Persona 5 confirmed for having best soundtrack in series

Persona 5 confirmed for having best soundtrack in series.

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February can't come soon enough

This sounds worse than P3 and P4 honestly.

especially come september

I don't know japanese man

You have 3 months to learn, user.

I don't think he means for you to play it. I think the wait will be a lot harder when you have to avoid getting spoiled.

And don't download the soundtrack either. I got spoiled for a game because of the soundtrack.

>Learning enough japanese to play P5

3 months*

at least people stopped bitching about the us version not have jap audio.

Im still bitching tho

i play persona to immerse myself in an anime life simulation

No Jap voices will ruin my full immersion

Don't invoke then.

I hope this is the battle theme instead of the one with shitty vocals

this tbqh

it's going to be high school anime weeb club with english honorifics

to late. I razzled the weeabos.

Watch again theres 2.The one you mentioned and the other that is vocal version of the OP version.Sorry pal

This is a bad thing though. If people bitch long enough they may actually break and release it.

Goddamit, why do people lock these games to trash plastic boxes?

I just want to play the game without having to pay 300euros.


the guitar riff was so much better than the vocals

Hacked my PS3 so no dual audio no buy.

>Not liking the vocals
Pleb of plebs

If you really cared that much about the immersion you'd 日本語を勉強する。

I honestly don't understand. Why listen to a language you can't understand and read instead of just listening to the us audio. I may not be an audio phile but i've never found a dub to be so bad that i can't watch or play. maybe some really old anime but otherwise no.

Don't start this again user, i only want a comfy P5 thread. No more sub/dub wars

Because original language dubs for all media are 95% of the time the best versions in terms of VA quality, and looking at the JP P5 cast it looks like it'll hold true again.

>I honestly don't understand. Why listen to a language you can't understand and read instead of just listening to the us audio.

Sounds better, things tend to sound better in their original language and match the setting better (if the setting is a place where the original language is actually used, if it's some fantasy world, it really doesn't matter.

It doesn't sound like anything special

I'm sorry, Persona 3 is still the best in regards to music.

You were still right regardless.

Shoji's still got it

Check my argument
No it isnt

What argument?

Yes it is.

meh, more generic pop rock crap

sounds like the kind of shit they put on those introductory corporate videos when you start a new job, ugh

>the game takes place in Tokyo
>most of the cast I'm a fan of
>the dub will have Americans pronouncing honorifics
>every trailer for the last 3 years have had Jap voices and I can no longer disassociate the characters from them
>dual audio means both is available

What reasons for not having it is more like it.

Trips confirmed
Moon impossible

i haven't heard any pop rock shit with jazz elements on the radio. can you link me some?

So it is an audiophile thing it seems. Honestly the majority of japanese voices sound the same to me.

That's because you're simple.

>pop rock
user, can you even differentiate musical genres?
Were you raised by "Nintendos" parents?

>jazz elements

no.. just, please fuck off

How long do you estimate this game's first playthrough will take you?
I'm going to guess 70ish


simple man simple pleasures.

85 hours

The entire soundtrack is acid jazz, dude.

Supposing that the rumor of it being longer than p3 true

60-70 hours im guessing

For me? 80 plus. I'm slow and like to enjoy things. I got 90 into PQ atm.

This is my most hyped game, fuck it looks so good

everytime I rewatch the trailer I cum

You're using that in the wrong context

>P3P took me 60 hours
>Just beat Mitsuo in P4 and I'm already over 40
I hope P5 is even longer.

When the lyrics kick in

That is really some good shit

I'm more bothered by because of the large gap now from english to jp release
that and i really wanted the JP audio after voice actress interview

>it can't be jazz if i don't like it

wew lad

>Her outfit after she transforms is like, "Wow!"
Holy fuck, she is too cute.

>cutest VA voicing best girl

all is right in the world

Hope they do one of these with Aoi or Sugita.

Is there even a video game composer more consistently top-tier than Meguro?


Theres one with Miyano the VA of Ryuji but i can't find it anywhere

Japanese isn't hard.

The only thing hard is memorizing 2500 kanji. The grammar is intuitive as fuck.

I'm a really slow player. Probably just over 100.

Why is Igor's voice different?

Previous VA died.

Probably 100 or so. It was like that for P4G because I'm so slow.

Because his Japanese VA died. I'm guessing he has a larger role since they had been reusing clips for a while.

rate my morgana mousepad senpai

Pretty cute/10


Pretty sick/10


Would be better if Morgana was on the right side.


Is fine too/10

Bad thing that memorizing kanji is 90% of learning nihongo

How the hell will I get rid of the P5 recommendations on Youtube? Should I just make a new account when September rolls around?

Thanks everyone. Here is the image I made and used. I bought it off Inked Gaming (regular custom mousepad for $10). I don't want to link the site because I don't want to look like a shill (i'm not).

Remember anons stream the 19 of the next month.A live demo will be avaible and much more stuff

>How the hell will I get rid of the P5 recommendations on Youtube?
By using your fucking brain and disabling recommendations.
>but user I'm retarded and don't know how

Thanks. I honestly didn't know I could do this. Make fun of me some more.

>No Western PS3 version.
I'm not going to buy a Bloodborne machine just for one game or learn moonrunes.

Tbh I already am saturated with news, I know a lot more than I would call optimal already and I am already convinced its gonna be goat
Trailers do nothing to me anymore other than making me feel spoiled

>No Western PS3 version.
Citation needed

>No Western PS3 version
What are you talking about? Atlus confirmed a physical PS3 release.

There is a PS3 release
PS4 is for the special editons

Oh fuck, this changes everything.

Are you stupid? There is a PS3 release.
You just don't get the game bundled with cardboard garbage and a thrift store gym bag.

Literally 1 dollar senpai

I'm not a fan of the artcow mousepad quality.

Best Persona coming through

fuck i missed the pic

No dual audio No buy


PS3 undub day 1

>Char is the main villain

>not importing either version since no region lock
Oh wait, you're the type of weeb that can't play unless there are subtitles.

>Yuri Lowenthal.jpg

I am honestly offended at how gorgeous P5's UI design is, because it shows that most games have terrible UI in comparison.

c'mon user l love the jap cast as much as the next guy but don't go saying VA's that aren't even confirmed to be in the game