You don't need two Mario RPG series running at the same time Sup Forums

You don't need two Mario RPG series running at the same time Sup Forums.

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Ok, no RPG. But why not good characters, plot and world?
Are all those things RPG exclusive?

Why do we even need two nintendo RPGs? Hell, why not just have one series be the designated RPG for all games for efficiency sake?

Aren't Toads not good enough?
They all have unique personalities
Mario games don't need that big of a story.
Prism Island is both fresh and familiar enough for this game

Exactly, cancel M&L.

Color Splash looks to have all of those. No retarded "I want to implode the Universe" plot this time.

No. Instead we've got a stock 'Bowser wants to take over the world' story line.

Dementio and Count Bleck were great characters though.

>not liking paper Emperor Joker
plebeian detected

But why? Only because both have Mario in the title?

Makes me remember that interview where Miyamoto said that he doesn't like classic Metroid because "they already have NSMB as a 2D platformer".
How did these people manage to stay in business for 30 years?

You don't need to shitpost on Sup Forums either OP. That doesn't stop you.

You sure don't!

You know what? Fine. I actually liked Super Paper Mario-- let's say this doesn't have to be an RPG anymore.
Where are the different Mario races? The Partners? Being able to see the Mario world from a different angle than the NSMBfied main platformers where nothing notable ever happens ? A lot of people want an RPG, but I'm not one of them. I want a vivid world with characters and a story that doesn't feel like it was formed in a meeting table of hyper-conservative Japanese CEOs who see serious drama--even in a spin off-- as a road to franchise oblivion.

What different Mario races? Look at those things in TTYD or SPM. Have any of those things appeared in a game before or since? Those SPM designs in particular looked awful and unlike anything you would see in a Mario game.

SS returned to basics and used the classic characters in interesting, unique ways.

Sticker Star was terrible. Just stop.

Fuck off Cody

Not him, but while TTYD introduced many races, it used old ones too. There were lakitus, koopas, goombas, bob-ombs, boos, even toads, and many of them were unique besides the normal NPCs. Jolene for example was really different from a regular toad personality wise.
All of that while still being part of the mario universe. You don't need new races, you can just use the existing ones but make new characters with them. At least adding hats/accessories to the toads and changing their colors would be enough to make them different.

Actually most of the enemies other than the x-nauts and the spm geometric shapes are more-or-less based off existing Mario enemies. also what were the interesting ways existing ones were used? i can't remember a single character other than wiggler, the annoying sticker crown bitch, and the mariachi shyguys.

You don't need more Mario platformers, Nintendo.

How so?

Over the past few weeks, I've demonstrated just how poorly thought out the complaints towards the game are.

Your 'arguments' essentially amount to "It's not TTYD, so it sucks!"

SS was a welcome return to form, and I'm rather pleased at the way Color Splash is developing. The 'Five fun guys' scam really opened my eyes to how much more intuitive this game's gimmick will be.

That's some retarded reasoning right there, what if you're a fan of both rpg series?

Oh please. The only two possible reads I can get for Nintendo using only toads is as part of an overall cost saving measure in game production, or they're litterally THAT terrified of bloat and excesses that they want to make cuts down to the bone to ensure the franchise never runs away too far from the safe, predictable spot it's in now.
Otherwise they're being lazy, apathetic, or completely detached from the realities of their fanbase.

I disagree, personally. Having toads have an ordinary design actually leads to really interesting gameplay decisions. For example, if the toad running the Five Fun Guys scam in Color Splash looked like the disguised Koopa Bros in the original... the trick wouldn't work nearly as well.

Wow you are a master
A master baiter

Yeah, but those were said to be quintuplets, so you could have gotten away with that trick in TTYD too. That's not new.

He's a fanboy from Miiverse user

My point is that despite the Toads having basic designs, they continue to have unique and interesting personalities.

And every thread, people show that you are wrong, yet you seem to selectively ignore said replies since you can't present arguments against them.

Remember to report this certified underage faggot.

Well they sure as hell don't need two tactics games. Where is my Advanced Wars 5?

That doesn't make sense in the context of the example you used.

Just wait until that one user finishes up his infograph on this faggot
I'm surprised he still showed up
In the mean time just ignore his posts

interesting my fucking ass those mushroom headed dicks can fuck right off
You know what was interesting? A scummy town of mismatched mario enemies. a peaceful village of goombas, a bowser that actually fucking talked, a story beyond "oh mario peach got fuckin kidnapped by bowser again who'da fuckin guessed".

>also what were the interesting ways existing ones were used?

Not him but I think the way they used the Cooligans(from NSMB) as obstacles was pretty clever. Same with the Snifits and the Quizz Minigame in World 3.

Better than just using a character that stands around and just says a few lines just with a unique sprite.

But it doesn't make them memorable or have the same impact on the player. For the player it is just "oh, another toad, whatever", when they could have interesting designs, like adding some fancy hats, different clothes, etc.

The game is just bland, using the excuse that "they have different personalities" is stupid because in the end the players don't care if all their personalities are also as bland as their designs. Talking to a toad is the same as talking to any toads while in PM64 for example there was a family of toads and while they were no different than normal toads besides the color, they would talk about their personal experiences and change dialogues every chapter and not only "OH MARIO BE CAREFUL" or "HAHA WE ARE MADE OF PAPER" all the time.

>over the past few weeks

So you're one faggot damage controlling fkr a corporation like its your friend because people are rightfully complaining about changes they never wanted nor asked for? You're a true autistic faggot.

It doesnt matter what you say you corporation cum guzzling fag, paper mario isn't supposed to be the garbage we have now.

But your going to have characters that stand around and say a few things anyway. The fact that you CAN make them different and provide an atmosphere with their design rather than copy pasting the same one means there aren't a lot of reasons not to.

Bowser in TTYD was next to worthless. He was only good in the original game, when he was the villain.

I saw nothing wrong with keeping Bowser from speaking in SS. A strange decision, but I hardly noticed it.

An infographic with incorrect information..

For the record, I didn't delete any of my accounts. I merely got banned from Miiverse for two weeks for making a sex joke on the #FE community. I'll be back relatively soon, offering my commentaries on the ''''controversies'''' surrounding the game.

Nigga just ignore him he got exposed days ago

SS lacked any semblance of character. It perfected the art style but lost literally everything else that was good about the games. Battles were easy as fuck and boring. the level-by-level design replaced exploration and made the gameplay boring af, characters were not interesting and were far more cliched (shitty shitty writing) than any other PM game to date.

I could have tolerated them removing the RPG elements if the story and gameplay held up on their own (like SPM did), but SS just sucked from start to finish. I'm hoping Color Splash at least brings back the story an character charm of the first two games.

You deleted your instagram and renamed your twitter you twat

So if there ever actually is a TTYD sequel, what do you want in it?

> For the player it is just "oh, another toad, whatever", when they could have interesting designs, like adding some fancy hats, different clothes, etc.

That's pretty shallow. Also so far in 40 minutes of gameplay shown at E3 there was not a single "We're made of paper" joke so why get hung up on something that hasn't even happened?

how can you say he was good and then say you pay so little attention to him you didn't notice he didn't talk.
do you suck cock for all shit games or is this one just special?

less stupid fetchquests
less stupid backtracking
get rid of the stupid audience system
even more innuendos

Interesting partners, interesting NPCs, interesting setting, good combat with exp and BP.

>SS just sucked from start to finish

I do agree that it wasn't that great of a game, especially compared to 64/TTYD, but it did have its moments. The Enigmansion was kind of fun and the Snifit gameshow had a certain charm to it.

TTYD's audience system was great. If anything they should do something to expand on it.

Enigmansion, Wiggler and the snifts were the only good things in that stupid mess.

I'd like at least one familiar character ending up being a partner-- maybe as the last one you get. Someone who players have never had the chance to control in an RPG setting before (not Peach, Luigi, or Bowser) after they've had a big role in the story up to the point that you recruit them.

How old are you?

Make the audience system a bit like the law system in FFT Advance

I hated the audience system, all it pretty much did for me was annoy the shit out of me and constantly fucked me over besides the few times Luigi tossed me a Ultra Shroom.

imo: I liked PM64 better than TTYD because of this.

If Bowser's going to be in it again as a sympathetic character, I wouldn't mind if he had an arc that made you feel sorry for him. Maybe his son is kiddnapped by the real bad guy and forced to attack him because of an implant or mind control or something. That'd be cool, I think.

A return to form in structure and game design. I'm plenty happy with the soundtrack and the visuals, but I'd love to return to an RPG akin to either of the first two games. I wouldn't mind if Bowser was the villain, since Nintendo managed to give him a personality in the first one even as the big bad, but I just want the personality of the old games back.

Same structure as the old games (capture the seven power mcguffins to get the power to defeat the big bad) and an action-command battle system (FP, SP, etc), and good story and characters to tie it all together.

Story-wise, space Super Mario-type worlds would work well and could give some much needed environment variety to the franchise without losing too much of the PM form (SPM took place in too weird of a world, even though it was still fun)

>he got exposed days ago
what happened

I always thought the character design in TTYD and SPM looked kind of dumb and Deviantart-tier.

Homogenizing everything isn't any better though.

How about maybe the ability to use two partners? That way I feel more like I'm working with a team of characters I befriended than just feeling like I have one.

>The fact that you CAN make them different and provide an atmosphere with their design rather than copy pasting the same one means there aren't a lot of reasons not to.

If they really wanted to they could have probably very easily copy/pasted any enemy in Sticker Star and made into an NPC. They simply choose to have a cast of Toads.

Someone tracked down his Miiverse after he posted one of its posts once on a Metroid thread
It all went downhill from there

>space Super Mario-type worlds
*Spacey Mario Galaxy-type worlds

They've been doing that over and over, though. It's not a matter of it 'simply' being the case, because lately all we seem to be getting are toads.

t b h: I hated partners. They always bugged the crap out of me because of their DeviantART esque designs and the fact they always had at least 2 useless moves on them, half the time they feel more like filler.

I wouldn't mind another Solo-Mario quest, just give Mario curses he gains throughout the game like in TTYD and have those moves be usable in battle, maybe if Mario gains much more diversity in battles too then it would be perfectly fine.

Wario would fit the role perfectly.

>Acts as your rival throughout most of the game, gets stronger every time you fight him
>Is after the same treasures Mario is
>Joins you as your partner in the final leg of the game
>Basic shoulder-bash attack, secondary attack is groundpound which stuns all enemies for a turn and flips shelled ones on their backs
>Third attack is his sprinting headbutt move from Warioland 4, attacks all ground enemies and does piercing damage to all spiky/shelled enemies
>Fourth attack he eats a hot pepper and becomes Fire Wario, runs all around and through the air, damaging all enemies and giving them a Burn condition for the next few turns

>Harman Smith
Holy shit it is Cody

>Harman Smith

That was his twitter name before changing it

>practically drowning in his own saliva
>has a cat
Not surprising.

>DeviantART esque designs
Maybe in TTYD, but there's no one in PM64 who is further removed from the base NPC aside from an article of clothing or a different color from the rest. I would be happy if they opted to design partners after the first game, since there's a lot to be appreciated from the simple designs.

I also don't agree on the filler moveset bit. I know that some moves are more situational than others, but on the whole each partner avoids redundancy in their moveset.

>This is the guy who has been bothering these threads for the past few weeks

Jesus. 'Pretendo' is a thousand times more cringe when spoken aloud than written.

It's sadder seeing him stumble and contradict himself IRL.


Yeah, that'd be a good example. In fact, pretty much anyone villainous or morally ambiguous would be great

I'm sure you can make a drinking game out of this

So he brings up the complaints people make, says there's some truth to them, and then says all the complaints are dishonest?

Doesn't matter because he's a "real Paper Mario fan"
Is the infograph guy in this thread?

Post-Archie Sonic Reboot = Post-Sticker Star Paper Mario

How long does it take to delete a Youtube channel?

>another solo-mario quest

But there's never been any solo Mario RPG, what the fuck are you talking about. Also, how can one person have such horrible taste??

This is Sup Forums

They took her

Her what?

Well I'm sorry to hear that.

I think know geno would be a great end game spoiler as a partner
Now that Nintendo and square are on better terms it's plausible
I didn't even like super Mario rpg that much, it would just be a cool reference

but i need one on a stationary console

>mfw Cody keeps coming back just to ruin any Paper Mario, Star Fox, or Metroid threads
>Even though we know a lot about him and people are finding more shit everyday

It's almost like he wants to get fucked over or something


>wants to be remembered as a smug, almost-tripfag
>the 2-3 people who care will remember him as a lip smacking fag with a receding hairline

He's probably going to delete them Youtube videos to dispose the evidence.
Right now people know how he talks and that his real name is Travis

>receding hairline

It's only people in Paper Mario threads who know about his identity and shit.
If he wants to be fucked over he should let his information be known on Kiwifarms or Encyclopedia Dramatica or something

But this is PAPER Mario, not standard Mario.

You don't want Wario now that he's basically just Nintendo's le randum gross man
All of his moves would just be based on bad breath and farts


is paper mario fun
