucking VIP updates forces you to buy cash cards OR G R I N D
>they'd rather do this than singeplayer DLC

tfw no lamarr DLC

1 decent high-end apartment + 1 supercar totals around a bare minimum of 1.2 million bucks, which can easily be obtained through grinding as intended for like 4 hours.

People complain about sharkcards, and rightfully so when it comes to the concept, but they don't realize you can just play through every heist and a few deathmatches to get some good shit. Grinding is actually fun at times if you know what you're doing.

take GTAIV's online
add worse connectivity and matchmaking
split the playerbase across as many dead playlists as possible
milk normies with micotransactions for the meaningless lobby mode

>Pay real money for online currency.

*$800,000 bucks more like

>split the playerbase across as many dead playlists as possible

>developers present actual things to do in game
>people complain

The low riders update is literally a "lamar dlc" shut the fuck up, enough of that nigger

>make it an open world
>everyone in the same city
there , now you dont need 20 playlists and everyone can fuck up other people shit
yes i would actually play that for a few hours daily

No splitscreen.

>I can't read

I said singleplayer dlc

My only major complaint about Online in terms of gameplay is that shit like races and deathmatches aren't integrated into freeroam itself. I mean they are, but not in the same scale as you'd hope for.

I hope GTA VI Online meshes everything together in some way.

>get put into a separate lobby to do missions, races, heists, and basically all activities
>free roam is relegated to a giant cawadooty deathmatch with kids endlessly shooting each other
I haven't played in some time but I heard that they introduced jobs you can do in free roam, might hop in to try them out

I hope GTA6 scraps online completely so they can focus on a better single player game.

But that's never going to happen. Oh well.


>they made 50m+ from online alone
>what went wrong

choose only one

oh so you could actually meet and play randoms at the map markers from the lobby mode? yup that'd be great. almost like when they advertised GTAO as an actual thing before release.

i dont see how all that content benefits me since i could only ever load into the standard race and mission playlists from the phone menu without it being utterly dead. the lobby mode is a complete fucking cop out for getting into content.

but online extends the lifespan and replay value of the games tenfold. In the end it boils down to "sorry you can't make your own fun". You're partially right though.

The good thing about the next Red Dead is that the multiplayer can't ruin it

I mean besides shooting each other and gambling what the fuck can you do in the far west

>Maximum of 16 players

What a fucking waste, same as Red Dead.

Need like 64

Online didn't ruin V's singleplayer you fucktard

It impeded it developmentally but the experience itself is self-contained and just as great as the other GTA's.

>the people still criticizing Online are the ones who haven't played it since 2013

fuck off, I'd trade this fuckfest for a coop mode any day

WHY THE FUCK do we have 3 characters and no COOP

16 players limit

>GTA campaign is a singleplayer experience
>but I want cooperative play!! xd
way to out yourself as an underage

Not my fault nobody wants to play with you

Not much. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it, especially the heists and all.

Hackers were a bit abundant and eventually there just isn't much to do anymore though. What can you do.

>I don't properly express my message so it's others people fault
Skipped writing classes I see.


Its 30 actually

Skipped reading classes I see

I was literally just playing this all day yesterday with my friend. Pretty fucking fun, although for some reason I got on Online, but I got 2 achievements, one for hitting rank 50, and then right after that one for hitting rank 100. I am only rank 26. What the fuck happened. I am still 26 but I got those achievements.

Its great if you've got m8s to play it with, shit if you're playing with randoms

Let me fix this for you

>GTA campaign is traditionally a singleplayer experience
>co-operative play would not be out of the question
>even Saints Row 2 (2008) pulled it off

I started playing GTA when it was on the first Playstation, you little fuck. Way to out yourself as a close minded underage faggot

How to spot the parroting cunts

>make the entire franchise about chaos, destruction, and douchebaggery
>disallow chaos, destruction, and douchebaggery

You play without friends.

It's 10/10 just like the main game.

so the same shit
>finding 1 player every 30 minutes
>but since now theres more player thats a excuse!
its the same shit , for a map that big not even 400 players would make a difference

>>finding 1 player every 30 minutes

amen. i wouldnt mind a few co-op missions though.

little bitch i posted that quickly to say it first
he ninja'd. what do? you little cunt

>doesn't express his thoughts correctly and leaves information out of a message and expects people to understand

Please, you just fucked up, no big deal. Next time write properly.

>Player is currently active, joining another session

My lobbies are always 15 ~ 25 people, I really don't know what you people are talking about.

>n-no u
Fuck off. Yo said it yourself, GTA is traditionally a singleplayer experience which shouldn't strive to be anything but. Go play Saints Row if you want to fuck around in a shallow open world with friends. GTA has always prioritized narrative over everything else and co-op hinders that potential.

Honestly got boring when I got all the guns and all the cars. Soon as I got the minigun I was done. I know they probably released a few more cars since then, but that isn't enough to bronf me back.

Also, can someone explain how people justify buying shark cards? It is insane

of course, why would anyone repeat playing that shit after you discover its a 16 player limit?

anything less than 64 is factually less fun than calling faggots out on Sup Forums

>Online didn't ruin V's singleplayer
V's singleplayer was clearly gutted in favor of Online. GTAO has tons of great features that would have made the singleplayer ten times better but aren't there because Jewstar wants people to play Online instead, cause they can't sell GTA bux for real money in singleplayer, which is also why for every update since Heists the new vehicles are exclusive to Online.

>get called out on incorrect information
>why would I be playing that shit anyway xd
What did you hope to achieve with your post?

>the grind is real
>Armored Karumas
>Missions become less interesting past Level 20
>Hard mode just makes the enemies' pistols into snipers
>Armored fucking Karumas
>Heists are setup horribly
>if teammate dies with 0 lives in pool, whole heist fails
>checkpoints are always inconvenient
>the lag is real
>meaning that Ruskie on your team will get shot even if he's behind cover
>extremely fucking linear heists anyways
>all these annoying ass setups
>no one wants to do them, they just want the finale
>payouts horrible anyways
>you get punished for blowing up Personal Vehicles
>in fucking GTA
>you get punished for killing too many players
>in fucking GTA
>fuck all to do in the overworld

Or they take all the time they need.

oh yes what was i expecting? that you could see straight to the point, and not get brainlocked on the number?
sec let me highlight and rephrase the following:
>anything less than 64 is factually SHIT.

It's a safe for the family GTA Online, so little kids dont get upset (most of their userbase)

I wish we could do something so we can get little shitters banned from videogames, they shit them up so hard.

The game is 18+ and all i hear online is just screechy teen or kid noises, it's fucking horrible.

On PS4 there is even this bug that you can't disable voice chat and you have to bear with it. Everytime i had to search for a new Lobby when that happened.

Fuck this game.


This is one of the MAJOR reasons that I have a workaround to insure I always get a solo lobby in the forced freeroam.

This is the reason that all 'open pvp' games are garbage. It brings out the absolute worst in people and makes them annoying faggots to deal with. Every single one of those 'open pvp survival' games like RUST is garbage because of this.

Financially, nothing. It's just that everything is done at the expense of the player. Somewhere along the line, they forgot they were making GTA and instead we get this half assed pseudo-MMO.
>Grindfest by design; any vehicles or assets worthwhile cost over a million (unless you buy shark cards, goy)
>"Bad sport" mechanism prevents players from retaliating against shitters
>You better hope you and your friends' connections are perfect because if one of you drops out during a heist you all get kicked
>You'll spend more time on loading screens than actually playing the game
>Stop pushing adversary mode. Nobody plays it.

What if we don't have friends.

Heists would be 100% improved if the required number of players actually made sense.

I don't need 3 other shitters with me to go fetch that hermit on the island, for example. But the game FORCES them on me, and the moment one of them fucks up (read: always) the heist fails.

That's another thing. If someone dies in the heist just fucking put them in spectator and give them no pay out, and let the rest of us continue on our way, unless that person was doing something critical which then fails.

>destroying someone's personal vehicle is A Very Bad Thing that you get fined a lot of money for if the car was expensive
>but the guy who just had his car blown up can have it teleported back to him in mint condition in under half a minute, at absolutely no cost to him

What was the point of the fines, again?

>punished for killing other players and their cars
>the punishment is playing with other like-minded people
there's plenty of good complaints but this isn't one of them.

I wouldn't mind if I could do all the shit I could do there in singleplayer, including bringing in my character.

I could not care less about my leaderboard score, I just want to use mods along with the rest of the game that got pushed into multiplayer

Having just started online a few weeks ago, I have to say the experience is pretty underwhelming. You start fresh and get access to a car you can customize, and that's it. Want better clothes and guns? Better get your ass to grinding. Want to participate in more events? Better save up for an apartment. The whole thing is about getting money so you can get more money, so you can play the game. It's a really terrible model.

It feels like they couldn't strike a balance between co-op activity and and competitive killing chaos until they introduced corporations, but it's hard to get in to that as a new player because you have shit for weapons, so you go back to grinding.

It's frustrating because you look at how games like Saints Row have a great co-op campaign, but a game like GTAV, where you have a perfect set up for co-op hijinks with 3 protagonists, relegates multiplayer to a Facebook tier garbage mechanics.

Amen to that. The heists feel ridiculous because of it. Hell, the setup missions are almost all balanced for 1-2 players, and truth be told the main event would be better if you could hire NPCs for certain roles without relying on some shitters who will fuck with you and your friends because you only had one or two of them available at the time.

I've literally never stopped being "Good sport" or whatever and I kill armored kuruma fags/griefers all the time.
Rarely get problems with connection, people dying happens of course, disconnection not that common.
Loading screens and grinding is seriously fucked though.

Nevertheless, sometimes you people try to find excuses where they don't exist, seriously.

Prison Break > Series A Funding > Humane Labs > Pacific Standard Job = Fleeca

Sup Forums's pirate version came out and it's so much better than the boring original

Meanwhile pacific standard pays the most (though a paltry 1 mil which is split between 4 people)

Whats up with that anyway. Its a pretty snazzy looking bank, and you only get a million? Thats some bullshit. Guarantee the original number was like, 10 million and it got reduced to push more shark cards.


In IV you could have your own lobbies with custom settings.
In V you could have microtransactions.
The 4 entire summers my friends and I soent on IV multiplayer did not happen again with V.
Fuck rockstar.


The simple solution to this is for Rockstar to make another kind of freeroam lobby where the players can't kill each other in any way, even through AoE damage or vehicle, but I'd wonder how many people would actually play that.

10million would be too much and would make things even more expensive than they are now.

Just do the infinite PacStan finale glitch with a buddy and you'll be swimming in money

Why the fuck are there always a bunch of faggots online talking like they're hard ass gangsters or some shit?

I still play it all the time but it annoys me how they still haven't made servers that let you turn off friendly fire, also the CEO missions are cool but they get a bit tedious (especially those shooting down helicopter ones, fuck that shit).

Just a minor thing too but I think adding insurance into the game (and bad sport shit) instead of just having your car respawn automatically took a lot of the fun out of the game, it kind of feels like it goes against the whole point of the game.

>gets proven wrong
>pretends to be baiting

gta online has a lot of younger kids in it who think it's cool. it's even worse when they yell at the clerk when robbing a store to increase the intimidation.

stupid children and idiots with too much money actually supported shark cards instead of just glitching millions of dollars to buy everything like smart people.

a buzzard is pretty much required for the new dlc, get one. You can even spawn it next to you for free via the interaction menu

>unfair deathmatches where high level players shit on lower level players with uavs, miniguns, rocket launchers
>jet deathmatches aren't even interesting since the machineguns are explosive
>3+ killstreaks gave you an eye raping filter
>finally fixed this when everybody stopped giving a shit about the game
>multiplayer plays out like an mmo
>horrible UI
>rockstar, again diving a multiplayer community by making autoaim/free aim a thing instead of making the aiming not shit in the first place
>godawful and contrived metagame

What really grinds my fucking gears is how shooting a player inside a vehicle can make it immediately explode instead of make it catch on fire, forcing them to have to ditch the car. Makes for an uninteresting vehicle fights. It's bad enough the multiplayer has terrible combat, all around a shit mp game and 4 was way better in every single way.

all the game modes they add fucking suck

the funnest shit to do is just pretend your playing ace combat with 2 other people on discord and just hunt down armored kurumas and other CEO groups. Hate me all you want, but having a trainer made GTAO 10x more funner. instant respawn weapons and money drops while changing your model to an ayylium and fying around in a colour changing Bus shooting fireworks is always going to be fun.

Its literally rockstar's cash cow, making hundreds of millions by only adding skins and its fun with friends
Find a good crew OP or get fucked

I've already got one but the $3,000 fee to bring it up to the roof is kind of ridiculous, they really should have just done the $200 Pegasus fee with it.

At least I've got the Maze Bank office and I'm not too far away from it I guess.

>What went wrong?
1. Even after so long, the game suffers from the same network issues, often resulting in players getting stuck in limbo or in different game sessions or singleplayer.
2. They made Freeroam mode as some sort of midless openworld deathmatch where you shit on everyone and everyone shits on you using everything you got, which means there are jets, tanks, armored cars, guided missiles and everything between.
Now tehy started adding "meaningful" content in Freeroam, such as the CEO/VIP missions, with CEOs being affected the most.
Imagine you amass goods worth 500k and need to ship it by a boat.
Now there's this guy who calls for his vertical-liftoff jet and decies to kill you.
And guess what, he will, maybe not on his first try, but second or third... Because it doesn't matter to him if he dies, he will respawn, call for another jet and get another go at messing up your bussiness with no consequence whatsoever doe to how Freeroam is designed - as a mindless openworld deathmatch where you just die and respawn 3 seconds later.
3. The game is designed for consoles - that means shitty and unresponsive interface and autoaim (if you're not careful enough to check session's settings).
4. Cheaters. Those have been mostly eliminated in the latest patch (after how long?) but still affected the game greatly. I couldn't even play properly on my 300+ level character due to everyone branding me a cheater - and either kicking me from a job or begging for money when in freeroam.

Still, love to play the game with friends, joining 20+ player sessions and shitting on randoms while making money.
Gun mechanics aren't perfect, driving mechanics aren't perfect, but I still enjoy deathmatches and racing and all the gamemodes between.

For a few months up till the most recent update, insurance was disabled on PC. Made everything a lot more loose and fun.

That said, it is quite fun driving up to a tank in a T20 and laughing as they blow $27k exploding you.

Never heard of that glitch
Care to explain?

I'd love a mode where cheating wasn't just permitted but encouraged. Let people who want to take it seriously do that, but some people just want to fuck about and spawn cargoplanes on top of others - it's fun as fuck and if they aren't hurting anybody else's enjoyment, why stop it?

>tfw best friend won't play with me because he's only level 25 and doesn't have much money despite my offering to do that whole Pacific Standard heist glitch with him
I wish it didn't take so long to level up in this game so my friend could have access to more weapons faster, I don't know why they thought it was a good idea to hide the ability to use certain ones behind a level wall.
I just wanna relive my GTA 4 glory days now that I'm level 205.

>tfw guy on my friends list who won't stop fucking inviting me for parties on GTA Online on PS4 and then mumbling through his mic the whole time
>tfw only reason I still have him is because I like playing with his other friend and nobody else seems to go on during daytime


>set your cut to 0%
>do pac stan normally
>one guy grabs the money
>the 3 without the money clear outsied the bank
>everyone step out the bank
>money guy goes back in and hides
>one guy runs through checkpoints the cheese way
>the other two defend outside and shoot down helicopters for the runner
>runner makes it to bikes
>blow them all up
>wait for objective to update
>either kill yourself or just go straight to kuruma in the garage next to the bikes (hopefully you or someone has that apartment)
>everyone get in kuruma (money guy in backseat holding X to duck)
>drive to the objective
>no one jump out car when driving off the cliff
>go to boat
>host gets in back seat of boat
>buddy tells you when you've passed the bridge
>immediately close gta online

there you just boosted someone a bunch of money, if you want money yourself you'll have to alternate between you and your buddy

nigga just play it normally its literally an easy game