Custom soldiers

>Custom soldiers
>shooting doesn't put you on the minimap
>60Hz on both Consoles/PC MINIMUM
>specific damage on specific parts of a vehicle
>actual destruction
>no visual recoil
>more points given to objective players
>SMGs are garbage past 50 yds/m
>Weather affects sniper glint
>No active spotting
>no all kit weapons, all classes have specific roles.
>no bullshit counterknife

This game sounds awesome fuck you Sup Forums.
Now call me a shill when this game seems to fix everything wrong with BF4 and more.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yet again you guys don't actually play video games and rather complain about a black man on a cover of a mainstream video game. Fuck this website.

But I like active spotting and visual recoil.

>fuck you Sup Forums

>Fuck this website.

Then leave you triggered troglodyte Tumblrites.

Active spotting was bullshit though. It ruined the need of flanking in BF4 and made some of the choke pointy maps way to unbearable. Not to mention the overpowered Dorito spotting in BF4 lead to people literally only focusing on thier mini map.

Visual recoil is a nice bonus on top of this.

I'm not from tumblr. I actually play video games unlike half you fags and this game sounds like it fixed soo many issues with BF4/BF4. If the game doesn't launch in a complete disaster I'm buying day one.

Battlefield games have always been fun .

I don't care if you get triggered over a nigger white boi.

Just reinstall 2142 rather than worrying over Battlefield: sjWWI

they said the same thing of star wars battlefront before it launched.
now look at it

>playing the black guy strawman
Can't wait for yet another masterful hit like Battlefront from this esteemed and prestigious developer!

>triggered troglodyte Tumblrites
I don't know what you've heard about this site and Sup Forums but you can rightly fuck off back to Sup Forums thinking we're here for you to whine about black guys.

Battlefront/Hardline were cash ins to lure normies in.
Mainline BF games have always been decent. If the game is shit I wont buy it like hardline/battlefront.
Current post patch BF4 on PC is sometimes better than vanilla BF2.
I don't care if you fags get triggered over a nigger, as long as the game is fun and decent I'll buy it.

>white boi
Fucking lol
Kill yourself.

i'm a little concerned it'll be more of a "steampunk cowboy" shooter than world war I.

The easiest way to fix it, however, is to revamp the class selection and "flesh out" the team.

Basically, players are either specialists outfitted with exotic weaponry, standard infantry (with sidearms) that lead a pair of bots with sophisticated AI that are standard infantry soldiers of world war I, and play a very specific role in and of themselves, or they control the vehicles.

Now, if the AI is shit, that idea is totally worthless, but if the AI approaches the behavior of how a real player would play with that, then it might have some merit.

Other thread got mysteriously deleted so I'm repeating myself.

Battlefield 1 is the worst blackwashing I have ever seen, what the fuck is going on

I've been here since 2006 you stupid faggot. Sup Forums is not your hugbox, no one gives a shit about your feelings here.

>no bullshit counterknife

Technically true, but you can counter bayonet by charging your attacker.

>been here since 2006

>Sup Forums is not your hugbox
That's true but it's not your hugbox for whining about shit unrelated to vidya. These threads always go to shit because of whiny white guys who are unironically triggered.

This. If you were any good in BF4 80% of the game was staring at your minimap.

Hopefully Bayonets get changed before release or have a massive cooldown that locks you from sprint for a long ass time.
Shit seemed stupid on the alpha gameplay from E3.

>no visual recoil

How is that a good thing?

Sounds neat and I'm looking forward to the biplanes.
Been missing the propeller planes from 1942, have no chance of controlling the jets in BF3 and 4.

It would be bad ass if they made it to where the person with more kills that life comes out on top

>3 out of 4 UK classes are black
Yeah nah, way to go diversity!

I have you insufferable faggot. Everyone is an FOB like you.

>That's true but it's not your hugbox for whining about shit unrelated to vidya
Says someone whining about people complaining about something because it offends him

Now the recoil you see on the screen is the actual recoil your weapon suffers while firing.

I cannot properly express how hyped I am for a Red Baron dogfight in SP.

Not everyone*

It doesn't offend me more than it's breaking the boards' rules with how fucking unrelated le white man's burden is to vidya. Take it to Sup Forums or the more friendly Sup Forums, newfriend. :^)

Is this true? Where's the sauce? This might be a good battlefield game since bad company 2


>It doesn't offend me
Why are you lying? You wouldn't be here doing this if it didn't offend you.

People didn't start saying newfag until 2007 when there was an influx of posters, people didn't start saying new friend until that time Sup Forums got friendly wordfilters some years later. Using phrases like that makes it obvious you are new.

>Battlefield games have been fun
>Y-you dont belong to this site
Fuck off shill

Don't even care. Manfred von Richthofen is mai waifu.

>SMGs fucking everywhere
>sprinting around with 20lb machineguns
>boltactions reserved for snipers

>Custom soldiers
Can i able to change soldiers skin?

>Why are you lying?
It's rulebreaking, not really lying famalam.

>People didn't start saying newfag until 2007
what the fuck are you bringing this up for
Not to mention tons of players were bitching about the SMGs being ass at long range in the E3 demo when it was intentional.

EA fucking sucks but BF4 proves that modern nu Battlefield can be decent and fun.
Heres hoping the launch isn't complete garbage.

You bet your ass you cant, gotta fill that 90% black soldiers quota

Can I have a gay romance with a french black general in the campaign while riding the hindenburg?

Man, you are really dumb if you expected any sort of historical accuracy in a battlefield game. Most of those complaints can be used just as readily on every single other battlefield game. They have always been super arcadey.

Read the rest of the post, Tumblr, I already answered that question.
And yes, everyone knows you are just upset about muh racism and are trying to hide behind "not videogames!" to mask what you are actually crying about.

>SMGs fucking everywhere
Yeah and they are literally horrible beyond close range.
>sprinting around with 20lb machineguns
BF was never realistic, plus if you fire them in full auto for too long the MGs overheat
>boltactions reserved for snipers
Thats a good thing. Now every class has a specific weapon and role since BF is a FUCKING CLASS BASED SHOOTER.
BF3/BF4 all kit weapons ruined any reason to not play engi/assualt.

I really want a 1914 cavalry charge against a machine gun with everyone getting mowed down.

I don't care if it's scripted, it would be awesome

>boltactions reserved for snipers
Is this real?

>If you enjoy vidya and talking about vidya you're from tumblr

>Expecting fulfilling conversations about your 'hobby' on Sup Forums

Why else would you assume this?

BF4 should have been playable from the very beginning, the excuse "Oh but now works" it's shit.

I get this all the time you low-tier memester.

VNs are more fun tbqh DICE


If you want to kill yourself maybe. BF games have been consistently fun since 1942. Go fuck yourself.

If you love vidya and talking about vidya why aren't you doing it?

shill pls
battlefield has been complete garbage since BC2

>no visual recoil
But they already confirmed there IS visual recoil.

I'm in 4 other threads, I just happen to enjoy BF games and I saw this one. It was entirely how I expected it to be.

BC2 was weak, BF3 shits all over it in every regard. You'd understand this if you weren't a little consolegustav faggot.

>SMGs fucking everywhere
DICE has never put a limitation on the number of people that can use X class. If you didn't see this coming, you're dumb as a brick.
>sprinting around with 20lb machineguns
In BF4 you sprint around with LMG, mortar, C4, grenades, 4 belts of ammunition, infinite ammo packs....
>boltactions reserved for snipers
And everyone can play as a sniper, making bolt actions accessible to everyone at any given time... what's the problem there?

It fucking better not be

BF3 was literally the most boring shit ever made, stop shilling your gay game

>buying ea games

You forgot actual IN GAME SERVER BROWSER that's also coming to BF4.

Fuck the plugin bullshit they were using.

>60Hz on both Consoles/PC MINIMUM

Battlelog is better than any in-game browser I've ever used. I wish more games used something similar.

>have different opinion

BF3 was great, deal with it nerd.

>Another reskin of Battlefield 4.
>This game sounds awesome.


>shitty small maps
>almost no vehicles
>downgraded sound
>shitty class system
And the other games are only downhill from there
I'd rather play the Toradora VN for the PSP

Thanks god you don't design games

Battlefield is just COD with tanks, bullet drop, larger maps and vehicles.

Seconding this; it's the best thing Battlefield currently has. DICE is shit at in-game server browsers. The one in BF2 was a large piece of shit that is still incredibly slow on a modern rig.

>whiny white guys

That explains it

Is it the CoD cucks that keep making these threads and the Sup Forums threads?

>____ is just ____ with ____
please die




You ARE shill
And i didnt even talk about how they have almost zero destruction
Battlefield is garbage

>Fixed issues with BF3/4
>That weren't issues in previous games
If they were dumb enough to make these issues in the first place I don't have high hopes.

Also I'm not even sure what it is, but the gunplay in the new battlefields isn't even fun/satisfying. Non hardcore takes like an entire clip to kill someone while hardcore makes everything an instakill.
Plus once the game is out for a month or 2 they nerf/buff everything until every gun feels exactly the same so it can be fair and balanced))))

This series needs to die.

4 other threads of quality Electronic Arts video games?

>SMGs are garbage past 50 yds/m
Yards are not the same as meters you fucking burger

Jesus christ, you Sup Forumsfags read up on ED too much. Your attempt at proving you arent a newfag failed since you're trying so hard and no one who has been here for a decade is proud of it. You can fool other newfags but not me. Lurk for another year before posting here.


what's visual recoil?

No one cares Sup Forums

>Sup Forums pretending they are relevant

they do have a massive cooldown on sprinting after using it

Cod is for kids
Arma is for boys
Battlefield is FO' KANGZ

except we've seen the gameplay already and it looks like shit


>French Army dlc
>Hip firing machine guns
>Running around rather than trench combat
>Lack of bolt action rifles

Fuck that game

Verdun here I come

What's the point of making a ww1 game if they ain't atleast making it somewhat representive of ww1 combat

nice projection bby

>Hip firing machine guns
makes more sense than shoulder fire

The server tick rate is gonna be 60hz unlike modern neo Blizzard games Sup Forums loves to suck off.

Because WW1 combat wont sell a million copies.

Oh tick rate of course, I kept thinking refresh rate and it made no sense. That's good

In the end you only made yourself look like a fool.

>jumping out your jet and killing the pilot of the jet chasing you with a rpg then entering his jet

you act like battlefield is known for realism, enjoy your simulator.

>no destruction

Did you not watch the fucking 1 hour livestream?

Literally bait, fuck off.

but the only good cod:uo has all of that except bullet drop, altho artillery had projectile drop

Then why not make a ww2 game? Surely ww2 in a frostbite engine would look better, don't you think?

I'm glad megadestruction is back. The microdestruction of BF3/4/Hardline was nowhere near as fun as BC1/2

>never seen anyone use "bby" ironically

newfig pls