This type of thread

This type of thread.

Extended versions are fine.

>Near perfect


Here's the templayte faggota

Is this shitty bait?



it's not, i really enjoyed my teenage years as a PC gamer, had no console.

This is near perfect bait.

Found an ancient one with this template. No longer 100% accurate but fuck it.

to be honest 4 boxes in the middle are not that bad and possible but that nar perfect game skyrim is scary

>Skyrim, near perfect
Todd, you know posting on Sup Forums will only get you upset.

it's brought me nothing but keks so far, have at me.

>Near perfect



Spoilering for my fav male character.


Fun - Halo Reach Multiplayer
Story/Atmosphere - Souls series
Soundtrack - Metal Gear Rising
Controller - Xbox One
Near Perfect Game - Bayonetta (Only the first)
Male C - Gwyndolin
Female C - Gwyndolin
First vg - Doom

Sorry about the text, I suck at paint


Did I do well?

My african descendant brother

>Favourite Game

Excellent taste right there.



weeb shit/10

Pretty decent

Pretty gay desu

Nice bait m8

Nothing special, but pretty good.

The best kind of weeb.

Top tier villain, and game.

>that everything
user you literally my nigga

>Ape Escape 3
You too, man.

Also /r/-ing this template



/tg/ as fuck


this is old

It is my main board after all.

whos the girl?


Viconia form Baldur's Gate 2 Shadows of Amn.

>Not just posting your first 4 games while you're at it

>Near perfect

PoP Warrior Within was a good choice though, all the games are great scenery porn.
My fellow Marston bro
Patrician as fuck

>it's of Japanese origin so it's automatically shit
