What are some of the worst grinds in videogames?
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jelly juice in cave story
EverQuest endgame
>insert Korean "MMO"
The original Darkfall was fucking horrific maxing out stats and spell levels pre patch. Korean mmo pain
RuneScape. In 2007 I got around 20m mining xp for some reason. Not sure what the fuck I was thinking.
Metin2 quests, especially the biology quests
Runescape skilling is much easier nowadays.
But it is still a grind.
Already posted what I wanted, the relic/anima weapons in FFXIV are an absolute joke in comparison.
Runescape has some pretty awful grinds for level 99 skills. Especially in OSRS.
Slayer probably being one of the worst
>Gain experience by killing monster assigned by a task
>XP gained is roughly equivalent to tasks HP
>Level 99 takes 13,034,431 experience
>Need to do around 13 million points worth of damage to task monsters
>In a game where max HP is 99 and hitting 25+ with melee swings is considered a lot of damage.
HP itself requires this much damage but not on particular monsters and will hit 99 just leveling other combat skills.
DFO had gear that required you to do daily dungeons for like 6 months to get enough mats. None of which were tradable.
By the time you got that stuff, a new patch would be out and make that gear worthless.
>ffxi RME weapons
>Relic takes like 300 hours
>Mythic takes like 500 hours
>Empy takes like 400-800 hours depending on luck
>This is the warning you see every time you start the game
the laser beam secondary in Megaman Legends 2
Just a personal experience of mine, I got server first in archaeology when cataclysm came out. Was about 30 straight hours of grinding and it was fucking horrible would never do something like it again. I was level 83 before I even touched a quest. Archaeology was also harder to level until later on in cata.
I actually stopped and went to sleep for a few hours after hitting 450 and got 525 after I woke up. Assuming other people gave up after they saw I got server first 450.
I kind of wish I had not done it because I actually liked archaeology and I didn't want to touch the skill again afterwards.
I think runecrafting was slower if you didn't have anybody to run rune essence for you. Slayer was at least more fun.
maxing the sphere grid in FFX
fuck that shit
fuck that level entirely
Serious question: why would a game developer add in huge amounts of grinding? I mean, how do they see it as a positive aspect of the game?
oy vey goyim, go and get the emprrrress' quqirn frrriend 30,000 alexandrite. I need more money for my outfits.
earning something is a lot more rewarding than having it handed to you on a silver platter. Plus it gives you something to distinguish yourself with.
If you had the resources to do abyss runs with rune pouches it was pretty quick and made you disgusting levels of gp. Runecrafting is a joke to level un RS3 because of runespan.
Slayer is definitely more fun though and has the plus of leveling other combat skills.
I'm so glad the steam version has a 4x speedup it makes the monster capturing trivial and should make the grinding for penance much faster.
More "gametime"
Oh fuck off, EQ vanilla wasn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. You just needed competent teammates and to not be on a shit server, which was any PVP server, which I bet you played on.
Because they want you to stay subscribed or they're catering to an niche of ulillillia's who have serious mental issues
Big numbers are fun for people apparently
>Grinding and combat for endgame content got so long a speedup was added to the international version
Pure Bladestone
Trying to get anything in Dragon Ball Xenoverse
People like it apparently, just look at idle games, they are pure grinding
Let me tell you about valors Sup Forums:
In chromehounds there were achievements for the 6 classes called 'valor's. The grind for them was so grueling, that it is incredibly rare to see people with them, even players with thousands of hours would never have achieved them without specifically seeking them.
Each valor required upwards of 700 games INDIVIDUALLY, since levels needed exponentially more XP to reach (the half way point was level 82.)
I played chromehounds for 3000 hours, about 150 of which was spent getting one valor, the easiest one.
Cecil resetting into a Paladin in FF4.
Gearing up for hell in diablo 2 singleplayer unless you're playing a class that can do it naked - necro or sorc.
I've never played this. The gunner description just describes shooting at the base. Wouldn't someone try to stop you?
artificial longevity
>hard to make
Only Ochain, but I never played until lvl 99 update. Abyssea ruined the game for me
MVP cards in Ragnarok Online.
Ragnarok Online
Final Fantasy Tactics
Rogue Galaxy
Lineage II
>drops that are 1/10000
>drops that are locked from your character on character creation
Grinding allows unskilled players to win, too.
>cant strategize?
>cant into reflexes?
>cant solve puzzles?
>cant read a map?
>cant multitask?
>cant get a k/d ratio?
well you can still grind!
Honestly not quite as bad as getting rare equip to +10. 0,01% to get the shit dropped and then 0.2916% to get it to +10 and the billions you have to spend on the upgrade mats.
Gm/hw was stupid, winter Saber was stupid and gold in general sucked in vanilla
Last time I played they rebalanced the game, changed the cap from 150 to 175, had plans for later recapping to 200, and I ended up stopping at 125-130 cuz it was so slow to level by myself after they nerfed barrel panda to shit. Even with a full party of friends, that game took eons to level up due to long, repetitive dungeons and dailies. Wasn't even a game anymore, just a chore. I know some people like that sort of thing, but I can't fucking do it anymore.
>tfw 1/1 for Morri's body 35
and I never finished it when all I needed was the lvl 15
There is not a single game out there that is a tougher grind.
This piece of shit - especially gaining ranks (to get some ships) and getting money for late-game ships in general.
Seriously, everything in this game beyond the first 10 hours or so is a Facebook-game-tier grind.
Move shit back in forth in a purposefully bland economy that you barely influence (it was set this way precisely because forum-dads were complaining that
Missions are mostly shit, and the good ones are locked behind combat rank - which requires (guess what) lots of repetitive kills to get in the first place. "Bounty hunting" mostly consists of waiting in the same ring system for hours, waiting for big ships to show up (and restarting the instance if they don't, because the game was coded with such bullshit RNG).
LOL. You shoot rocks with lasers and bring them back for pennies.
You repetitively scan systems, then bee-line to the most profitable objects (e.g. earth-like worlds), skipping the rest. What you discover has no relevance to the galaxy other than putting your name on it. Arguably, though, exploration is comfy, and doesn't require much credits in the first place, so people don't really "grind" out exploration, but do it because they enjoy it.
All of the above, just re-skinned, and you do it for a faction whose benefits essentially reset each week (so you have to do it again). Literally the most Facebook-tier of activities. Also, if you care about the """"strategic"""" aspects of Powerplay, then you barely interact with your enemies, as they will likely be influencing the galaxy in Solo mode.
*(it was set this way precisely because forum-dads were complaining that certain players were getting "too much money" by taking advantage of a previously more realistic, volatile economy)
Maplestory definitely had one of the worst grinds of any game before it went full casual.
I liked this game but grinding for thunder rings and tears from big dragon were just too fucking much. I must have done that damn boat 300 times without a ring while watching other people get them regularly. Same with tears. Bullshit.
lvl 95 to 100 in Atlantica Online.
this one is bad
Jesus what a bunch of crybabbies I bet they didn't like eve online economy because they never left highsec
i second this
Oh, they shit on EVE all the time, and have purposefully helped guide the development of Elite to be as far from what they perceive EVE to be as possible.
Even the most modest requests to not allow free switching between Solo and Open are met with dads complaining "oh, you want to just be able to gank us like in EVE?"
Level 9 to 10 in GTAIV.
Add to that, drops that were over 1 million to 1.
Or drops that were 1/1000 on rare enemies that were also roughly 1/1000.
And, just the grind after roughly level 160. The middle of level 183 was the halfway point of experience to 200. 16.5 levels = same experience of 183.5. And level 200 took, what, 4.5 million or so experience just by itself?
>Those legendary grinds
>Arbitrary lock outs, preventing you from actually grinding.
Mabinogi's Magic Craft and Engineering, and their subskills Shyllien Ecology and Rare Minerology.
To elaborate a bit, with most skills they're usually placed under a talent, something like cooking has Cooking, Ingredient Hunting, Tasting, Catering, Milking, Egg Gathering, Mushroom Picking, Hoeing, Harvesting and Wine Making for instance.
On rebirth you can pick any talent (except for Hero talents, gotta pay for those but it's just 3 talents in one) and for every skill under that talent you get 2x training.
The four skills mentioned are not under any talent so you must train them one action at a time.
To master rank something like Magic Crafting (Which you need to do so you can make the absolute best items with that skill and the title it gives you) you need to do the following
Magic conversion success. 6000 times
Mana Bullet crafting success. 6000 times
Magic material crafting success. 4000 times
Magic accessory crafting success. 2500 times
Magic Weapon and Armor crafting success. 1500 times
you need an absurd amount of materials to finish it.
You COULD in theory soften up the grind by using 2x life training potions and 2x life skill events but both are exceedingly rare.
Honorable mention goes to Carpentry from rank 4 to mastery for the one training requirment called " Successfully make a Fine Grade Bow. "
A "Fine Grade Bow" means it has to be Godly ranked with your signature on it when made.
There is no way to influence it to give you better rank bows, you're just rolling a dice each time you make a bow.
Nigga Atlantica wasn't even bad unless you wanted to do the "kill thousands of x enemies" -quests
Are you from /edg/?
Space Ireland will be free
Know a friend that had his life ruined for a year or 10 due to this.
50 Loyce Souls in Crown of the Ivory King.
Especially because the series never really required grinding before.
I should however clarify a bit though, that's just for mastering skills.
When it comes to just training them to R1 (The best rank, Mastering a skill just gives titles) you just have to add up points till you hit 100, if you go and over train before you rank up to the next level, you just get a bit of bonus exp.
You can even skip a few hard levels by just using training seals to add sizeable level chunk, so you can get rid of 10, 35 or even 50 points and be halfway done with training.
Mastering requires you to do EVERYTHING.
>no one posts getting a decent loadout in Granblue Fantasy
Take your (you) and go
Worst grind Ive faced was smalltime and it was on aion. You had to craft this item which required some insanely rare reagent x100. But the crafting system had a 20% chance to create a more powerful version of an item. And the item you needed for the quest was not the default item, it was the improved version.
So basically you were crafting a useless item in the hope you hit the 20% chance for a good one.
Before that you also had a quest that required you to kill 300 monsters. But that was pretty daoble
The kill x amount of AI bots/towers achievements in Monday Night Combat.
Fucking impossible. And theres no real reward either.
Steam says I have 31 hours played. I have killed 162 out of 100,000 Buzzer kills needed and destroyed 7 out of 2,500 Shave Ice turrets.
Test Drive Unlimited was pretty comfy when they weren't crashing anyway. Too bad it, and the sequel, were as unstable as central African republics.
Playing the wrong section ID in PSO.
The Guld handgun as a Greenil ID has a 1 out of 40,333 chance of appearing from a RARE monster.
>metin 2
my nigga
>Oh so you wanna lvl up your sub weapons to do more damage?
Sure go ahead, just never try to lvl it up past lvl 7anon kekekek
Also retard drop rates from bosses, and the worst part?.... I love it
breeding for IVs in pokemon games without knowledge of rng manipulation/access to cheats
Getting a gf irl
You can breed and get good ivs in modern pokes, casual as fuck
The most annoying grind of them all
if you had at least 1 friend you could grind all subs within an hour
I at this as someone who bought Simon day 1 and had him completely maxed before we killed retro drac that same day
>Are you from /edg/?
No more. I left that wretched place of misery, despair and eradicated hopes and dreams behind me.
There's like at least 10 forms of equipment grinding in that game.
I can't remember the pet name or area but it was a forest type place where these butterflies had like .02 chance to drop this pet I wanted in wOW - I don't know how many of those fucking things I killed and I never got it
Path of Exile, and nearly every single MMO, especially Korean ones. Thats why PoE is there - it is a failed Korean MMO.