ITT: fun multiplayer games nobody plays anymore
ITT: fun multiplayer games nobody plays anymore
Is the Multiplayer in Lost Planet 2 completely dead?
There are a few co-op story mode lobbies here and there, especially now with the sale, but matchmaking is more or less dead.
It's still sort of active on PS3.
I would play the PC version but I'd have to download it and find people who cared to use Hamachi.
So which version of LP1 do I get on the Steam sale? Skimming the reviews for Colonies, a lot of people seem to be bitching and moaning that it doesn't even work after GFWL was yanked.
As far as dead go I know the PS3 version has people just joining a room or finding decent people is the hard part.
transformers war for cybertron and fall of cybertron. Both were fantastic
Can I just buy the Steam version of this and not have to worry about any Windows Live bullshit? I can just download it and play right?
CoD 1 MP
Kane & Lynch 2
nope, its on gfwl
Didn't GFWL get dismantled?
Lost Planet 3 is what made me finally give up on Capcom. Held out hope they weren't complete shit and then that happened.
Only got to play the multiplayer for a bit. Shit was really fun. Transformers games are so underrated.
>tfw no beast wars game
Evidently not, I just bought it on the sale last night and had to make a Microsoft account to even launch the game.
the Mp in these games was so fun, just dodging around in the light car and the jet classes felt so good and the graphics and art were stellar
I got it in steam sale recently and people still play it
>"Match Start! Destroy the enemy team"
>every transforms into planes and flys around for 10 minutes
Is it even good as a co-op game?
lp3 is single player
wasnt CON MAN the respoinsible fuck for outsourcing the development? and a literal who shit developer too.
Also, this game is just absolute garbage, they strayed so far off the original concept to applease the "american" market, the VS look like absolute shit, and the gameplay is just completely different off the 1st two games. I know people liked to shit on LP2 because it lacked a story, but it was a damn well solid coop experience.
Halo 3
I'll never understand why debs think they need to try and get another audience. Are there any games where that shit has actually worked? Seems like they always alienate the original fans and don't get their intended new audience so they just fuck themselves over.
>Are there any games where that shit has actually worked?
Fallout franchise, im fairly sure theres many others too
Lost Planet 2 usually gets player count bumps whenever a sale is on.
You're outta luck if you're looking for PvP at any time of year though.
Honestly after playing about 6 hours of LP3, it would've been serviceable as a linear level-based shooter with non-stop action, a-la Binary Domain.
Instead they hamfisted some cruddy psuedo-open-world shit in there so you spend like 10 minutes slowly trundling towards each mission.
.... ;_;
There's a steam group called Lost Planet Old School Team that do weekly Lost Planet 2 and Colonies PVP games. Other than that you're shit out of luck for multiplayer.