What is your opinion on this game?
What is your opinion on this game?
fuck off
Pokemon Gale of Darkness? Never heard of this one.
>XD in filename
Fuck off
Pretty cool. Not as good as Colosseum, but it's nice.
I can't believe you censored the box art, you piece of shit.
Fucking neo-Sup Forums sjw feminist liberal nu-cuck go back to Sup Forums and get triggered you reddit scum cesspool degenerate progressive tumblrtard faggot blacked shitfag
not as good as this one
What did he mean by this?
What game is this?
it was alright
Fuck my brain just had a meme aneurysm.
It's a fun game, big improvement overthe 1st.
Wouldn't mind revisiting the Orre region with a bigger pool of pokemon.
I also loved that they start you with eevee, brilliant idea.
What are some of the improvements? Only played colosseum
>bought it on release day because I was pretty much buying every Pokemon game at the time
>played it for a bit but didn't get too far
>disc got scratched to shit somehow despite not using it
>game now fetching $100+ used online just like pretty much every first party gamecube game
I'll never get to play this one. At least Colloseum still works
Honestly pretty good. I think I spent more time with that stadium mode than the actual story tho.
Get a wii or wii u. Hack it. Install nintendont. Boom.
>Gale of Darkness
Fuck off edgefag
what kinds of gcn games are selling at 100+?
I remember selling my nintendo power zelda collector's disc and manual for $150 years ago. I wonder how much it would be worth now... also I want it back :(
Where does it say that?
Is this true?
It seems a bunch of the games I have on GC/Wii turn out to be worth a lot, first FE: Radiant Dawn, now this
Haven't got one. Never played Pokémon XD
fuck off
Gale of Darkness is cool
A guy came out with a romhack of it called Pokemon XG: Next Gen, it's pretty interesting, check it out.
Ikr me neither XD
What about this game?
I fr*eaking hate the big the cat levels DX
Sonic is a meanie in this one DX
i know your wright, their so hard man DX
>have game and case and everything in near mint condition, like no scratches on the disc at all
How much am I looking at?
It's like you got all the buzz words you know and strung them together.