Play Nier for the first time

>Play Nier for the first time
>Decide to play on hard
>literally one of the most monotonous modes when fighting bosses
>I'm already 7 hours in
I can't back out now, I've spent so much time doing side quests and making progress.
Also, Nier thread, his game is the fucking tits right now, just got Kaine to join me and already headed to Facade.
Should I consider checking out Drakenguard on PS2?

Just change it back to normal

nier combat is pretty boring and grindy

near end i just lowered dificulty it was easy not to die just took a long time to kill things

I actually enjoyed my Hard run much more than Normal ones.

It made more sense that these giants bosses took about an hour to beat with my shitty sword.

But then again I beat this game like 7 times in a row so I'm probably autistic.

no, I've come this far, I won't change it.
I'm probably autistic myself, but his is my first time playing. I'm liking the game a lot so far.

>Should I consider checking out Drakenguard on PS2?
Drakengard has terrible gameplay, the story is fucking nuts, and the characters are all terrible people.

One of my favorite games of all time.

sounds good, I've had a couple of chances picking it up, but never had. Now after playing Nier, I'm certain I'm going to buy Drakenguard.

How far are you in?

>I have a problem
>>ok, this is how you fix it
>No, I don't want to fix my problem

You're stupid

>I've spent so much time
>7 hours

I noted it in the OP
very, but I try sticking to my guns on my awfully dumb decisions. Never wanted to change it, as I said "I cant back out now"

that's like a bunch of episodes of Fraser, like 14 eps.
Not to mention I'm juggling Mega Man Legends, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Dark Souls in my current regimen, I barely started Nier since like 1 am and havent had much sleep, just taking small breaks watching Netflix, jerking off, shitposting, and going back to playing Nier.

The thing about Nier's hard mode is that it's not really hard, it's just tedious. All they did was make the enemies become damage sponges and that's not really fun. There's really no e-penis points for saying that you finished it on hard because it's so boring.

Well it's not like I'm working or going to school, but who knows, I might end up changing difficulty sooner or later, the tedium will get to me eventually.

im just in the second half on Ps3, the sidequest are fucking getting on my nerves, its really just:
>get me 10 things
>go to the other guy ask him
>get me 5 things
>get me 5 things

and i heard you need to do them because for a ending you need all weapons and some weapons you get only from finishing siede quests ...

The weapons are not missable.

so....i dont need to do all sidequests...i can buy them?
some sidequests can be fun because funny i wouldnt do none of them..

You will eventually need to do sidequests. There are missable sidequests but the important sidequests are not missable.

There are a few sidequests that give you weapons. If you see a weapon in a shop go ahead and buy it. As far as I know, every weapon is unique.

>tfw do literally every sidequest
>tfw was going for platinum but got tired of running junk heap for items to upgrade weapons
>tfw still need to do the under 15 hour speedrun on a fresh game

I'll probably come back to it, eventually.

None of the weapons come from missable sidequests. Feel free to skip quests if you want.

I heard that the DLC helps with grinding materials for weapons.

>you will never get drunk and make depressing games with Taro

I played Easy Mode without shame for my completionist run. Grinding for specific items was painful.

It's roughly the same. The only thing it would be better for is eagle eggs. Cause afaik eagle eggs are only available in that one stupid spot in the aerie

You talk like Barneyfag and you sound about as stupid. Kill yourself.

why are you so mad?

>side quests

Change to Easy. Trust me, you gain nothing from sticking to Hard. Hell, no one will judge you for it.