The Wii U tablet is retarded and shouldn't exist

The Wii U tablet is retarded and shouldn't exist.

Be careful op you're gonna upset nintenfags whose only defense for this game is too tell them to get good

>e3 2016
>nintendo specifically says tablet was a mistake
>gamers should not be looking away from tv

Nintoddler here, Star Fox Zero is fucking terrible.

what now?

>Nintoddler here
no you're not

I like it, but I wouldn't miss it if it was gone.

I've never seen anybody actually defend this game's controls.

Funniest shit to me is that this game exists solely to prove the tablet wasn't a failure, and all it did was make the tablet into a liability that fucked up the controls hard. Meanwhile Mario Maker and Splatoon put the tablet to perfectly good use the year before and totally justified its existence.

He's not lying. The game is shit and for more reasons than the controls

I used to hate the forced gyroscope for aiming with the wii u shooters
But it's the closest thing to mouse and keyboard with controlers
I still don't like only slightly less

The WiiU tablet is genius and will be remembered in ten years as a design ahead of its time as cheap, accurate capacitive touchscreen interfaces start to appear on everything in lieu of or in addition to physical buttons.