Games where even when you win, you feel nothing but loss.
Mass effect 3
Mighty No. 9
Halo Reach
Sup Forums LOL threads.
Sleeping Dogs
Max Payne, all three of them
Dark Souls 3 pvp
I have a soft spot for rats
Game of Thrones has vidya.
The Witch's House
celshaded Prince of Persia
every game is a boring stomp either way
Dota 2
max looked relatively happy at the end of 3
Life is Strange
Loss you say?
Fuck you, I'd managed to forget about that game
mgsv. i'll never get over it
Witcher 3 gave me The Feels.
Do you know what it's like to be a monster?
and then trying to play Drakengard 3
Hearts of Iron 3
Maybe I'm just shit at the game but I won Operation Barbarossa by a hair strand. All that anxiousness felt more like a loss.
Still felt good as shit after a little while though
>Original, vanilla 'Loss'
Got you fampai
>Original, vanilla 'Loss'
Look again, closer this time
Bible Black
Can GoT fucking die already?
someone make a GoT loss for Eddard and Lyanna
League of Legends
Are there any games where I can blow up a city?
Tomen dies
good I was tired of his fat little frog faced incest bullshit
Fallout 3 and 4
that moment was so fucking funny, he just casually falls out of a window
Good fucking lord they killed the scum to avenge him.
He was the opposite of Joffrey-- good natured, but ultimately a weak willed puppet that that was too dumb to live without someone around to pull his strings. He was left alone for half an episode and then this happens.
>get off Sup Forums to avoid GoT spoilers
>people posting GoT spoilers on Sup Forums
for fucks sake
the OP didn't have any implicit spoilers. if you ventured forward even after seeing the OP post, it's your own fault
Very definition of what you are looking for.
friendly reminder GoT is about an sjw woman and her dyke ally with a dickless, belittled white male of a brother leading a bunch of shitskins to destroy the west
This. He finally got passed it.
any open world RPG
was this the last episode?
>avoid spoilers
>browse internet forums
Pick one faggot. You easily could have streamed the episode by now, you deserve it.
Of the season.
of the season, yeah
two more seasons to go. endgame shit is happening.
I had a shitty day so i had to ruin someone elses
Last episode of the season, and probably one of the most satisfying ones I've seen so far.
>expecting Sup Forums to not be bigger shitters than Sup Forums
Sup Forums specifically comes here for this shit. your own fault.
smug cersei
Bran is the lord of light from the future to save all from the white walkers
Did Littlefinger smile at the end? I couldn't really tell. That fucker has something up his sleeve doesn't he. I wonder if he somehow knows about Snow's real parents.
Why is Game of Thrones so shitty?
Almost everyone I know gobbles this shit up and I have no idea why.
The "game" about bartending animemes that recently came out and was shilled to death.
Downed a bottle of vodka and played it. Fuck that was a disappointing waste of time, the writing is mediocre, everything is meh, there's no point.
I'm more mad about smoking two packs of cigarettes while playing it and realizing i'm also out of money.
started watching for the boobs.
stayed for the drama
maybe your retarded or have shit taste
Why, the Witcher 3, of course
Where you play as the White Wolf
Just like the White Wolf in Game of Thrones season 6 ha ha
They have the same scar and everything
I'm so glad the writers are finally free to move off the source material : ^)
Or maybe Game of Thrones is just the League of Legends of television shows?
He said why is it shitty, not why is it great. There is no answer for his question since it isn't shitty. My guess is user is just used to Hollywood's use of non-stop action to make a "good" movie, and can't handle things that are more story based like GoT.
It's called "least common denominator" for a reason, user.
GRRM wasn't aiming to make a work of literachur, but characters behaved as if they had logical motivations and things generally made Sense.
GoT is schlock full of plot holes and nonsense. And it's not even fun schlock, since it takes itself so fucking seriously.
>tfw people try to compare stuff to LoL as an insult
>you don't even know what LoL is like
>they are somehow elitists because they know what a shitty game is like...
I don't understand how this works.
>inb4 user claims he never played it, but instead researched the shit out of it as if that's any better
Has anyone even mentioned Spec Ops yet?